***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Silly :witch: sorry arturia. I feel a little left out too so your not alone :haha: here's to another cycle :dust:
Don't have a lot of hope for next month either, hubby just said he's going to be driving to Calgary again week after next, and it's highly likely to be on Friday, which is highly likely to be the day before O. We have enough trouble BDing during my fertile period as it is, between Celexa withdrawal, his exhaustion level, (he's suffering insomnia which the doctor won't help with) and whatever else.
Hugs arturia
Sorry silly witch showed
But glad she didn't keep u waiting xxx
2 days before o is my best catch egg day
Can ye bd the day before he goes
Giving u a great chance still.
I got my first bfp with bd only two days before o
Cos I was going away for few days.
2 days before o is my best catch egg day
Can ye bd the day before he goes
Giving u a great chance still.
I got my first bfp with bd only two days before o
Cos I was going away for few days.

It really depends on how he feels. It's hard to say whether he'll be receptive at all to BDing on any given day, plus I'm really bad at *ahem* telling him we should. As I said, there's a lot of things contributing to a lack of interest on his part lately.
Hope he feels better by then.
Do u know how long withdrawal normally lasts.
Hope everything gets better for ye both soon xx
It sounds silly but i used to text Oh
Saying its good baby making day if u still want to
I felt less like I was begging
He felt less pressure
Might not work fir everyone
But did for us x
Hope he feels better by then.
Do u know how long withdrawal normally lasts.
Hope everything gets better for ye both soon xx

Somewhere between weeks and forever. Usually a month or so until the worst symptoms are gone but other things can persist for a long time. The worst 'symptom' is that he has a pretty awful temper lately and is debating whether or not he should stay off Celexa, since he takes it to deal with that temper. It's caused plenty of disagreement lately.

I'm more concerned about the exhaustion, which seems to have become habit forming. He's averaging 2-5 hours of sleep per night, which means when he gets home he's mostly just in the mood to try to sleep. Half the time lately he doesn't even want to stay awake for dinner.
Arturia, :hugs: sweetheart. I too feel like I'm a bit left out. We will get there though xxx Also sorry to hear about your DH's struggles. I truly hope that he starts to feel better soon <3

Kk, woohoo, 29! I've always said life begins at 30! &#128536; My birthdays on the 18th and my cousins is the 19th. Crazy but we were born only 10 hours apart, right next to each other! Crazy right? Haha, we're like sister.
Probably shock horror but I'll be turning 20. I know, still a spring chicken, that with my history seems to make a lot of people cross but I'm not ashamed &#9786;&#65039;

Curiosity, how're you going love? You've been a tad quite. Or are you just a little preoccupied with "breaking in" the new house? &#128521; Hehe

Proud, Fx'd all goes well for you this time around and you can be added to the front page with a :bfp:

AFM, well, looks like I'm out too ladies. Woke up to spotting this morning. Temp dropped again (yet still well above the coverline). 10 day LP now. Guess that's good? I was kind of hoping for more this cycle but oh well. Pretty shattered to be honest as I was having symtpoms I never get before AF, so guessing I have some new symtpoms to add thanks to the Vitex. Trying to convince myself that it's alright but it's kind of hard. Very, very close to the 1 year mark. I just want it to my turn :cry: Fx'd the Vitex takes full effect next cycle.
Life is pooping on me too. I haven't been able to go and look after my brother for about a week now because I'm so busy trying to get the house in order for our inspection on Friday. The place wasn't bond cleaned when the last people left (it was utterly disgusting when we moved in, food still in the oven, gum on the floor and in the carpet, mould in the drains, the list goes on) so I have been doing all the nitty gritty stuff like skirt boards and washing the walls and door runners, the lot. Plus organising the spare room since it's the "junk" room and it looks like a bombs hit it. To top it all off Bub seems to be struggling at the moment. He is yelling a lot, throwing tantrums and is refusing to be put down. He just wants milk all day. He started a habit of just yelling, for no apparent reason. I try talking quietly to him and ask him what he's struggling with and he just yells. If I tell him no, he'll start yelling and starts to hit myself in the head? It's been going on for over a week now and starting to wonder if I should take him into the doctor for it. Normal toddler behaviour? I don't know but it's really started to wear me down. I find myself getting cross with him more than I like. It's hard to keep reminding myself that he's not giving me a hard time, he's having a hard time. This is my mummy mantra.

