***Lucky Testers: 32 Testers, 21 BFPs, 9 Angels***

Oh man Matts, that's a questionable one. Do you have any cheapies you might try?
Oh matts I really hope it's something for you! Keeping my fingers and toes crossed!

The shirt came in today so I will be wrapping it and giving it to DH tonight :happydance: also called my midwifes office and my first appt is scheduled for June 29th at 9am. It's just the paperwork appt so nothing fun but it's getting the ball rolling :thumbsup: been having more cramps today, slight throbbing headache and waves of nausea :sick:
Thank you Tiny. I hope hope things become clearer for you soon lovely lady :hugs:

Matt's I really hope it's the start of something!! Good luck, good luck to you too chocolate chip!

Proud wow I was just coming on here to panic and say the same, faintest of faint bit of brown tinged cm on my underwear but it has freaked me out :nope: 15dpo today and did the digi with fmu below. Just so so paranoid I'll lose this one too :( been bloated all day and normal cm since xx


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Curiosity xx Try and not stress about brown spotting. Even pink, sometimes red, is no cause for concern, unless it starts to flow. It can come down to something as simple as a knock to your newly swollen cervix (since there's such an increase in blood flow to the uterus), walking too much, lifting things too much, even not drinking enough water! Brown is old honey (but you knew that already :haha: ) Yay for the digi xx Big hugs xx

Proud, glad to see the spotting hasn't continued xx I saw on first Tri board (I know, someone stop me :rofl: ) that you're into fitness and I applaude you. Maybe this is your bodies way of saying take it easy for a little bit? Remeber to drink plenty of water xx Yay for the Tshirt arrival! Let us know how it went!! :hugs:

Matts, uhhh??!!! I definitely see that and it might look pink too? How does it look in real life? I have everything crossed for you beautiful xxx Sending you so much sticky baby :dust:

Les, I see a temp rise? Have you stopped the prog? Fx'd this means something good lovely xxx

Green and Arturia, big :hugs: to you ladies xx How're you both going? xxx

OhH, how're oh lovely? Any sign of O yet?

Choco, oooooh!! :dust: :dust: :dust: xxx

AFM, still very weepy and was extra grumps with hubby last night. We got into a heated debate about politics (our elections are just around the corner) and I swear I could have smacked him. Everything he said (not just that conversation) had my teeth on edge and I was very stroppy and cross the whole night. I keep telling myself it's just PMS but who really knows since I have no idea when I O'd or what my LP will be this month :dohh: I had quite strong o type pains last night which went on for a while and I was having a very odd AF like cramp before it. I had to nearly smack myself for thinking, is that a beanie?! Especially since I was only 4 DPO, if I O'd cd16 :dohh: I wish I could just switch my TTC brain off. I'm dying to talk to hubby and set the record straight about whether we're actually TTC or not but every time I go to bring it up, I feel the anger and hurt bubble up in my chest and I know I would end up being very shirty and that's probably not the best for a conversation like that.
I can't help myself but I keep thinking, what's the bet this is when I get pregnant. After he told me we should wait. I know it's highly unlikely but what's life without hope right? Lol.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone is well and I'm sending lots and lots of hugs to all <3
Thanks guys. No I don't have any cheapies unfortunately. I went test crazy when I got my last bfp so no left overs.Planning on buying more for next cycle. So I have one more frer that I'll take on Sunday or monday depending on if af shows or not and how I feel.
Hi tiny, sorry you are going through a mess at home. Hope things improve for you soon.

I'm still waiting to o. Just waiting. Should have been yesterday or today but no positive opk yet, and temps keep going lower instead of higher.
Thank you Tiny. I hope hope things become clearer for you soon lovely lady :hugs:

Matt's I really hope it's the start of something!! Good luck, good luck to you too chocolate chip!

Proud wow I was just coming on here to panic and say the same, faintest of faint bit of brown tinged cm on my underwear but it has freaked me out :nope: 15dpo today and did the digi with fmu below. Just so so paranoid I'll lose this one too :( been bloated all day and normal cm since xx

Hope it's nothing. Mine stopped after that one time. I think it was just bean digging in. I had just been to the gym and may have pushed a little harder than I should :dohh:
Curiosity xx Try and not stress about brown spotting. Even pink, sometimes red, is no cause for concern, unless it starts to flow. It can come down to something as simple as a knock to your newly swollen cervix (since there's such an increase in blood flow to the uterus), walking too much, lifting things too much, even not drinking enough water! Brown is old honey (but you knew that already :haha: ) Yay for the digi xx Big hugs xx

Proud, glad to see the spotting hasn't continued xx I saw on first Tri board (I know, someone stop me :rofl: ) that you're into fitness and I applaude you. Maybe this is your bodies way of saying take it easy for a little bit? Remeber to drink plenty of water xx Yay for the Tshirt arrival! Let us know how it went!! :hugs:

Matts, uhhh??!!! I definitely see that and it might look pink too? How does it look in real life? I have everything crossed for you beautiful xxx Sending you so much sticky baby :dust:

Les, I see a temp rise? Have you stopped the prog? Fx'd this means something good lovely xxx

Green and Arturia, big :hugs: to you ladies xx How're you both going? xxx

OhH, how're oh lovely? Any sign of O yet?

