I see this thread has gotten pretty quiet since I was around here. Thought I'd update you folks on how I was going.
So after my husband did his 'no kids' thing a couple months ago, we almost decided to divorce. It was sad and painful. I thought about what kind of birth control I was going to get. I didn't want more hormones due to the fact that my old pill must have killed my sex drive; I have never wanted it as much as I did after going off, especially before O. I thought a copper IUD, but ended up afraid because of my tilted uterus. (my cervix faces towards my butt) Kept meaning to make an appointment, slacked.
Cut to early August. Still no birth control. Husband knows. I remind him before

. Inevitably we end up doing something moderately close to my O day. Afterwards I ask him why he would do something risky/stupid knowing he doesn't want kids. He declares he doesn't know what he wants anymore. I get all hopeful. My mom ends up in the hospital sometime between then and now due to a medication failure. (She is still there, though we expect her recovered and home soon. No risk to her life, just a risk to her ability to live at home with my dad. Her illness is psychiatric.) Sometime after that, my dh tells me he regrets his lapse in judgement. I am disappointed, but can't push down the feeling that it's too late.
This morning I thought I saw the faintest of positives on my ic. No pictures, it wouldn't show up on my phone. Tonight I will be buying a frer to test with tomorrow morning. It's been hard for me to sit still all morning.
I'll update everyone with the results tomorrow.
This isn't really happening the way I'd hoped, but thinking about it, I will be happy to be a mom. I hope he decides to give fatherhood a try, but I will be perfectly fine if he doesn't. I already have a career, I can afford to go it alone. He can wander off and have all his fancy electronic toys (that he considers more valuable than his potential children) by himself.