***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

This is it at the 5 minute mark! I can't stop staring at it. I just don't believe it!


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Mattsgirl, that is SO WONDERFUL!!!!!

I'm 17 dpo today and tested BFN this morning. I don't know what's going on. I've never been a day late in my life (even as a teenager) and now this.
No denying that one! Congratulations matts!!

Hugs chocolate. I hope you get an answer soon I know it's super frustrating!

Tiny glad to hear DH is making some progress!

Good luck to all the ladies in the tww!

I've just been kinda lurking lately not talking much. My sickness has lightened up some which is a nice change but I'm still extremely exhausted all the time and have no added heartburn to my ever growing list of symptoms :cry: I'm just ready to get to second tri and hopefully feel a little better. My scan is in exactly one week and I can't wait to hopefully see a healthy little bean! :flower:
Yes matts!! I'm so happy it happened so quick for you again xxxx
AF came finally! I'm surprisingly relieved. Hopefully the results from my scan provide me with some sort of information to hang on to.
Thank you!! I'm still having a hard time believing it, and for the few minutes that I do believe it I'm suler freaked out and scared bout loosing this one too.
Oh Matts!!! :happydance: So exciting!! Congratulations gorgeous xxx Come on beanie, stick xx One day at a time lovely :hugs: So much love to you xx

Choco, sorry AF ended up arriving gorgeous xx :hugs: Have you been back to the doctor about the ultrasound? In hoping everything is ok and your sticky BFP is just around the corner xx

Curiosity, how're you going lovely? I'm sending you so much love and positive thoughts right now xx I wish I could give you a massive hug xx

Green, Happy, Kaiecee, Proud, Liles and Kk, how're all you beautiful ladies?

AFM, things are pretty rocky at the moment... Hubby has entered the anger phase and hasn't spoken to me in two days. He hasn't come and seen us either. I'm worried something has happened. I'm worried that it's all too much and he'll run away, or worse. I've been trying to distance my thoughts but it's getting very hard.
In other news, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to hopefully book a scan! I hope she doesn't question it and just does it automatically but I'm not going to leave until I get one. Even if I have to fudge the truth a little. I'm not going through 3 doctors again! My nausea has gotten pretty bad. I'm yet to throw up but I constantly sit just under that line. My siactic nerve has been playing up terribly too. Some days I can barely walk. Then the sore nipples, my GOD. I've had to cut Peapods feeds down to two a day because I actually can't handle the pain. I feel so terrible but hopefully it will all ease soon

Much love, heart hugs and dust to all xxx
Oh Matts!!! :happydance: So exciting!! Congratulations gorgeous xxx Come on beanie, stick xx One day at a time lovely :hugs: So much love to you xx

Choco, sorry AF ended up arriving gorgeous xx :hugs: Have you been back to the doctor about the ultrasound? In hoping everything is ok and your sticky BFP is just around the corner xx

Curiosity, how're you going lovely? I'm sending you so much love and positive thoughts right now xx I wish I could give you a massive hug xx

Green, Happy, Kaiecee, Proud, Liles and Kk, how're all you beautiful ladies?

AFM, things are pretty rocky at the moment... Hubby has entered the anger phase and hasn't spoken to me in two days. He hasn't come and seen us either. I'm worried something has happened. I'm worried that it's all too much and he'll run away, or worse. I've been trying to distance my thoughts but it's getting very hard.
In other news, I have a doctors appointment tomorrow to hopefully book a scan! I hope she doesn't question it and just does it automatically but I'm not going to leave until I get one. Even if I have to fudge the truth a little. I'm not going through 3 doctors again! My nausea has gotten pretty bad. I'm yet to throw up but I constantly sit just under that line. My siactic nerve has been playing up terribly too. Some days I can barely walk. Then the sore nipples, my GOD. I've had to cut Peapods feeds down to two a day because I actually can't handle the pain. I feel so terrible but hopefully it will all ease soon

Much love, heart hugs and dust to all xxx

Since I'm Getting my operation on the 5th of August I'm not trying but not preventing I'm suppose to start af the day of operation so I'll ask them to test me if she doesn't show but she usually does the day before.