Choco, oooooh!! :dust: :dust: :dust: xxx

AFM, still very weepy and was extra grumps with hubby last night. We got into a heated debate about politics (our elections are just around the corner) and I swear I could have smacked him. Everything he said (not just that conversation) had my teeth on edge and I was very stroppy and cross the whole night. I keep telling myself it's just PMS but who really knows since I have no idea when I O'd or what my LP will be this month :dohh: I had quite strong o type pains last night which went on for a while and I was having a very odd AF like cramp before it. I had to nearly smack myself for thinking, is that a beanie?! Especially since I was only 4 DPO, if I O'd cd16 :dohh: I wish I could just switch my TTC brain off. I'm dying to talk to hubby and set the record straight about whether we're actually TTC or not but every time I go to bring it up, I feel the anger and hurt bubble up in my chest and I know I would end up being very shirty and that's probably not the best for a conversation like that.
I can't help myself but I keep thinking, what's the bet this is when I get pregnant. After he told me we should wait. I know it's highly unlikely but what's life without hope right? Lol.
Anyhoo, I hope everyone is well and I'm sending lots and lots of hugs to all <3

:hugs: :hugs: I would def wait until you have a clear head to bring that up. I get the frustration and overwhelming sadness at times. Ttc is such a trying time and such an emotional roller coaster. It never hurts to have hope. That would be my luck to say we were gonna wait and end up pregnant :haha:

Yes I agree I think I'm gonna cut back a little for now. I'm gonna keep going but I'm gonna stick to walking a couple miles and maybe lifting some light weights. I truly enjoy it it's a nice stress reliever. Def need to drink more water though! I'm working on that. I drink a good bit but never hurts to drink some more :haha:
Alright all, it took me all of nap plus bedtime to now, but i've read back through the last 30 pages and am all caught up!! I can't reply back to everything, but I just want to wrap my arms around you all as you walk through these difficult trials in life and in ttc :hugs::hugs:

sweets- i am so so sorry about your recent loss :hugs: i hope that this month brings you your rainbow

arturia- i'm sorry things are in such limbo with your DH. I'm sure the stress of moving isn't helping anything. I think you have a solid plan to wait until after the move to make any decisions. I will throw out there that my husband was in no way ready when we started trying for my DS. But when we looked at where we were in life, it made sense to try so we jumped in. He was fairly detached through the pregnancy but as soon as our son was born, DH was head over heels and wouldn't change anything. I hope you find an answer that works for both of you :hugs:

matts- i definitely see a faint line hun! KMFX it is new hcg building so you can have your rainbow:flower:

liles- how are you feeling hun? how is your son doing?

les- :hugs: did you stop the progesterone? you had a nice jump today...FX it's leading to a good sign!

newbie and jes- welcome! how are you ladies doing?

choco- praying the nausea is a good sign!! do you think you'll test early?

happy- chart is looking awesome!! FX you O in the next couple days!

green- congrats on getting your tooth fixed! my husband chipped his tooth as a kid and had a discolored cap on it for 20 years or so before deciding to get it fixed. he became so much more confident and comfortable with his smile and says he should have done it years earlier. good luck with fertile week!

curiosity, glong and proud- CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so so so so happy for you ladies!! i love all of the progression pictures! how have you all been feeling? i updated the front with your beautiful flashing :bfp:

kitty- how are you doing hun?

tiny- oh my goodness girl, i wish i knew you IRL so i could give you a hug and a shoulder to cry on. I'm so sorry with everything that you've been going through lately. from wonky cycles, to that rude doctor to tough conversations with your husband. i pray that you are able to find peach with your husband, a doctor who listens and helps you and the right combination to help your cycles. i'm so sorry you're walking such a difficult road and are facing judgements from others. ignore what everyone else may say or think and focus on what YOU know to be right for you. i will say that my body was messed up for 7 months post weaning (though this seems to be on the long end of what i've seen). however, since you had issues conceiving your son, it is unlikely to be solely from bf'ing. Trust me, I know all about how difficult it can be to wean. there is no need to push it for the sake of getting preggo. i hope you get your positive soon love :flower:

missyogi- did you all decide to start this cycle?? if not, your trying date is in just a couple weeks and you're getting married in a month!!! how exciting! how is everything coming along?

jwilly- not sure if you still check in, but hope you are doing well and hope the rest of the wait passes quickly until you can try again :flower:

ali, banana- hope you all are doing well! i'll check in and update the january thread tomorrow and hope to see updates over there from you all

i hope i didn't miss anyone- if so, it definitely wasn't done on purpose and hope you all are doing well :flower:

AFM, I am doing pretty well! I'm 10+4 today. Nausea has been kicking my rear end for the last 5 weeks. it was REALLY bad in week 8 and has slowly been improving since then. I actually had a couple days last weekend/early this week with very very little nausea....which was quickly made up for in the last 3 days. still yet to be sick but often feels like it sits right at the edge. energy levels are WAY better now. Lots of stretching as i'm growing....i already have a little bump (pictures updated in my journal linked below, i will leave them off this thread to be sensitive to others). We saw a healthy heartbeat at 9+0 and since then my anxiety is pretty much gone. As well as the guilt I was feeling over being pregnant (and what it would do to the routine and relationship with DS). I still don't feel as bonded as I did when pregnant with DS, but it's definitely heading in the right direction, which I am very happy about!

