Gish darn these time zones!! I always miss out on so much!! Thank you for the lovely words ladies xxx I can feel your love
Les, that's really sucky sweetheart xx I wish you all the best for next cycle and I hope you have a wonderful date night xxxx
Glong, that is certainly very odd. Sounds like a good sign though xx Can't wait to see your update

You may just have a little late implanter!!
Arturia, I hope you get an answer soon! That must be so frustrating! Best of luck for Sunday beautiful lady and I'm praying you get a gorgeous second line
Curiosity, as Kksy9b said, you're still well above the cover line, so definitely not out yet! Go you xx Fx'd AF just stays away and you also get a beautiful BFP!
Kksy9b, as for you sweetie, WOWSER! Look at that chart!! Those temps are looking amazing! Best of luck to you and I have everything crossed those temps stay nice and high and you get a little bean
Lilesmom, so glad to hear you're doing well xx Sending you and your tiny bean lots and lots of love
I hope I haven't missed anyone
AFM, we BD cd16,17, O cd18, then BD cd19. I really hope we caught that eggy and it makes it to implantation and then my lp cooperates so tiny bean can be happy bean! 4 DPO today and just twiddling my thumbs. Still haven't decided if I'm going to test or wait for AF. Let's be real though, the change in O dates and not really knowing when she'll show, I'll probably test

I want to say I'll wait until 15 DPO. I would love to say 18 DPO but I think I might just go insane waiting that long, lol. So 15 DPO, yeah right