curiosity- how frustrating with the mortgage company!! i hope you get it sorted soon and can be done with them. so sweet with your DH and nephews. Chart is looking great so far...hopefully you can confirm ovulation in a couple more days. We are pretty much right in line...hopefully we both get our positives in 2 weeks!
liles- how are you feeling? what was the actual beta number? Yes, like you said, once you get over 6000 you dont expect to see it doubling in 48 hours. i hope that your scan friday will really put your heart at ease

how is your little guy doing?
matts- congratulations again! are you going to wait to tell people or start telling early?
tiny- i'm glad AF was kinder to you with you and that the vitex is already helping. I think NTNP is a great approach to make it more relaxed and take some of the pressure off. Good luck with your driving! sorry you and your DH have been snippy at each other lately. Trying can be so stressful and I hope it gets better for you soon. I stay home with my DS and I completely understand what goes into each day

glong- like liles said, you should ovulate within a couple days of your first positive...did you monitor your CM at all? No matter which day, you should be covered. how is your tww going so far? Not too much longer before you start testing!
proud- i'm sorry about the bleeding hun

it sounds like next month on vacation and being relaxed (and probably tipsy too) will help. Is it a kid free trip? if so, is it just you all going or going with other friends?
kitty- i'm sorry that it has all been so frustrating for you..i hope you get some answers soon. This is the thermometer i have and i really love it. it stores your previous 60 temps so if you forget/are unable to record for awhile (no internet etc), its not an issue.
jwilly- congratulations!!!! H&H 9 months to you! How are you feeling so far? Has some of the shock worn off?
green- how are you doing hun?
Ali- good to see you over here!! love that we get to follow each other from waiting to trying and hopefully preggo soon

And DH and I stalked houses online years before we actually made it a lot easier honestly when we started looking for real because we knew exactly what we wanted/didn't want!
les- sounds like an amazing trip! eek! can't wait for you to start testing! when do you think you will start?
chocolatechip- yay!! glad you are feeling good about this cycle an had some good timing! When do you think you'll start testing?
mrsunicorn- wowzers, those are definitely positive tests! You should ovulate within a 24-48 hours of the first test. based on what you wrote, i would say you O'd 2 days ago. And I think it's a great outlook to have with earlier O means earlier testing
arturia- oh, i am so so glad to hear your news! its great that you all were able to figure out a way to make it work and can continue to try!!
banana- good to hear from you! and you never know! I know one gal on here who only DTD once 3-4 days before O and got really does only take one!
happy- i said it in your journal but i'm still over here laughing

have a great bachelorette weekend!
AFM, I am 2 dpo today and hoping to confirm and get CH in the morning. We had good timing..was hoping to have gotten in a BD on O day (Monday) but unfortunately we weren't able to. However, based on CM, I think I O'd Sunday night into Monday, meaning we actually wound up with really great timing. Feeling good and looking forward to testing next week! DS and I are heading out of town tomorrow for a visit with my parents so it will be a nice distraction. I'll be 8dpo when I get back so you best believe I'll be busting out those test strips
Hope everyone has a wonderful day!