We just got home from my DS's first vacation to the beach. He LOVED the ocean and sand and had ZERO fear or hesitation...just jumped in and started to play. Very happy to be home however and can get back to normal. Next appointment is in 3 weeks.

Charles is going to be starting a pre-preschool next week. 2 mornings a week for a few hours. As long as the first 2 weeks go okay we will continue through the summer. I am a nervous wreck about leaving him though!! it will be fine, i'm sure, just have to get through that first day.

I have lots of journals to catch up on so hoping to see many of you there. I should definitely be around more going forward now that the appointment and trip are done!

much love to all of you xx
OhH, I've noticed my temps seem to dip before I O, so Fx'd it's just around the corner for you xx Loads of :dust: honey xx Thank you for the love xx

Proud, all the water! Haha, it doesn't help when your bladder turns into the size of a pea :rofl: Sending you lots of love xx Thank you for your words &#10084;&#65039; I'm determined to bring it up with him tonight, just to know where we stand. Even if he agrees not to see a specialist but start trying more natural efforts, then I'll be happy. I just hope it's not off the cards for him, full stop. I'll be heartbroken.

Kk, thank you so much lovely xxx It really means so much &#10084;&#65039;&#10084;&#65039; I'm so blessed to have you ladies xx I've just had a squiz at your journal! That bumpy! So gorgeous xxxx The holiday sounds like it was glorious!! My DS loves the beach too. Sorry to hear sickness has been giving your grief. Not too long now and it should buzz off for good. Fx'd :hugs: That's exciting about pre-preschool. I totally understand your fright about it though xx Hubby said we should go out this weekend. I have a feeling he means, out for the night, which scares the pants off me, lol.
Lots of love to you xxx
Thank you Tiny HUGE hugs to you. I hope you are able to find peace and that things can begin to improve from here xxx

Thank you Kk, lovely to hear pregnancy is progressing well!! So excited for you, do you have a scan date yet?

How're you feeling today Proud?

Love and hugs to everyone else :)

Did my second FRER today and it is darker (bottom is today's), normal cm still so really hoping spotting (which looking at y'day's underwear is almost impossible to see) was a one off. Still can't shake fears of blighted ovum or something though! With my first pregnancy I had the odd bit of spotting at around 9-10 weeks and it turned out to be an mmc :(


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Kk! Thanks for updating the front page!! So crazy to see myself up there with a bfp &#128516; Sorry your feeling sick I hope it passes soon! Can't believe your 10 weeks already!

Tiny hope the conversation goes well and DH doesn't want to just stop all together :hugs:

Curiosity I'm feeling. Okay for the most part. Seems like my symptoms come in waves. The only consistent is the constant peeing and constant hunger :haha: I have had random waves of nausea but nothing to terrible as of yet. I have noticed I'm absolutely exhausted in the evening when I get off of work and I had a dull throb in my head all day yesterday. How are you feeling? And your tests look great darling! Fabulous progression there :flower:

Took my last FRER and the test line looks to me like it's as dark as the control line now which makes me happy and content for the time being :haha: I won't be buying anymore tests I'll just cautiously be optimistic that everything is fine with bean until I have legitimate concern to feel otherwise. I told DH last night and his response was hilarious. He pulled the shirt out looked at me puzzled and said really?! :haha: will most likely be telling my mom and grandparents tonight.

Top test: from Tuesday
Middle test: Thursday
Bottom test: Saturday


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Aww bless him, it sounds like he's so happy :cloud9:

Your progression is fantastic :) yes mine is the same as control today too.

Feel a bit 'off' this morning but nothing major. Still bloated and crampy, hopefully bean is getting comfy as just (tmi) loads of cm! I am so gross atm haha :haha:

Glad all is going OK again for you Proud :happydance:
I followed Kks lead and started a journal (although not nearly as organized :haha: ) since I'm not technically savvy and I can't figure out how to link it in my signature I figured I would leave the link here and if anyone would like to follow please feel free :flower:

Those lines look fantastic ladies! Perfect progression!
Love the progression!! Looking awesome ladies!
Some fab looking lines ladies
Huge congrats xxx

Thanks kk
I'm good and ds is good thanks
He will start preschool in Sep
I'm excited but terrified for it
Hee Hee
Glad alls well for u apart from yucky nausea
Hope it lets up soon xxx

Hugs and heaps of dust to out ttcrs xxx
I had spotting with this one too girls
Alls fine thank god
Had me really worried though at the time

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