****MAY 2020 TESTING & LUCKY THREAD - feel free to join***

Thanks for all the kind words ladies.
ICs are so cruel. I just did another easy@home and got another shadowy line within the time frame but these are notable for evaps.
Same thing with clinical guard. I can understand evaps after the time limit but these come up within 2 mins
Popping my head in to say I see those Sugger xx
Popping my head in to say I see those Sugger xx

There just cruel evaps hon. Frer was practically negative this morning. So I know these are not real or there just picking up on the chemical.
Just want AF to hurry up I really hope she dont keep me waiting I just want this over :(
Hello, thank you for letting me join this thread. I'm either 9dpo or 4dpo as my OPK's didnt arrive until Saturday. I've got cramping and my pregnancy test today had a white line but it was slightly pink so I'm not sure what is going on. I've ordered wondfo's for Wednesday and 2 FRER tests.

How are you all? x

Welcome, what day do you think you will be testing on so I can add you?

Sugger - IC's can be very cruel. I got a line today and I am 2dpo so I know it's an evap!
Welcome @Sun_Rain_5
Fx you get your BFP!
I'm doing well. Just already hating the tww and I only got my positive opk yesterday ](*,)I'm just not a patient person.

@Suggerhoney I'm sorry!

It's ok hon it's just one of them things isnt it, hope u get ure BFP hon this cycle. I'm still rooting for all of you. Your all such a lovely bunch of ladies. I dont know what I'd do without u all. :hugs:

Welcome, what day do you think you will be testing on so I can add you?

Sugger - IC's can be very cruel. I got a line today and I am 2dpo so I know it's an evap!
They are the cruelest hon. My symptoms are starting to fade away now so just got to wait on AF and I really hope she shows asap.
The waiting is the worst. I hope she isnt late because of this.
But this is earlier than my other chemicals so hopfully because it's so early she will just come when shes supposed to.
Thank you Bevziibubble and Suggarhoney!

Nice to see you Lightning :) I’m sorry AF came but glad you are optimistic for this cycle. I’m also waiting to O but mine should be tomorrow latest I hope. I’m glad I’m not the only one who stares at tests and imagines lines...the mental torture we put ourselves through!
Hope work isn’t too busy for you, I have no idea when I’ll get back to mine (work in a special needs school) We shall see what Boris has to say on Sunday.
Good luck and to everyone else.
Probably a good thing for you not being at work, I have relatives in the UK, including one who is a teacher doing WFH. It sounds very crazy over there with so many dying from this virus. I am feeling very blessed to be in Australia since it's a bit more isolated and we have a great gov't who cracked down hard and fast on it. So we are already starting to ease restrictions here which is nice.

@saveme love the ticker!

@KG1115 I see the line however I would confirm with a pink dye test as the blues are known for false lines :-(

Temp jump today so I think O must have been yesterday! Gives me a test date/expected AF of the 22nd May!
I wasn't expecting it really as I didn't have any blaring positives on my OPKs, yesterdays and the day before were negatives and the 2 days before that were like almost positive.. So I haven't added them in FF because they were weird last month too and FF then kept thinking that I didn't ovulate at all :shock:

Hope we see some better luck in the coming weeks on here! We have a lovely big group of ladies, maybe we should add June onto this thread as well so we don't lose anyone :lol:
Oh forgot to say, so sorry for your false positive/chemicals Suggerhoney and Mamaoffive <3 as sad as I am to see negatives month after month I'm sure it's even more heartbreaking to get a positive that doesn't stick around :hugs:
Thank you Bevziibubble and Suggarhoney!

Probably a good thing for you not being at work, I have relatives in the UK, including one who is a teacher doing WFH. It sounds very crazy over there with so many dying from this virus. I am feeling very blessed to be in Australia since it's a bit more isolated and we have a great gov't who cracked down hard and fast on it. So we are already starting to ease restrictions here which is nice.

@saveme love the ticker!

@KG1115 I see the line however I would confirm with a pink dye test as the blues are known for false lines :-(

Temp jump today so I think O must have been yesterday! Gives me a test date/expected AF of the 22nd May!
I wasn't expecting it really as I didn't have any blaring positives on my OPKs, yesterdays and the day before were negatives and the 2 days before that were like almost positive.. So I haven't added them in FF because they were weird last month too and FF then kept thinking that I didn't ovulate at all :shock:

Hope we see some better luck in the coming weeks on here! We have a lovely big group of ladies, maybe we should add June onto this thread as well so we don't lose anyone :lol:
I may be back to work next month just one day a week but we will see how things go. All very worrying here.

