

hope you start feeling better soon
liles- how are you feeling hun?
kitteykat- i know being sick can delay ovulation but you can also get fertile patches of CM in your tww as well. isn't it lovely when everything could be anything and nothing is clear with our bodies?!? hope you feel better soon. and yes, that looks SUPER positive! I'd go jump your man right away!!

You should ovulate within 24 hours of your first positive. did you test prior to your first picture? i would definitely call today O day. If you're able to get some BD'ing in, then you will be in with a great shot!
tiny- you are still SO early in your cycle that there is no reason to think you are out already. And look at that jump today!! still loads of time left
matts- great news on a positve OPK!! You've got some great timing with BD'ing...can't wait for you to start testing!!
shorman- oh no! hope your family starts feeling better...seems to be a common trend today with everyone getting sick! Weren't your OPKs supposed to come last week? hope they get there soon for you!
green- how are you doing?
les- hope all is well hun!
I would love to stick with you ladies and will start rolling dates! Would love to see each of us get our BFPs together! I'll play around with the front page a little bit later on to get a good format set up