Not temping and I'm definitely sure I'll be ov'ing in the next 24h so whatever happens,happens it's a no stress month and feels sold not to stress.

Hope you figure out where dh is,and that he gets the help he needs so you can come back as a family.

Sucks about the nausea and all the other pains pregnancy brings hope you get relief soon.
So dr wants me to use clomid for another 3 months but added metformin has anyone used this??
Got the results from my pelvic ultrasound today. My Doctor says there's absolutely nothing wrong and no signs of having problems having a pregnancy or keeping one. He said the biggest thing he noticed was that I seem very stressed and this can inhibit conception.

I guess he's right. This is a bit of a relief but I know I have a lot to work on in terms of being less stressed.

Hope all is well in here!
Hi all! Wanted to play catch up (again) with everyone!

Kaicee- how scary about your gallbladder. it's good that they are doing the surgery so you wont have to worry about it. if you are pregnant, will they wait until after baby is born or will the still be able to do it? do you have to wait to start trying again at all or will you be able to go right back to it? a good friend of mine was on metformin for about a year and it didn't do anything for her. She has PCOS however and has been trying for a year and a half now (just started clomid). i've heard others on here who have had success with it.

Happy- how are you doing?? i haven't peeked in on your journal today but how is your OPK looking? And good tip about using coconut oil for itchy skin. It's so hot here and i can't stop scratching...i will definitely have to go pick some up this week to try out!

Green- yay for the TWW! Any early symptoms so far? when do you think you will test next?

Tiny- :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: thank you for sharing your story with us. i pray that you and your little guy are doing well and that, in time, your DH will be able to reconcile and move forward from his past. i applaud you for making the decision to put yourself and your son first and get out of an abusive situation. I hope for all of you that are you are able to grow and move forward together. But if not, you are such a strong woman and will find your way in this new path. you are such a strong lady and i greatly admire you. take care of you and your sweet boy. all you can do for your husband is let him know what you need from him- it's 100% on him to make the change.I'm glad you are setting up weekly date nights with him to help reconnect! In terms of things moving quicker than you were thinking- i would caution against getting your hopes set on it. He has a lifetime of issues to sort through and it will pop up suddenly and set him back. then work through it, move forward, something else comes up. Two steps forward, one step back kind of a thing. Has he committed to stop drinking? From what you've said, it all seems heightened when he is drunk (especially as he is now become physically abusive when drunk). just remember that slow and steady is the way to go. time and work is what will get things to where they should be.

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad :( i hope the sciatic nerve pain goes away and you've been getting a bit of a break from the MS. I found my first tri MUCH harder this time than the first....part of it is you're chasing after a toddler all day long! and for BF'ing- if you need to wean him to spare yourself some pain, that's OK! i can't imagine nursing while preggo because of the sensitivity! hope it gets easier for you soon momma :hugs:

Proud- just a couple more days to your appointment!! i bet you are so excited!

missyogi- your chart is looking awesome hun! how are you feeling? any symptoms?

choco- :hugs::hugs: i'm so sorry that AF showed up for you. i hope that this cycle will be your lucky one. i'm not sure about how long post miscarriage. i know for some their cycles can be messed up for a few months- if yours falls into that, then FX this next cycle everything is back in balance and you can catch. You could always ask your doctor if you could have your hormone levels checked, just to be sure they are where they are supposed to be. i'm glad your scan came back normal. stress definitely does crazy things to your body. would it be possible in your fertile time this cycle to book a night away somewhere? just to get away from everything and see if it helps at all?

sweetmama- i'm glad all your test results came back normal. i'm sure it's frustrating though since it's been such a long road for you so far to get pregnant. have you talked to your doctor about next steps? Hopefully the clomid works quickly for you (I know several people on here and IRL who have fallen pregnant with clomid)!

curiosity- oh hun, i am so so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: I can't imagine how you are feeling. i pray that you have your little rainbow soon

les- how are you doing? i need to go get caught up on your journal but hope that things are okay for you :flower:

lorra- hello! :hi: i added you to our list on the front page! love that you're all stocked up on tests so that you dont run out when you need it! where are you in your cycle?

