Oh my I've missed so much!! Over 20 pages to read back through!! Haha, will do my best to make sure I include everyone
Kk, taxes are the worst. We have it pretty easy here in Aus, compared to you (what with GST and all) but it's still a real pain. Sorry you had to g through all of that but thankfully it's over now
Lilesmom, your poor little blossom xx Hopefully all is well with him. I'm sure your little bean is doing well. You may just find your hormones are settling a little bit. I know I started to feel better for a few weeks in the first Tri, then it all came back xx Good luck for your scan
Matts, CONGRATS!! A beautiful line!!

Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months xx
Curiosity, temps are looking good to me sweetie xx Fx'd for a nice healthy eggy and plenty of swimmers go catch her! This is the best part.
Les, your chart looks pretty good as well! That temp rise!! TWW yet? Best of luck to you xx
Glong, I would definitely BD as much as you can until cd16-17. I've never had much luck with OPKS myself though. Fx'd you catch that little eggy and you get a beautiful two lined surprise very soon
Greenarcher, love the ideas to slice it up, haha. There's no way DH's can resist the upper lips
Arturia, I'm sorry it has all gone down this way

I'm glad you have found a solution though. I also enjoy doing budgets and financial calculations, I don't think I could do it as a job though! Lol. I'm horrid at math, haha. Lots of hugs to you sweetie xx
I hope I didn't miss anyone!!
AFM, been taking a bit of a break from thinking about TTC. Easy to do when AF is in town, lol. Vitex has helped a lot in that regard, nowhere near as painful as usual although lasted a bit longer but I'll take those extra two days of spotting if it means I can function as a normal human, lol. We've decided to start going with the flow (kind of NTNP) as hubby told me he is worried my mental health will go down the tubes again. It's kind of settled on us that we may be in this for the long haul again. So now I'm not going to symptom spot or obsess over my TWW temps, or any of it really. We always BD whenever we felt like it (hubby has a big appetite

) I think this is the best approach for us right now. Easy to say now as TWW is ages away yet, lol. Just going to focus on getting my cycle regulated and just have fun with it. Last night was great but all I can think is that I'm disappointment about it

We BD like normal until it was the grand finale and hubby asked for it to be in my mouth instead (TMI sorry!!!) That was fine, even though I had ewcm. We settled into our nightly routine and then he surprised me when we went to bed with a lot of forplay and well, the rest is history. It was amazing but all I can think is there would have been barely any swimmers, it was like water (I've got to work in that, lol).
On another note, hubby is giving me my first driving lesson when he gets home from work today! I was 4 years late in getting my learners license and I've had it for 6 months already and no hours up

Only 6 months left before I need the 100 to get my provisionals, so I need to get a move on! Anxiety needs to take the back seat for a bit, lol.
Hoping everyone is well

Lots of

and another congrats to our new mummies xxx