I'm on my phone, so forgive me if I forget people xx
Firstly, sweetmama, CONGRATS!! That's a whopper of a line for an IC!!! Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 months beautiful mama xxx Much love from my home to yours ❤️
Choco, pregnancy (no matter how short) can have an effect on your cycles. I hope that the discomfort eases soon xx You don't need anymore guessing, just confirmation!! Best of luck for this cycle. We're all rooting for you
Green, I wasn't informed of that, however they did tell me that taking too much can be bad for TTC, just like taking too little. I did a bit of research though and in order to have a natural miscarriage with Vit C, the amount you need to take it excessive. Like 1-6 grams for 5-10 days. I would only be taking 750mg, which is supposed to be the sweet spot. I just need to make sure that it's the right dose! Much love to you. How're you feeling today? Your chart is looking great! When's AF due for you? Need to go and stalk your testing thread!
Glong, how're you going sweetness? You're in the TWW now, right?! Sending you truck loads of

sweetness xx Come on rainbow baby!!
AFM, picking up my suppliments today as well as some more Vitex as I'm sure that it's not going to work straight off the bat. Or that I'll even fall straight away! So many ins and out but need to make sure I'm covered. Feeling optimistic (slightly) and thinking about grabbing some IC's. I'm always desperate to test but whenever I have, the earliest it's been had been two days before or the day of (she always shows within an hour of testing, lol). Majority of the time though I manage to just wait until she shows (with much symptoms spotting and speculation).
As for the

she seems to be on her way out, thank goodness. Not taking the Vitex through my LP certainly didn't help AF, at all!! It was horrid. Onto a fresh cycle and hopefully a fresh outlook. I'm going to try and remind myself that it's not going to change drastically for a few cycles, so as to TRY and not go crazy in the TWW, lol

let's see if that actually happens. Last two cycles I've O'd cd16, so hoping for more consistency this cycle as well!
Much love to our new mama and love and all the dust in the world to our future mamas