Proud, I'm sorry she ended up showing gorgeous

Onwards and upwards xx Best of luck for next cycle ❤️
Sweetmama, yay for the TWW. Loads of
MissYogi, don't fret, pet. You've got a great head start. Like Lilesmom said, you're so in tune with your body already, that really makes a difference. Especially TTC #1 a lot of ladies go for months without knowing the actual ins and outs and as soon as they do they fall. Your time has almost come ❤️
Les, I'm so glad that your doctor is actually helping xx I hope that you do get a sticky BFP this cycle but if not, that next cycle, with a little help can bring you your gorgeous little bean
Choco, I really hope it's not just hormones or something you ate!! Thinking of you and sending you lots of dust and love xxx
AFM, finally, my crosshairs appeared!!

Same as last cycle as well, cd16, so yay for consistency! I really hope that I'm in for a good chance this month! We shall see though. Due on the 30th, going by last months LP. I stopped taking Vitex at cd 17, since it seemed to help Curiosity so much. We shall see what happens!
Loads of

and love ladies xxx