I re-added you for the 22nd, it’s cool that you’ve had two testing dates this month and it’s an excellent idea of yours to add June to this thread...I expect everyone else would be up for that too.

Good luck Lightning! :)
Aww sugg that sucks. I'm so sorry. Nothing worse than evaps and false positives.

Looks like today is real O day for me. My chart didn't jump, but my opk was pulling dye from the control dark so iII suspect it will jump in the morning. My cervix feels 2cm dilated and soft with gobs of ewcm. I'll test at 6dpo if I can make it that far . No self control here.

Seems we're tww wait buddies for real lightning!

Does anyone else find that using the ovulation tests kills the spontaneity of things? This was the first month using them and I found myself not being so keen to dtd all the time like I have the last few months, I was kind of waiting till the ovulation test said it was time (did it a couple times but not heaps haha)

I'm lucky in a way as the 2ww is only 10days as for the last couple years I get spotting 4-5days before my period is due so if I get that I assume I'm not pregnant, but have also wondered if me getting that means there's something wrong with me.
I mentioned it to my doctor and she said if I don't get preg in a year then she will see if that's causing issues, annoys me that they don't even want to look at anything in till a year ttc.
Oh forgot to say, so sorry for your false positive/chemicals Suggerhoney and Mamaoffive <3 as sad as I am to see negatives month after month I'm sure it's even more heartbreaking to get a positive that doesn't stick around :hugs:

Thanks hon. Hopfully June will be a better month. Its horrible. The frer yesterday popped up within 2 mins, I've been having pregnancy symptoms since 8dpo but there going off now so I'm very sure it was a chemical. I had line on CB as well, it's horrible but wud rather this than l get further along and then something happens. This will be my 3rd chemical, I'm pretty sure if I wud of used a first response on Saturday the line wud of been darker. I think caught it fading out.
Not sure I'll be bothering to test early next cycle.
Its gonna be real hard but I'm going to try and hold out. It's just so horrible getting a line and it not developing. U get all ure Hope's up for nothing but these things are common and happen alot.
Hopfully there will be loads of BFPs in June.

I may be back to work next month just one day a week but we will see how things go. All very worrying here.

I re-added you for the 22nd, it’s cool that you’ve had two testing dates this month and it’s an excellent idea of yours to add June to this thread...I expect everyone else would be up for that too.

Good luck Lightning! :)

I'm up for it hon I think it's a great idea

Aww sugg that sucks. I'm so sorry. Nothing worse than evaps and false positives.

Looks like today is real O day for me. My chart didn't jump, but my opk was pulling dye from the control dark so iII suspect it will jump in the morning. My cervix feels 2cm dilated and soft with gobs of ewcm. I'll test at 6dpo if I can make it that far . No self control here.

Seems we're tww wait buddies for real lightning!

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Thanks hon.
Good luck. Hope ure temp goes up soon. Hope u get ure BFP.

Does anyone else find that using the ovulation tests kills the spontaneity of things? This was the first month using them and I found myself not being so keen to dtd all the time like I have the last few months, I was kind of waiting till the ovulation test said it was time (did it a couple times but not heaps haha)

I'm lucky in a way as the 2ww is only 10days as for the last couple years I get spotting 4-5days before my period is due so if I get that I assume I'm not pregnant, but have also wondered if me getting that means there's something wrong with me.
I mentioned it to my doctor and she said if I don't get preg in a year then she will see if that's causing issues, annoys me that they don't even want to look at anything in till a year ttc.

Ttc can take the fun out of things.
Good luck hon
Does anyone else find that using the ovulation tests kills the spontaneity of things? This was the first month using them and I found myself not being so keen to dtd all the time like I have the last few months, I was kind of waiting till the ovulation test said it was time (did it a couple times but not heaps haha)

I'm lucky in a way as the 2ww is only 10days as for the last couple years I get spotting 4-5days before my period is due so if I get that I assume I'm not pregnant, but have also wondered if me getting that means there's something wrong with me.
I mentioned it to my doctor and she said if I don't get preg in a year then she will see if that's causing issues, annoys me that they don't even want to look at anything in till a year ttc.

