Happy, sorry to see the

got you

Best of luck for this cycle. 3rd times the charm they say xxx
Green, I'm hoping you're doing well sweetheart xx
Choco, there's always hope sweetheart xx But I understand protecting yourself. Just know that it will happen one day. I know how frustrating it is to hear that but you will get your rainbow baby xx I'm sending you so much

Arturia, I replied in your thread. I know I wasn't really much help but I'm thinking of you and sending you so much love xxx If there is anything I can do, please let me know xx
Kaiecee, how're you today lovely?
AFM, picking up some FRER today and I'm a ball of nerves and anxiety. All I can think about is the test being faint/ negative/ nowhere near as dark as I think it should be by now. I did have some proper symptoms yesterday. Nausea, dizziness, just really not feeling well so I'm hoping that's a good sign. Depending on how the FRER goes, I might pick up some travel sickness bands, just in case. I will update my test in my pregnancy test thread (Pregnosis, can they be wrong). I don't want to cause any sadness in here xxx
Sending you all so much love

and baby
