Hiya girls xx
Arturia, I'm sorry the

turned up

It's nice to see you positive though. At least now you know what's up and you can move onto the next cycle xxx
Curiosity, I'm sorry you're not feeling well

Hopefully it's a good thing! Wishing you all the luck in the world xx Your temps are still super high, so you're still in the game. So happy to see your lp is getting better and better by the day
Kittykat, welcome

Wishing you all the best and I hope your BFP is swift and stressless
AFM, not feeling hopeful at all this cycle

My temps seem to be very low and are almost at the cover line but I'm only 6 DPO?

Here's my symtpoms anyway, silly I know as my brain keeps telling me you don't get symtpoms until after implantation, lol.
2-3 DPO: Odd cold feeling in my uterus, ovary area. Very strange.
4 DPO: eyes began aching at night and was so tired I fell asleep before 9 o'clock?
5 DPO: woke up with top eyelids swollen (I don't suffer from allergies or hay fever) , feel like I'm getting thrush but not sure as of yet, stuffy nose, had a few boobie tinglings like I was having a let down but my son wasn't drinking milk (that hasn't happened since he was very young), at night I felt like I had gotten an all over rash but nothing there
6 DPO (so far) nose is still funny and sneezing. Psoriasis is playing up (could also be the fact we're going into Autumn) and it's spread to my for head! I've noticed it for a few weeks but in the last few days it's gotten really bad
My chart isn't looking very good so I've kind of accepted this cycle won't be it for me, of course deep down I keep trying to convince myself that I could get a BFP but the logical side of me is winning. I hope everyone is well xx