Tiny, I'm still new into this world of B&B. Why is a 11 day LP bad? That's what I have, should I be concerned? Or is it a case by case basis?
Oh - not that I'm a shining example right now, but I have a 10 day LP and I fell pg within 6 cycles (well within the norm esp for my age). I guess like tiny said you just need an early implanter for it to work, which is actually a good thing since later implantation is linked with higher rates of mc. A lot of good that did me, but the ob doesn't seem to think my MMC and LP are linked in any way.
Tiny - I read that 8 DPO is average implantation? Which would be enough time with a 10 day LP. I'm pretty sure that's when my little gremlin dug in before.
I had some pretty constant O type pain for a couple days. Where are you in your cycle?
Well I'm out. Just started spotting. Lp only went up by one dayIf it keeps up at this rate, I'll be luck to have a normal lp by the time my son turns 2. Pretty devastated right now
Well I'm out. Just started spotting. Lp only went up by one dayIf it keeps up at this rate, I'll be luck to have a normal lp by the time my son turns 2. Pretty devastated right now
I'm so sorry... 1 day increase is a start, and as others have posted, an implant at 7 or 8 DPO should be enough to stop AF. That's one more day you're giving that egg a chance!
Tiny -you're doing all you can girl! Every time I see your avatar I smile and feel hope that I'll have that one day. It's so hard some days not knowing what lies ahead. Especially now knowing the pain of loss. I see that picture of yours and think whatever it takes, even if that includes more heartache and loss, it will be worth it. I feel you on the LP, but 10 days is enough! I've even seen BFPs with 7 or 8 day LPs.