***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Fertility Friend swears I ovulated today but I think it was yesterday. I had major cramps yesterday and the + OPK. Today the OPK was a very faint +. Still some cramps but nothing like yesterday.
Arturia - Aw Hun first and foremost :hugs::hugs::hugs:. Depression can be such a hard thing to go through, and it can be equally hard on those who love a person with depression. As one of those useless people ;) with 2 years of masters level coursework in my area of speciality and an "arts degree," I can say his attitude is not uncommon. As a sister to two siblings who struggle with mood disorders, I can say I have heard those reasons before. Sadly depression is one of the hardest disorders to treat, because it's so challenging to even get the people who need help through the doors. Anxiety is uncomfortable, so people usually reach a breaking point and come in for help, but with depression there is so much inertia.

It probably won't help at all, but I can tell you that besides the two years of specialization after four years of undergraduate studies in a related area, those individuals practicing CBT also have thousands of supervised hours in the field and they have all passed rigorous exams that have pretty low pass rates. I can also tell you that study after study shows that CBT alone is more effective than medication alone, but often together is best.

When my family was resisting treatment, I went in myself for support to set the example. My mom started going soon after, and then my brother. It's been years, but my sister is now finally seeing someone too. It is absolutely available no matter your situation. Many therapists have sliding scales, and my sister is getting it through medical.

Mindfulness is also showing some great promise in treating depression. You can find self-directed workbooks for it on amazon. Sounds like he'll need more than that, but it's a start.

Also I'm not your typical psychologist. I have a BA in Cognitive Science and a BS in Biological Sciences. As an undergraduate, I worked in the Lab for Cognitive Brain Research and specialized in Cognitive Neuroscience. My MA is in Clinical Psychology, but I specialized in Behavior Analysis, which is very scientific - The degree at my school is actually now an MS in Behavior Analysis. I'd be the first one to tell you there's a ton of bullsh** and explanatory fictions in psychology, but I do endorse CBT and Mindfulness as they both have evidence to back them up. I also highly recommend Acceptance and Commitment Therapy which is based on the science of behavior, but practicing clinicians can be hard to find.

I hope you and your husband find what works for you and wish you all the best for the future whatever you may decide. Sending massive hugs and well wishes your way <3
Proud :hugs: Thank you love xx It's been quite the journey but I know that we will have another little blossom one day &#10084;&#65039;

JesLynne, remember you ovulate about 12-36 hours after a + OPK, so FF is probably right &#10084;&#65039; Good luck for the TWW!!
Proud - Cycle buddy! AF is still here for me, but lightening up for sure. I'll be a lot more relaxed with temping and testing this cycle too. I think I might stop temping after I confirm O, and I'm just going to wait until 14 DPO to test. Wow that feels weird to say! 14 DPO! That's going to feel like eons, but I can't wait to actually make it that long. It will help me feel like the Prometrium is working. Here's hoping we get some February babies in here :dust:
Hi all, sorry some of you are feeling down in the dumps and anxious. I'd go back and acknowledge you all but it's so overwhelming to keep up with. I had to take a bit of a break I've been so busy at work and just a grump lately. So moody.

AFM: I'm moody, gassy, super hungry, my boobs are sore and I'm peeing about every 25-30 mins, I don't know what to make of it but I'm 5DPO right now so we'll see. Took a test today but it was BFN as I suspected it would be.
Les-Hope I didn't offend you! :wacko: I was saying that's what his attitude was, although I know better.
Les-Hope I didn't offend you! :wacko: I was saying that's what his attitude was, although I know better.

Oh no, not offended in the least, and I figured you know better. I was saying it in jest, hence the winky face :). Also why I said it probably wouldn't help to go over the facts. What he's going through is so much harder than many of us can imagine. In those moments, when everything feels wrong, facts don't help so much. Take care love and wishing you the best as always xxx.
Les we're near enough cycle buddies too, also coming to the end of AF here. I really hope your prescription helps.

Tiny, sounds like the relaxed way is the best way to go about it, I find as soon as I start testing I can't stop testing and obsessing!

Arturia, sorry to hear about OH. My Mum, best friend and sister suffer from it and were really bad when I was in my teens, it was really sad and hard on our family. They made lots of switches between meds before finally finding ones that worked for them. CBT helped my sister. I hope you can find a solution that works for you both xxx

So today I'm CD6, really hope I can make it through the next couple of weeks stress free enough that I can ovulate. Tried wallpapering for the first time yesterday and I even got stressed about that along with timing all the other things to get done around the house. I wish I wasn't so stressy! I worry enough about my cycles as it is :(

:dust: to everyone xxx
My children have gotten into the baby madness as well. My oldest was telling me where the baby could sit in the car and at the table :haha: she keeps asking how much longer till we can have a baby :dohh: it's super cute but makes me want it that much more!

