Congrats to all new BFPs! March seems to be a very lucky month!
Af due today for me, BFN last night with IC, I'm 15dpo so should have def shown BFP with last night's test if I was! Temp rise this morning which is strange on the day Af is due and shes usually here when I wake up, but I'm very crampy this morning so fully expect her at some point today. Not testing til Monday if she doesn't arrive but I'm certain she will!
I'm thinking of giving soy a go this next cycle, haven't tried it before but hoping it will give a bit of a stronger ovulation. I'll have to do days 3-7 because I cant buy any til Monday now. Just a bit nervous as I have 25 day cycles and ovulate on day 10 or 11, have heard it can bring ov earlier which obviously I wouldn't want as mine is early anyway. I've questioned if I'm even ovulating but theres a clear temp shift every month so I must be? Going into our 6th cycle now after the loss, not sure where I'm going wrong but time to try something new I think and heard good things about the Soy Isoflavones.
Tesh, did you start at 200mg a day from first ever having it? I'm not sure what dosage to start with and what time of day do you take it?