Anyway, sorry for the novel ladies. Just a lot of thoughts at the moment. :dust: and <3 to all you lovely ladies xx
Hope he feels better by then.
Do u know how long withdrawal normally lasts.
Hope everything gets better for ye both soon xx

Somewhere between weeks and forever. Usually a month or so until the worst symptoms are gone but other things can persist for a long time. The worst 'symptom' is that he has a pretty awful temper lately and is debating whether or not he should stay off Celexa, since he takes it to deal with that temper. It's caused plenty of disagreement lately.

I'm more concerned about the exhaustion, which seems to have become habit forming. He's averaging 2-5 hours of sleep per night, which means when he gets home he's mostly just in the mood to try to sleep. Half the time lately he doesn't even want to stay awake for dinner.

Huge hugs
That must be so worrying and lonely for u
Is there an alternative he could take?
Hope he starts feeling better.
For ur sake too xxx
Tiny why would people be cross with u
Its no ones business but urs and oh when ye hve kids xxx
U sound like a fab mature mom xx
From talking to u here
I would hve put u a little older,
Shows age is but a number xx

Maybe ur little dude is boundary testing.
Heading for the terrible twos
Could be pain from back teeth too
My lil dude is still getting his back teeth
He lashes out and is cranky cos they irritate him.
Hope its just a phase xx
He might be picking up on ur mood too
My squish knows when I'm not on form
And behaves accordingly :)
Soo tempted to get private scan
Another 3 weeks is looking long to next hosp scan :)
I just read a little about celexa withdrawal arturia
It sounds awful.
Hugs xxx
Tiny why would people be cross with u
Its no ones business but urs and oh when ye hve kids xxx
U sound like a fab mature mom xx
From talking to u here
I would hve put u a little older,
Shows age is but a number xx

Maybe ur little dude is boundary testing.
Heading for the terrible twos
Could be pain from back teeth too
My lil dude is still getting his back teeth
He lashes out and is cranky cos they irritate him.
Hope its just a phase xx
He might be picking up on ur mood too
My squish knows when I'm not on form
And behaves accordingly :)

Thank you so much lovely xx People are strange these days. I always get people assume my son was an "oopsie" and when I tell them he wasn't they love to tell me how stupid I am. About how becoming a teen mother is so horrible and blah blah. Thank you for your kind words xx It's nice to be truly supported by women who don't care about my age. I've copped a lot of flack on here for being so young.
I've had a feeling it's his teeth. He has 4 molars already. He doesn't seem to have a temp though, so I'm thinking it could be a growth spurt, coupled with teeth on the move.
You're right about babes adjusting their emotions to ours, lol. Leo hates it when I have to clean and be distracted from him. He'll do something he knows is naughty so I'll tell him no. Then he looks me dead in the eye, smiles and does it again. His nickname is now Mr. Poo hahaha.
My mum has just offered to look after him today so I can tackle the house. She's at home with my brother today and tomorrow because he has clinic appointments. She said it sounded like I needed a break and I just broke down. The parenting part, I can do, it's the life stuff I have a problem with. Don't know why since I've been living out of home since I was 15. Mum and I have had a rough past due to my decisions and other things that have happened. Our dynamic is a little askew but I love her to death and to have her support really means a lot.
Sorry for the word vomit haha. AF is getting me all kinds of emotional, lol
Tiny-Liles is right, it's completely your business when you have kids, not anyone else's.
Tiny- I totally get the age thing! I was 18 when I got married, 19 when I finally got pregnant (took us 13 cycles) and 20 when I had my first. I was 22 when we had our second and I got lots of questions then as well. People seem to always have something to say no matter what but like the other girls have said it's no ones business and you seem very mature minded. I never would have guessed your age
Thank you ladies xx Your support really means a lot xxx We made the right decision for us as a couple. Wishing everyone lots of luck for the new cycle <3