Side note I've been thinking about names lately. DH already has the boy name set in stone but I've come up with two girls names I love just not sure in which order I like them most...what do you ladies think?

Kaydence Ashlee or the other way Ashlee Kaydence?
Proud- I love the name Kaydence so I am inclined to prefer Kaydence Ashlee!

Sounds like the stress and worrying hits everyone. I was so certain I wouldn't let myself get stressed about TTC but here I am, not even trying yet, and I'm stressed. Anxiety is cruel. Right now I am concerned that maybe I didn't actually ovulate this cycle because I had a positive OPK and was then expecting a temp rise, however my temps spiked one day but have gone back down now. If I didn't ovulate this cycle, is it likely that I will have trouble ovulating most cycles? Or can some ladies just have random anovulatory cycles, but mostly still have normal, healthy cycles?
Proud- I love the name Kaydence so I am inclined to prefer Kaydence Ashlee!

Sounds like the stress and worrying hits everyone. I was so certain I wouldn't let myself get stressed about TTC but here I am, not even trying yet, and I'm stressed. Anxiety is cruel. Right now I am concerned that maybe I didn't actually ovulate this cycle because I had a positive OPK and was then expecting a temp rise, however my temps spiked one day but have gone back down now. If I didn't ovulate this cycle, is it likely that I will have trouble ovulating most cycles? Or can some ladies just have random anovulatory cycles, but mostly still have normal, healthy cycles?

Yes, normal women have anovulatory cycles sometimes. It can be caused by stress for example, and it's largely a blip. You should only worry if you are regularly having anovulatory cycles.
Curiosity, good luck for this cycle honey xx Fx'd for O this time around xx Try and remember that although totally stressful, your house is a blessing and dressing it up is glorious fun and you get to make it exactly how you want it. The perfect nest for your forever baby, who will hopefully come into being very soon &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; Lots of love

Les, that must be a super interesting job! Psychology as always intrigued me but I feel my calling is in midwifery and nursing. Once we've had our second Bub and both LO's are in school, I will begin my dual studies of midwifery and nursing. I'm unsure if I want to specialise in Ob nursing or pediatric/ neonatal yet. Still a while off but u can't wait to start!
Your qualifications are bound to give you a bit of an upper hand when it comes to a toddler ;) Hopefully anyways <3 Loads of love and dust to you xxx

Proud, how cute about your LO's. It certainly wouldn't help the baby fever though!! :haha: I love both those names, so beautiful xx I would like Temperance Faith for a girl. Little bit out there I know but our sons name is Leonidas and I much prefer different names. Unique just like our little miracles! Best of luck for this cycle honey xxx

MissYogi, I agree with Arturia. Every woman has anovulatory cycles every now and again, just like we all have a weird period every now and again. Very normal. Since you got a + OPK, your body probably geared up but didn't quite get there. In saying that though it can take up to 72 hours before you O after a + OPK but it's generally 12-36. Is this your first cycle temping? You may just ovulate later than you think you do. When we started TTC I thought I was super in tune with my body because of O pains and such. So we went 7 cycles thinking I O'd cd 14 with a 13 day LP. Boy was I wrong!! I started to temp and realised that I actually O'd cd19 and had an 8 day LP. No wonder we hadn't fallen yet!! How long are your cycles usually? If they're on the longer side, it's very likely you just ovulate a little later than the "norm" however there's no such thing as norm in TTC!! Good luck honey xx

AFM, very confused today. Yesterday I had just accepted AF would be here either yesterday or today and definitely thought my temp would drop below the coverline today. Well, it went up instead. Not by much but now I have no idea what's going on?! Never in my whole time temping has this happened. What's worse is now I'm thinking I'm still in with a chance even though, I know my temp will probably drop below the cl tomorrow and she will arrive either today or tomorrow. Before she would arrive the day I drop below the coverline but last cycle she came when I was still dropping and about .2 degrees away from the Cl, like I was yesterday. So as of right now still in the game. Expecting to be out very soon but cautiously hopeful. AF due either tomorrow or Monday, deposing on my LP (8-10). Guess I'm in limbo hahaha.

