Curiosity, I'm heartbroken for you sweetheart

I'm so sorry. Sending you so much love, strength and hugs xx I wish I could do something for you xxx Praying your rainbow baby finds you ASAP
Choco, I'm sorry love xx Unfortuantely, in medical terms, your time TTC restarts after a loss, as you have fallen pregnant

I have seen many women who don't fall as quickly as others and it takes a while for their hormones to readjust. I hope that your rainbow baby comes to you soon xxx
Matts, how exciting!! I have everything crossed for you sweetness

Let's hope the days fly and you get a wonderful

How're all the other beautiful ladies that follow this thread?
Thank you all for the kind words xx It really means so much to me. Hubby is being very supportive and kind, which is odd. I expected the anger to start by now. It's sad but I'm pretty sure he thinks this is only short term and doesn't realise how long I know this will take. Things can't be fixed in a few weeks or even a few months. The councilling courses he needs are around 10-12 weeks each and he need at least three different ones. As well as ourc couples course... I'm settled in for the long run but I don't think he is. We will be spending the day with him today, for him and Bub, so will see how that goes.
AFM though, I've been feeling right rotten the past few days. Constant overwhelming nausea and siactic nerve pain. I've been barely able to walk and just all round feeling sorry for myself. I knew I wouldn't get off as easily as I did with my son. Still waiting for an appointment to get a scan, that will hopefully be soon.
Loads of


to all xxx