liles- happy 21 weeks!!! i can't believe you're already over halfway through your pregnancy. do you have your anatomy scan booked? love that you went for a massage! i'm hoping to go in for one in a few weeks too!

bowpeep- hello and welcome! i've added you to our front page. how are you feeling so far? when will you be testing? good luck!

glong- yay! not long at all to go. how are you feeling? happy 10 weeks and congrats on double digits!!

sil- welcome! :hi: i've added you onto our front page. where are you in your cycle? best of luck!!

matts- yay!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so so happy for you! Please stick little bean!! Do you know your due date? i've added your BFP to the front!

AFM, I am doing well and staying busy! My MS seems to be gone (knock on wood). I get random bouts of it, but NOTHING even close to where it was. After a week and a half of feeling no movements, I felt baby several times over 2 days (nothing for a couple days now, but that's okay). it was very reassuring to say the least! coming up on 16 weeks tomorrow, which is crazy! it seems to be going by both slow and fast. next appointment is in 2 weeks from tomorrow where we should be booking our anatomy scan! we are staying team yellow but i'm anxious to make sure baby is growing well and is on track in there.

Heading to western New York this week with my mom and DS to visit my moms family. I am really close with my aunts and cousins up there so looking forward to seeing them again.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend :flower:
Hi all! Wanted to play catch up (again) with everyone!

Kaicee- how scary about your gallbladder. it's good that they are doing the surgery so you wont have to worry about it. if you are pregnant, will they wait until after baby is born or will the still be able to do it? do you have to wait to start trying again at all or will you be able to go right back to it? a good friend of mine was on metformin for about a year and it didn't do anything for her. She has PCOS however and has been trying for a year and a half now (just started clomid). i've heard others on here who have had success with it.

Happy- how are you doing?? i haven't peeked in on your journal today but how is your OPK looking? And good tip about using coconut oil for itchy skin. It's so hot here and i can't stop scratching...i will definitely have to go pick some up this week to try out!

Green- yay for the TWW! Any early symptoms so far? when do you think you will test next?

Tiny- :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: thank you for sharing your story with us. i pray that you and your little guy are doing well and that, in time, your DH will be able to reconcile and move forward from his past. i applaud you for making the decision to put yourself and your son first and get out of an abusive situation. I hope for all of you that are you are able to grow and move forward together. But if not, you are such a strong woman and will find your way in this new path. you are such a strong lady and i greatly admire you. take care of you and your sweet boy. all you can do for your husband is let him know what you need from him- it's 100% on him to make the change.I'm glad you are setting up weekly date nights with him to help reconnect! In terms of things moving quicker than you were thinking- i would caution against getting your hopes set on it. He has a lifetime of issues to sort through and it will pop up suddenly and set him back. then work through it, move forward, something else comes up. Two steps forward, one step back kind of a thing. Has he committed to stop drinking? From what you've said, it all seems heightened when he is drunk (especially as he is now become physically abusive when drunk). just remember that slow and steady is the way to go. time and work is what will get things to where they should be.

I'm sorry you've been feeling so bad :( i hope the sciatic nerve pain goes away and you've been getting a bit of a break from the MS. I found my first tri MUCH harder this time than the first....part of it is you're chasing after a toddler all day long! and for BF'ing- if you need to wean him to spare yourself some pain, that's OK! i can't imagine nursing while preggo because of the sensitivity! hope it gets easier for you soon momma :hugs:

Proud- just a couple more days to your appointment!! i bet you are so excited!

missyogi- your chart is looking awesome hun! how are you feeling? any symptoms?

choco- :hugs::hugs: i'm so sorry that AF showed up for you. i hope that this cycle will be your lucky one. i'm not sure about how long post miscarriage. i know for some their cycles can be messed up for a few months- if yours falls into that, then FX this next cycle everything is back in balance and you can catch. You could always ask your doctor if you could have your hormone levels checked, just to be sure they are where they are supposed to be. i'm glad your scan came back normal. stress definitely does crazy things to your body. would it be possible in your fertile time this cycle to book a night away somewhere? just to get away from everything and see if it helps at all?