Lots of love and dust and cuddles and magic cookies to all you beautiful ladies xxx
Tiny, thanks hunnie :hugs: I hope this is the one for you, so glad to see youre still in the game xxx

MissYogi, I feel your pain :hugs: that was what happened to me last cycle, it drove me crazy! You may have another surge yet in another few days. If not (I didn't) Fertility Friend told me it's not a concern unless there's a trend of it happening. Apparently it's quite normal to have the odd anovulatory cycle. At least I hope so! Good luck Hun xx

Proud, I like Kaydence Ashlee more too :) hehe me and DH are exactly the same, got firm favourites for both boy and girl :)
MissYogi, I agree with Arturia. Every woman has anovulatory cycles every now and again, just like we all have a weird period every now and again. Very normal. Since you got a + OPK, your body probably geared up but didn't quite get there. In saying that though it can take up to 72 hours before you O after a + OPK but it's generally 12-36. Is this your first cycle temping? You may just ovulate later than you think you do. When we started TTC I thought I was super in tune with my body because of O pains and such. So we went 7 cycles thinking I O'd cd 14 with a 13 day LP. Boy was I wrong!! I started to temp and realised that I actually O'd cd19 and had an 8 day LP. No wonder we hadn't fallen yet!! How long are your cycles usually? If they're on the longer side, it's very likely you just ovulate a little later than the "norm" however there's no such thing as norm in TTC!! Good luck honey xx

This is one reason why I'd like to temp at some point, assuming I get another chance after this cycle. Even that will cause some strife though as DH believes we should wing it. Well sorry, but I need to know if/when I O as you don't seem to prefer
penetrative intercourse
unless we have to, so I need to know when I need to insist.
Green, thank you lovely xx My temps have never gone back up after getting this close to the Cl so I really don't know what's happening now, lol. How're you feeling today?

Arturia, I'm sorry things are so rocky with you and hubby xx Temping doesn't predict when ovulation will happen but it's the only was to confirm it has happened other than a 21 day blood test. Fertility Friend will give you crosshairs 3 days after ovulation has been confirmed, however after a few cycles, you will start to see the pattern your temps will take in regards to ovulation and such. Using OPKS are great for predicting surges however sometimes they're very tricky. What with all the line deciphering and such. I find just temping works well for me since hubby and I dtd either every day or every second day. You may find OPK's easier for you with your bedroom situation though xxx :hugs:
Hi everyone, went to see my doc today and he prescribe me some clomid for next cycle if this one is out, and also is sending me for CD 3, 8 and 21 day bloods as well as a sperm analysis for SO. So I hope all of that checks out. I don't know how I feel about this cycle just yet I have a lot of promising symptoms but I'm leery to get my hopes up...

Tiny, so glad to see you still in the race, maybe this is it for you! Yay!
Tiny- that is fabulous that you are still possibly in for this month! Hopefully tomorrow goes up more, then maybe the temp drop was an implantation dip.

Arturia- I am so sorry that things are feeling so rocky for you and hubby lately. Depression and anxiety are so tough to deal with since they are so invisible to everyone else. Do you think he would ever consider seeing a therapist if the two of you went together?

Sweetmama- Keeping my fingers crossed for you that this is your cycle!

Thanks for all of the replies about the possible annovulatory cycle everyone. It puts my mind a bit more at ease to know that it may just be a normal thing and because I'm a teacher, with a tremendously stressful class this year, and it's the end of the school year so I am panicking to get through curriculum, it's completely possible that my body is just too stressed to ovulate right now. Hopefully once the school year ends and I get pampered before my wedding then take off on my honeymoon, my body may relax and decide it's the right time to make a baby!
Green, thank you lovely xx My temps have never gone back up after getting this close to the Cl so I really don't know what's happening now, lol. How're you feeling today?

Arturia, I'm sorry things are so rocky with you and hubby xx Temping doesn't predict when ovulation will happen but it's the only was to confirm it has happened other than a 21 day blood test. Fertility Friend will give you crosshairs 3 days after ovulation has been confirmed, however after a few cycles, you will start to see the pattern your temps will take in regards to ovulation and such. Using OPKS are great for predicting surges however sometimes they're very tricky. What with all the line deciphering and such. I find just temping works well for me since hubby and I dtd either every day or every second day. You may find OPK's easier for you with your bedroom situation though xxx :hugs:

Mostly I wanted to see if my LP is anywhere close to what I think it is. Even a couple days in either direction could throw off all the planning I do these days.
I am currently 7 dpo. I have had a headache, cramping & back ache for the past 3 days plus been very sleepy & no entergy. The cramps started mild & have increased intensity each day. Today the cramps feel like they do when AF arrives but I am about a week away from her being due. Yesterday (dpo 6) I had a slight rise in temp & even more today. I am suppose to ride horses tomorrow (walking only) but am worried that if I am trying to have implantation if riding a horse could cause any problems?

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