March 28th Due Date Buddies?

My belly is all fluttery as well, almost like the first movements but I'm sure it's just gas or something!! Still no symptoms, last pregnancy I was blessed not to have any nausea or morning sickness at all so hopefully this one will be the same :)

I keep forgetting I'm pregnant as well, because I'm running around after Isabelle all day it doesn't really feel like I'm having a baby - maybe I should convince hubby I need to put my feet up more ;)

Aww i would love that. baby 1 so busy and worked with horses and looked after & rode my own until 36weeks. Baby 2 i was working with & riding my horse until 26weeks then i had some probs so went on bed rest at 28weeks but apart from that both pregnancies were fairly easy. THIS BABY !!!!! WOW......i have been ill a lot of the time since 4dpo !! Wondering if there is more than one setting up camp? Or whether this baby is just making his or her presence known!!!!
My belly is all fluttery as well, almost like the first movements but I'm sure it's just gas or something!! Still no symptoms, last pregnancy I was blessed not to have any nausea or morning sickness at all so hopefully this one will be the same :)

I keep forgetting I'm pregnant as well, because I'm running around after Isabelle all day it doesn't really feel like I'm having a baby - maybe I should convince hubby I need to put my feet up more ;)

i have funny feeling in my tummy too, little twinges and pulling , hard to explain...backache im noticing more and more.
i keep forgetting too and remind myself b4 i do anything. i look after children for a living so have to remember to not to carry the big ones,make sure i protect my belly...and hate asking people to do more and they just think im lazy!! just want to know that everything is ok.
With my first 2 babies I didnt get a scan til I was 20 weeks.. I dont know if I really want one before then..

I really might contact some midwives (the closes ones I can find) and see if they take my ins and if home birth is something my ins can help pay for.. I am pretty sure this is going to be my last baby and do want to get my tubes tied after this one but I want to deliver at home i think because it is going to be my lasy baby.. Might think i am crazy but also concidering unassisted at home labor... I know I could do it, my other births were natural.. I have just always had midwives and this time they are so far away from here.. (I moved from where I was living when I had my other kids)
When do you ladies have your first ultrasound?? Mine is the 16th.
When do you ladies have your first ultrasound?? Mine is the 16th.

aug 13th if I dont change my mind and do midwife care and a home birth... weighing the pros and cons...ugh I wanna a home birth BAD!

I LOVE the concept of home birth, especially water birth! But my insurance won't pay for it, and it will cover 100% of a hospital birth. Plus it makes me a little nervous to not have direct emergency medical attention in the event that something were wrong with me or the baby. I'm a worry wart :(
hi Ladies - i had my first vaginal ultra sound on the 24 of July..and the baby measured at 4week and 5 days...and i will be having another one when i am 7 weeks(August 11)...i think next week...hopefully i will get to hear the heartbeat...:happydance:

the flu is better today - bt still no MS :nope: just my tummy gets sore every now and then and sore boobs and backache aswell whicjh i just started to notice...:thumbup:

how are u ladies keeping up?
Hi ladies, so exciting some of you are having u/s already and fingers crossed they are all going well.
Yesterday I was feeling a little worried as my boobs were a lot less tender and my m/s seemed to have gone ... cue lots of worried googling. I needn't have worried though as woke up this morning feeling like crap and have just had my head down the toilet bowl :sick: great! Sat here now with some crumpets at my side debating do I eat them or do I go vomit again!

It's weird how symptoms seem to come and go but from what I've been reading it seems normal. Hope everyone else is well and doing ok :flower:

PS just noticed as now I'm 6 weeks I've gone up a fruit! I'm not a sweet pea!
Hooray for sweet peas!

I'm a childminder and have been worrying about how parents will react and how I claim maternity allowance. Anyone know?

Also phoned the doctors and made an appointment for Mon the 6th. I know its just going to be a load of waffle about washing my hands and taking vitamins, but on the other hand I need to go to get booked in with the midwife. Here we don't have scans until 12 weeks and you don't see a midwife until 9 to 10 weeks. So a long wait!

Last night had loads of cramps, really sharp, was getting worried but they've eased off today.

