Choco, I'm so sorry love

How dare she come early! She was supposed to stay away! I have everything crossed for you for next cycle xxx
OhH, so sorry FF is giving you grief

I think temping vaginally next time might give you a better chart. It is the most accurate way but I think a lot of people prefer oral. I know I do. Remember to not change halfway through your cycles though as that can makes things a little skewy. I personally don't use OPKS because of the fact you can have multipule surges before you even O. As well as surges through the TWW and before AF which gives a lot of ladies false hope. This whole jazz does take a while to get into the swing of things

Also sorry to hear about the Fertiltea

I've never heard of it but from what Kk has provided, it sounds like it could be the root of the problem. It's unfortunate that the website doesn't inform you of such things (how certain herbs can affect a normal cycle)

What a rip xxx The best thing you can do lovely is keep up with the healthy eating, pineapple core is still good and just keep that positivity flowing gorgeous xx You will get your little baby, I promise you xx Don't let the disappointment dull your shine doll

You're a diamond and when you shine bright, your little baby will see that and be drawn to you

Good luck xx
Kaiecee, good luck for this cycle xx Praying the Clomid works for you this time round xx You said you O already? So does the Clomid Jusy encourage good eggs, or? Just curious

Also, no question is a silly question darl xx Knowledge is power and we're all powerful women
Matts, big hugs to you gorgeous girl xxx Time to start fresh and new. New cycle without the worry of the last

I have everything so tightly crossed that this cycle will bring you your much deserved rainbow baby xxx
Glong, yay for 3+!! Weeee, I bet that has lifted some of your anxiety xx Much love to you and beanie xx
Green and Les, how're you two lovelies travelling?
Sweet, yay for temp rise!!

Come on temps, keep rising! To that potential beanie, do your thing! We're all rooting for you xx
AFM, starting to see that darn hope again D: I know I'm just setting myself up to fail but this cycle I haven't really been liking for any symtpoms to be honest. Yesterday (possibly 7 DPO) I had some strong pinching in my left ovary area. Brushed it off. Then last night I had a dream that I had spotting?! It's very rare for me to dream as it is because of medication I used to take. Woke up this morning to a very full bladder and that left ovary area felt almost like I had a prickle in there? Now that I think of it I felt it quite a lot yesterday. Haven't really noticed much O pains this TWW, unlike all the others. AF is due either tomorrow or the day after. So even if all that was a beanie, my body probably won't register it and it will be flushed away. But no matter, she's not here yet, so I'm still in the game, right?
Much love to all and plenty of