I think it's pretty common for people to struggle with the OPKs making them hesitant to DTD. We have a schedule of Tuesdays and Fridays "no matter what" (i can always say no, but i only do if i have a really good reason) and the OPKs sometimes make that hard. If I know tuesday is negative but wednesday might be the day i'm always tempted to hold off to build up swimmers. If you are sure you ovulate then skip them and just BD regularly. Cervical mucus is a great indicator and easy to watch if OPKs are stressful.

If your LP is only 10 days that may be the reason you haven't conceived. Have you tried supplements? b6, vitamin C (good stuff, not like emergen-C, you want powder C with rosehips if you can stomach it in therapeutic dosage of 2-4000 mg per day built up over time), zinc, omega3s, coq10, and magnesium glycate are all good to help lengthen you LP. It can't hurt to try while you wait for the year mark. You can read "it starts with the egg" to get more info on what each thing does.
Rollachick- the spotting pre-AF could be a progesterone deficiency. I used to have the exact same issue- 10/11dpo I’d start spotting then AF. Thought nothing of it until I discussed things with my OB and she said it was not normal and not great for TTC. The most common implantation is 9dpo but can be as late as 12 dpo. if you start shedding your lining at 10, that can have an impact on getting pregnant.
I agree that it’s annoying it takes a year before they do anything. I pushed my doctors though and didn’t wait for the year mark. Most OBs will prescribe progesterone while you’re TTC whether you have “issues” or not so it’s worth an ask!
Rollachick- the spotting pre-AF could be a progesterone deficiency. I used to have the exact same issue- 10/11dpo I’d start spotting then AF. Thought nothing of it until I discussed things with my OB and she said it was not normal and not great for TTC. The most common implantation is 9dpo but can be as late as 12 dpo. if you start shedding your lining at 10, that can have an impact on getting pregnant.
I agree that it’s annoying it takes a year before they do anything. I pushed my doctors though and didn’t wait for the year mark. Most OBs will prescribe progesterone while you’re TTC whether you have “issues” or not so it’s worth an ask!

Ohhh that makes A lot of sense actually I'll wait to see what happens this month and then book an appointment if need to next month
Just looked up about progesterone deficiency. Top one is spotting mid cycle.

So annoyed my doc didn't think anything of it when I mentioned it 7months ago


  1. Menstrual irregularities – long cycles, irregular cycles, short luteal phase (if the time from ovulation to your period is less than 10 days), a diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome, menstrual cramping, spotting mid cycle or before your full period flow begins.
Rollachick ..... I used to have spotting for a good 4 days before my period and I got pregnant naturally with my twins in my 30’s .... I always assumed it was just my cycles changing as I got older and never had it investigated. Now in my 40’s I don’t tend to get it anymore but can’t get pregnant! So it’s not necessarily going to hold you back but it could be worth finding out the reason for.

I get IBS and last night it flared up big time after I ate oily food....spent hours in the toilet (sorry TMI) and still not right this morning. I’m only 3 dpo but I really have zero hope for this month now because I’m sure being so ill and crampy in the gut wouldn’t help before possible implantation? Bit fed up. Maybe June will be more lucky for many of us.
I get IBS and last night it flared up big time after I ate oily food....spent hours in the toilet (sorry TMI) and still not right this morning. I’m only 3 dpo but I really have zero hope for this month now because I’m sure being so ill and crampy in the gut wouldn’t help before possible implantation? Bit fed up. Maybe June will be more lucky for many of us.

Ohh hun thats horrible hun, ive IBS as well and it is brutal so sending you big hugs!

fingers crossed June being the month of sticky beans <3 x
Morning Ladies! I have been a little quiet but just wanted to wish a big congrats to the BFPs and lots of love to anyone who got a BFN. Hopefully next month will be your month :dust:

I am on 9dpo and haven't tested yet! I am really trying to hold out until the day before af to use by CB but it is so hard. I caved and bought some tests which arrive today (don't want to use my CB yet) so maybe I will try tomorrow morning. I have had some minor cramping which feels different to normal cramping, a bit of back pain and my boobs feels a bit more sore but I feel like I haven't had that many symptoms which doesn't make me to positive...

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