Lilesmom, I totally get it about the scan love! My doctor refused to give me a dating scan because he said it was highly unlikely I would keep that one, so what's the point.
Had to go to three different doctors but finally got a scan at 7+5. Having to wait until the 12 week scan was torture! I would totally get a private scan if financially doable. There's nothing better than seeing your little bean :cloud9:
Happy- we've been looking into the ford explorer as well...glad to hear such a positive review on it!

kitty- oh no! that sucks about not being able to reach pedals! I'm 5'9" and in my first car my knees didn't fit under the steering wheel...everyone has different struggles i suppose lol

glong- your tests look like they are progressing nicely!! some people just have bad experiences with FRERs. There is one gal I follow on a different thread who it took a LONG time to see darker lines on FRERs but had great lines on other tests. KMFX for your beta results!

arturia- :hugs::hugs: i'm so sorry about AF. Please try not to feel left out- we are definitely not going anywhere and will be here to root you on in your journey from start to finish :hugs: i hope your husband gets some relief soon from the withdrawls. I cant imagine how hard that must be

Proud- OPKs sounds like a great idea but hopefully you dont need them! Vegas is going to be so much fun for you and your DH. Hopefully will make it up for your hubby about the 5k lol. And like Arturia, please dont feel left out. Even after such a short time, I absolutely love this thread and the amazing women who have gathered together in it. We are going to be here to celebrate with you when you get your bfp :hugs:

tiny- so so sorry about AF hun. Like you said, the positive is that your LP is 10 days and i pray this month is your lucky month!! I think it's crazy that people judge you for your age and where you are in life. I got married at 20 but in my town, a lot of people get married young so it wasn't a huge deal. We waited longer for babies but if we had been in the right position at the time, I would have loved to have them younger. i think its awesome that you're a young mom! Sorry about having a rough time with DS lately. Sounds like normal behavior to me. He is learning to test his boundaries and see what behaviors get reactions etc. Keep at it momma, it will pass in time :hugs: Also, i'm totally stealing your mantra, love that! How is your brother doing?

liles- if you think a scan will help with stress, i would do it. after your losses, i cant imagine how anxious you must be.

green, mrs unicorn, les, curiosity, avalanche- hope you all are doing well

jwilly and choco- been thinking about you ladies all day and praying you are coping :hugs:

AFM, I am headed in the morning to a consult with my nurse and get the lab order for my first blood test. I'm not sure if they will do a second draw or not so will find out tomorrow. Hoping to get those results back somewhat quickly as we would love to announce to some of our family this weekend. Heading back to my hometown next weekend to announce to my parents and DH's oldest brother. DH is kind of nervous this time and wanting to be cautious, not too excited etc. I understand where he is coming from. With DS, I was so naive to everything that could go wrong and am eternally grateful for having a healthy baby. This time, i am hyperaware that we could lose this bean at any time. But I dont want to hold back celebrating out of fear. I want to live THIS moment for what it is- pure happiness.
Tiny glad ur mom is giving u a chance to do stuff today.
Its nice to be able to tackle stuff kid free every now and then.
They do like to distract us
And get stuck in the middle of cleaning :)
Makes everything ten times slower xx
But they r very worth it
My lil dude is super cranky today.
Mainly teeth I think.
Poor dude.
Cant wait till he has them all
2.5 left :)

People always hve something to say regards our choices.
I got flack for not getting married before kids.
Not doing things in the 'right' order.
I've no major interest in getting matried
Might do it at some stage
Not ruling it out
But its not important to me
Some people don't get that.
But we hve to just ignore it
And do what's best for us.
I'm sure some people prob think I left kids late.
But I didn't feel like it was right for me earlier
And then didn't know things would take so long :)
Stuff um all.
Hee hee
Hope this is ur cycle tiny
Now I've word vomit :)

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