sweetmama- i'm glad all your test results came back normal. i'm sure it's frustrating though since it's been such a long road for you so far to get pregnant. have you talked to your doctor about next steps? Hopefully the clomid works quickly for you (I know several people on here and IRL who have fallen pregnant with clomid)!

curiosity- oh hun, i am so so sorry :hugs::hugs::hugs: I can't imagine how you are feeling. i pray that you have your little rainbow soon

les- how are you doing? i need to go get caught up on your journal but hope that things are okay for you :flower:

lorra- hello! :hi: i added you to our list on the front page! love that you're all stocked up on tests so that you dont run out when you need it! where are you in your cycle?

liles- happy 21 weeks!!! i can't believe you're already over halfway through your pregnancy. do you have your anatomy scan booked? love that you went for a massage! i'm hoping to go in for one in a few weeks too!

bowpeep- hello and welcome! i've added you to our front page. how are you feeling so far? when will you be testing? good luck!

glong- yay! not long at all to go. how are you feeling? happy 10 weeks and congrats on double digits!!

sil- welcome! :hi: i've added you onto our front page. where are you in your cycle? best of luck!!

matts- yay!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I am so so happy for you! Please stick little bean!! Do you know your due date? i've added your BFP to the front!

AFM, I am doing well and staying busy! My MS seems to be gone (knock on wood). I get random bouts of it, but NOTHING even close to where it was. After a week and a half of feeling no movements, I felt baby several times over 2 days (nothing for a couple days now, but that's okay). it was very reassuring to say the least! coming up on 16 weeks tomorrow, which is crazy! it seems to be going by both slow and fast. next appointment is in 2 weeks from tomorrow where we should be booking our anatomy scan! we are staying team yellow but i'm anxious to make sure baby is growing well and is on track in there.

Heading to western New York this week with my mom and DS to visit my moms family. I am really close with my aunts and cousins up there so looking forward to seeing them again.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend :flower:

Dr wants me on metformin because she thinks maybe the clomid has given me cysts and using it will kick start them but I don't have pros and ov on my own she's hoping it will just give my body a boost.but thanks for the response and I've felt eith my gallbladder for over 2 years and now it's the worse do getting it out should give me instant relief but shouldn't haven't any effect on my ttc and yes they can go eith the surgery if I happen to be pregnant but I doubt I am.
Thanks and hey kk :)
Glad ms is giving u a break mostly xxx
I felt movement very early this time.
Then when bub moved up out of pubic bone area I had very little for weeks
Then felt it again once bub got a bit stronger
Saw a kick from outside yest for first time.
Was fab to see :)
Anatomy scan is 23.5 weeks.
Super late but that's the date hosp here does them now
Think its back log from people having summer hols.
So Aug 9th it is.
I've asked gender at any scan
But haven't been told yet , doh!!
If I don't find out on the 9 th ill prob go for private scan
Just trying to save myself dosh I don't really hve :)

Is urs around the 20 week?
kaicee- that's great that being pregnant wont interrupt the surgery and that you will be able to get some relief soon. Also really great that it wont delay trying if you aren't preggo this month.

liles-that's great about feeling movement from the outside! i am really looking forward to those kicks. my DH is way more into this pregnancy than the last. Last time around he was creeped out by feeling outside kicks but i think he will be totally into it this time. Not long at all to your scan!! FX they will be able to tell the gender then so you dont have to book a private. Mine should be around 20 weeks. My next appointment is at 18 weeks and they will book it then. So just depends what is available.

How was everyones weekend? Ours was so nice getting to spend some time together. My DH has been crazy busy at work for the last few weeks and we haven't been able to just be at home together hanging out. We were in an excessive heat warning for over a week so the weekend was spent inside playing. we built forts, played hide and seek (my LO's new favorite game), went on "bear hunts" (flashlight around the house looking for bears), watched movies and just spent time together. DH and I also went on a date to see the new Star Trek movie. Have to take advantage of monthly date nights while we still can!

3 days and counting to vacation!!

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