Anyone got a gender preference? I'd love a little boy but wouldn't mind another girl either, we're definitely finding out at 20 weeks though.
Hey ladies !! So excited for all of us & love comparing symptoms etc ! I have a scan on August 6th just to make sure "baby" is developing as it should be . Then i have a class on August 15th. After this i get to see my Dr & book my dating scan.
Hey ladies !! So excited for all of us & love comparing symptoms etc ! I have a scan on August 6th just to make sure "baby" is developing as it should be . Then i have a class on August 15th. After this i get to see my Dr & book my dating scan.

yeay for your scan - please let us know how your lil is?
When do you ladies have your first ultrasound?? Mine is the 16th.

aug 13th if I dont change my mind and do midwife care and a home birth... weighing the pros and cons...ugh I wanna a home birth BAD!

I LOVE the concept of home birth, especially water birth! But my insurance won't pay for it, and it will cover 100% of a hospital birth. Plus it makes me a little nervous to not have direct emergency medical attention in the event that something were wrong with me or the baby. I'm a worry wart :(

See my ins will only pay 80% after I meet a 400 deductable.. So I am in the process of trying to figure out which will be cheaper a 3000 home birth or the hospital bill... The 3000 is a flat rate for prenatel care and birth and after baby is born.. I am conflicted to say the least.. And have gotten nowhere on trying to figure out how much a natural vagional hospital birth will cost after insurance (no complications)....And I live 5 min from a hospital and have had 2 other children naturally, my baby girl weighed 10 lbs so I am pretty much fearless when it comes to
Hooray for sweet peas!

I'm a childminder and have been worrying about how parents will react and how I claim maternity allowance. Anyone know?

Also phoned the doctors and made an appointment for Mon the 6th. I know its just going to be a load of waffle about washing my hands and taking vitamins, but on the other hand I need to go to get booked in with the midwife. Here we don't have scans until 12 weeks and you don't see a midwife until 9 to 10 weeks. So a long wait!

Last night had loads of cramps, really sharp, was getting worried but they've eased off today.

Anyone got a gender preference? I'd love a little boy but wouldn't mind another girl either, we're definitely finding out at 20 weeks though.

are you in the uk?
i was having regular twinges and ligth cramps for a few days but not so much now. i had a sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen today but then went for a wee and seemed to be ok..tmi
having to be really careful at work as i look after children for a living too but in a nursery. have told my supervisor so that she understands if im having an off day and to make sure i dont do things i shouldnt be. she is also 27 weeks pregnant so it helps to talk to someone. im seeing my doc 2moro and hoping for an early scan in the next few weeks as i had a mc last december and just want to know everythings ok this time. i worry about everything. my boobd are not as sore as they were last week and the 2 weeks b4 that..i'll mention it to the doc 2moro.
Hooray for sweet peas!

I'm a childminder and have been worrying about how parents will react and how I claim maternity allowance. Anyone know?

Also phoned the doctors and made an appointment for Mon the 6th. I know its just going to be a load of waffle about washing my hands and taking vitamins, but on the other hand I need to go to get booked in with the midwife. Here we don't have scans until 12 weeks and you don't see a midwife until 9 to 10 weeks. So a long wait!

Last night had loads of cramps, really sharp, was getting worried but they've eased off today.

Anyone got a gender preference? I'd love a little boy but wouldn't mind another girl either, we're definitely finding out at 20 weeks though.

are you in the uk?
i was having regular twinges and ligth cramps for a few days but not so much now. i had a sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen today but then went for a wee and seemed to be ok..tmi
having to be really careful at work as i look after children for a living too but in a nursery. have told my supervisor so that she understands if im having an off day and to make sure i dont do things i shouldnt be. she is also 27 weeks pregnant so it helps to talk to someone. im seeing my doc 2moro and hoping for an early scan in the next few weeks as i had a mc last december and just want to know everythings ok this time. i worry about everything. my boobd are not as sore as they were last week and the 2 weeks b4 that..i'll mention it to the doc 2moro.

i worry about everything too...and try not to stress but i can't help it :nope: like since ysterday i've been having twinges from my left side aswell :nope: not bad but noticable and now i have this massive discharge tmi coming out and it's cream - ish in colour and smells a little...:blush: and i only have an appointment with the doc for the 11 August...such a bummer! now if its an infections
Hooray for sweet peas!

