Hi ladies! I'm sitting down now to start catching up and hoping to make it through tonight. Going to just edit this post so it holds the place and hope I dont miss anyone. Looking forward to reading everyones updates!!

sorry that the witch got you last month. but looks like AF is heading out the door which means a new month full of new chances to catch that eggie! When is your new test date? how frustrating with the mortgage! it is ridiculous that it's taking so long for them to sort it all out. have they given you any sort of timeline?
jwilly- looking good so far! how are you feeling? have you tested at all?
happy- love that you all get to start trying right before the wedding- it will make it even more exciting! And if you do fall preggo, everyone will just assume they are a honeymoon baby and no one will be the wiser

Like the others said, an 11 day LP isn't persay a bad thing. The important thing is to not be under 10 days. Under 10 days, your lining hasn't built up to the correct level in order to sustain a pregnancy. You should be just fine where you are

so sorry about the witch showing up. She was told to stay away! And i'm really sorry that you were getting your hopes up with the cramping...sometimes our bodies are just plain cruel to us. Remember, you didn't even have a full cycle on the vitex and you saw improvement. Hopefully though with this being your first full cycle on vitex, it will do the trick and you will get your beautiful BFP this month. It WILL happen for you but I understand how disappointing it is. I hope your sciatic nerve has settled back down. I had that very briefly when I was pregnant and was quite happy when it went away! I would say to call and ask your doctor about the vitex issues of taking it in the tww. I was in the same boat as to take it or not but 2 cyles ago i got sick and missed taking it for a couple days. AF came on after only an 8 day LP. Last cycle was sure to take it every month and was back at a 12 day so I've decided to just take to AF or BFP. I'm glad you and your DH were able to talk and open up with one another.
liles- i missed it earlier in the week since I was off- so happy belated 6 weeks!!
kitty- hope the cramps from a few days ago were a good sign! where are you in your cycle?
les- looks like you are in your fertile window now- getting some good timing in and I have all my fingers and toes crossed that you catch your sticky bean this month! Happy birthday as well! sounds like a lovely time with brunch hope you are feeling better

I'm not an expert with OPKs but i know being sick can delay ovulation. I would just keep testing and BD'ing like you are until you get confirmed O. Your every other day is perfect!

i wish i could reach through the computer to give you a real hug. i'm so sorry you are going through a difficult time and pray that you find comfort and peace. i love your idea to announce your next baby. do you think he will notice right away or take a bit? too funny that your sister is married to your BIL! FX the cramps are a good sign!!!
mrs.unicorn- welcome over here!! i've added you to the front page and can't wait to see you start testing. i'm so so sorry about your loss. i can't imagine the emotional roller coaster you must be on. we are always here for you to lean on
shorman- hope AF stays away for you and that the back pains are a good sign
banana- yuck about the cough and cold. hope it goes away as nicer weather comes about. Have fun with the BD'ing! Definitely fertile week is the most fun part of the month!
proud- feel better soon. hopefully some rest will get you back to 100% soon

where are you in your cycle?
glong, arturia, green- how are you ladies doing?
I think I got everyone and am so sorry if i missed a post. I am doing really well over here. DS party was AMAZING! Turned out better than I could have hoped for and had a really really wonderful time. i didn't take any pictures on my phone

Hoping to sit down, probably wednesday, and download the pics off my camera and can upload. Tomorrow is DS actual birthday so we are going to the zoo, which will be a lot of fun.Cycle wise I have been doing a horrible job temping. I've been having to stay up so late getting ready for the party that i've literally been falling asleep trying to take it and the themometer just falls out lol. I'm CD 8 or 9 so will be more diligent with it in the coming days! Gearing up for the fun part of the month and I am SO hopeful for this month!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day and cant wait to see these tests rolling in!!!