liles- so so so happy to hear baby is doing well and growing where they should! i hope you can breathe a bit easier Momma
banana- hope you start feeling better soon!! you still have plenty of time, dont sweat it.
les- looks like you had a good dip today...FX you see a good rise tomorrow!
matts- hope your moms intuition turns out to be true again!! I definitely see a shadow! Going to be stalking for tomorrows test!!!
kittey- i definitely see the lines in the pics you posted! Anxiously waiting for your next tests to see a nice progression for you!

i really hope that things will work to be able to full on try once you move and can confirm finances are in order. It's so hard to be responsible, but you all are doing what is best for you in making sure you're financially able to support a LO. And I love crunching numbers as well...but I was an accountant before I was a SAHM and i really love numbers
curiosity- did FF give you CH earlier? From what I can see now, it looks like a good pre-O temp pattern. No way to know exactly when you will O of course beforehand. Have you been drinking a lot of water? I'm not sure if vitex causes increased CM but it could and if you've been drinking more water, you would see the change in your CM. I would say keep doing what you're doing but most likely in the next 5ish days you should ovulate. KMFX for you!
glong- yay for the positive OPK!!! Hope you catch that eggie this month!
mrs unicorn- good luck with impending ovulation!!! so many of us are at the same point in our cycles and it's nice to have so many ladies to go through it all with
Happy- sounds like you all have a great plan in place and it's so nice that your situation will allow you to be at home with the baby
les- i tend to O (or at least I used to when my cycles were regular) between CD 13-15. I think it's pretty common to have some fluctuation. Looks like you've had some great timing...FX for you!!
green- i dont know anything about coming off bcp, but glad there are some ladies here who can give you good advice and share their experiences with!
tiny, jwilly, shorman, proud - hope you all are doing well
AFM, CM turned watery today so the BD'ing marathon has officially begun! We will see if we DTD tomorrow or skip a day...just depends what temps and CM look like. I'm a bit frustrated on a different front. My DH and I always file our taxes the beginning of April because we have some documents that are sent the very end of March. This year though, we got them mid-March so I was really excited to not have to rush to get an appointment with our CPA etc. We filed a few weeks ago, all was well. Then in the last few days, 2 more documents were sent (and not together of course, one on Monday, one Wednesday). So I've had to make 2 extra trips to our accountant (not far, 30 minutes round trip) and pay for two separate sets of amendments since they werent sent over together. Tomorrow I'll get to the post office and get mailed off. I HATE having everything sent in the last minute (for non-US ladies, tomorrow is the filing deadline to have everything postmarked). It's been a waste of time, money, gas...all because someone didn't do their job properly. In any case, just a mini rant, please ignore