Les and Banana, so sorry to hear both you girls are ill!!

Being sick definitely puts a damper on things xx Wishing you both a swift recovery xxx
Curiosity, I think the B6 is the way to go. I'll have to do a bit more research into it but I think it sounds like a plan. I haven't been taking the Vitex while AF is here but I can certainly feel her working still! I'm in no where near as much pain. I'm usually unable to really move, terrible cramps, throwing up, passing out. So that's a huuuuuge bonus. Fx'd for you and sending you lots of

for this cycle xx
Thank you for the kindness ladies xx I'm actually feeling ok about it. The day the

arrived I was a mess and I've been quite stroppy with hubby. We've had quite a few fights but I think that's just stress for both of us (TTC and general life stuff). We had a good chat last night though and although things are pretty tough right now, we'll pull through. Hubby opened up and talked about how he's feeling with the whole TTC and he basically said he's scared shitless. That we will have more losses and he doesn't know if it's really a good idea to be trying right now. I ended up bursting into tears (damn hormones) and he said it was just because he's scared of what could happen, not that he doesn't want another LO. We're still going to continue trying but I think I might take a step back and just try and focus on fixing my cycle, rather than TTC (let's see how that goes when the TWW rolls around

) That's how DS was conceived, lol.
Good luck for this cycle ladies, sending out lots of