I'm a childminder and have been worrying about how parents will react and how I claim maternity allowance. Anyone know?

Also phoned the doctors and made an appointment for Mon the 6th. I know its just going to be a load of waffle about washing my hands and taking vitamins, but on the other hand I need to go to get booked in with the midwife. Here we don't have scans until 12 weeks and you don't see a midwife until 9 to 10 weeks. So a long wait!

Last night had loads of cramps, really sharp, was getting worried but they've eased off today.

Anyone got a gender preference? I'd love a little boy but wouldn't mind another girl either, we're definitely finding out at 20 weeks though.

are you in the uk?
i was having regular twinges and ligth cramps for a few days but not so much now. i had a sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen today but then went for a wee and seemed to be ok..tmi
having to be really careful at work as i look after children for a living too but in a nursery. have told my supervisor so that she understands if im having an off day and to make sure i dont do things i shouldnt be. she is also 27 weeks pregnant so it helps to talk to someone. im seeing my doc 2moro and hoping for an early scan in the next few weeks as i had a mc last december and just want to know everythings ok this time. i worry about everything. my boobd are not as sore as they were last week and the 2 weeks b4 that..i'll mention it to the doc 2moro.

yep i'm in Kent, uk. Have you thought about maternity leave yet? Last time I left at 36 weeks but I think this time I might work up to 40 and have either 6 or 9 weeks off afterwards. I only childmind 2 boys 3 days a week anyway so it's not that full on.
Hooray for sweet peas!

I'm a childminder and have been worrying about how parents will react and how I claim maternity allowance. Anyone know?

Also phoned the doctors and made an appointment for Mon the 6th. I know its just going to be a load of waffle about washing my hands and taking vitamins, but on the other hand I need to go to get booked in with the midwife. Here we don't have scans until 12 weeks and you don't see a midwife until 9 to 10 weeks. So a long wait!

Last night had loads of cramps, really sharp, was getting worried but they've eased off today.

Anyone got a gender preference? I'd love a little boy but wouldn't mind another girl either, we're definitely finding out at 20 weeks though.

are you in the uk?
i was having regular twinges and ligth cramps for a few days but not so much now. i had a sharp pain on the left side of my abdomen today but then went for a wee and seemed to be ok..tmi
having to be really careful at work as i look after children for a living too but in a nursery. have told my supervisor so that she understands if im having an off day and to make sure i dont do things i shouldnt be. she is also 27 weeks pregnant so it helps to talk to someone. im seeing my doc 2moro and hoping for an early scan in the next few weeks as i had a mc last december and just want to know everythings ok this time. i worry about everything. my boobd are not as sore as they were last week and the 2 weeks b4 that..i'll mention it to the doc 2moro.

yep i'm in Kent, uk. Have you thought about maternity leave yet? Last time I left at 36 weeks but I think this time I might work up to 40 and have either 6 or 9 weeks off afterwards. I only childmind 2 boys 3 days a week anyway so it's not that full on.

im talking to my manager today so will find out more, have only been working fir the company since april so unsure of entitlement! im hoping to take a full year off and then go back part time...but thats in an ideal world!
my friend is 28 weeks and same height weight as me and she is struggling already. saying that im finding some things hard on my back already. seeing midwife today, first apptmnt, very excited got lots of questions. this is my first baby..after a mc last year and they have been really on top of things this time.
Good luck! I've got the doctor on Monday but I know they don't do anything exciting there, just hand out leaflets lol.
Hey pregnant ladies !!! What are we al doing this weekend ? I am heading out with a friend of ours for Thai food tonight , baby is liking that idea VERY much lol. Then i am going out with a gf over the wknd or lunch & a movie :)
Not an exciting weekend planned for me! Working both days :( also have spent my day off today mainly with my head in the loo!! Today has definitely been the worst day today for m/s. I can't seem to keep anything down and also have a terrible migraine :( oh well I just hope my lil pea is hanging in there and ok that's all that matters

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