****MAY 2020 TESTING & LUCKY THREAD - feel free to join***

I honestly wasn’t trying this month. Wanted to take a break from TTC for three months to get myself back in shape after I found that I had put on a lot of weight in the last few months.

I stopped temping, didn’t use OPK, didn’t pay attention to CM to figure out if I OVd or not.

Then bam, a few days to my expected period I started bugging out. What if, what if? And now I’m back in the TWW which is probably going to be a day or two for me instead of two weeks. In the sense that I may not have too long to wait anymore.

AF was due yesterday or today. But it hasn’t come.

Done a few tests and all BFN or vvvvvvvvvvfl which may really be indents.

Funny story here. Because I wasn’t planning on doing this TWW dance, I didn’t stuck up on strips and FRERs. So I finished the four ICs I had and today I asked my husband to get me some pregnancy strips from the pharmacy.

He came back with ONE clear blue.

ONE! Who does that?

He didn’t understand my rage. “Well, you test, if it’s positive we call the GP, if it’s negative then it isn’t”.

I stared at him like he had grown horns and told him “well no one does that! We test over and over and again even if it’s negative! Until the witch arrives or we get a BFP, we keep testing! This is war babes”.

He stared at me right back like I had lost my mind. He’s a doctor and doesn’t support ‘frenzied behaviour’ around certain medical issues. And he hates ‘Dr Google’ but Dr Google is my side-boo

Anyhoo, I thought I’d share that as I found the whole thing funny. I’ve ordered my cheapies off amazon and they arrive tomorrow. Hopefully the witch doesn’t arrive. Even though I wasn’t planning for this, I’m looking forward to being pregnant. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Oh and I’m wondering if diets can mess with one’s period so bad? I’ve lost a bit of weight and I think it may be responsible for the length of my cycle right now. This is day 31 and no period. Or am I pregnant? We’ll see!
I honestly wasn’t trying this month. Wanted to take a break from TTC for three months to get myself back in shape after I found that I had put on a lot of weight in the last few months.

I stopped temping, didn’t use OPK, didn’t pay attention to CM to figure out if I OVd or not.

Then bam, a few days to my expected period I started bugging out. What if, what if? And now I’m back in the TWW which is probably going to be a day or two for me instead of two weeks. In the sense that I may not have too long to wait anymore.

AF was due yesterday or today. But it hasn’t come.

Done a few tests and all BFN or vvvvvvvvvvfl which may really be indents.

Funny story here. Because I wasn’t planning on doing this TWW dance, I didn’t stuck up on strips and FRERs. So I finished the four ICs I had and today I asked my husband to get me some pregnancy strips from the pharmacy.

He came back with ONE clear blue.

ONE! Who does that?

He didn’t understand my rage. “Well, you test, if it’s positive we call the GP, if it’s negative then it isn’t”.

I stared at him like he had grown horns and told him “well no one does that! We test over and over and again even if it’s negative! Until the witch arrives or we get a BFP, we keep testing! This is war babes”.

He stared at me right back like I had lost my mind. He’s a doctor and doesn’t support ‘frenzied behaviour’ around certain medical issues. And he hates ‘Dr Google’ but Dr Google is my side-boo

Anyhoo, I thought I’d share that as I found the whole thing funny. I’ve ordered my cheapies off amazon and they arrive tomorrow. Hopefully the witch doesn’t arrive. Even though I wasn’t planning for this, I’m looking forward to being pregnant. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Oh and I’m wondering if diets can mess with one’s period so bad? I’ve lost a bit of weight and I think it may be responsible for the length of my cycle right now. This is day 31 and no period. Or am I pregnant? We’ll see!

Good luck to you! Really hope AF does not show. Men really just don't get it do they lol Buy a pack of two at the very least!
Oh no they don’t. It was the funniest thing.

Thanks for the good wishes. I started cramping as soon as I sent that post. Yikes!
He stared at me right back like I had lost my mind. He’s a doctor and doesn’t support ‘frenzied behaviour’ around certain medical issues. And he hates ‘Dr Google’ but Dr Google is my side-boo

Mine is a Chemist who majored in Biology - he keeps telling me all kinds of random scientific crap about why I shouldn't test to early. I just stare at him like he's lost it and then go in the bathroom and do my thing anyway.

I told him today I was sad that I'm not pregnant. He texted back "IT'S TOO EARLY TO TEST". Let me have my moment, boy.
I'm 3DPO and trying hard to remember with last pregnancy TWW what happened.

I think I got my positive on 12 DPO and predicted I implanted at about 8DPO.

I think I'm going to try hard to remember that symptoms before implantation are just normal things that always happen in your womb. It's not until we implant and the 48 hours after that things start to change in our body.

I also used to test at like 3DPO lol. I wont do it this time, but I'm definitely charting everything so its obvious to see the implantation change!

I get the 'its gonna be a BFN' blues too :( one minute I'm crazy optimistic. The next I'm almost telling myself off for being so hopeful. Yikes! :)
@salamander that just sucks about the cheapies 8dpo is still super early, fx'd for you

@samiam honestly I couldn't resist any longer at 9dpo I left work on my break picked up the store brand test and got my faint bfp in the bathroom at work, I so understand and hope its your turn, gl:dust:
The cramping is making me get my hopes up too, though I've been burned by that mental game many times before!

BFN on an IC today, gonna totally hold off now... really I will...

Salamander, those ICs get so banged up sometimes I hate it!

I have 5 FRERs hiding in my underwear drawer, trying to forget about them unless I get a line on an IC, but I am almost out of those too :dohh:

Fx'd hun how many dpo are you?
Mine barely showed up on an ic and if I wasn't inspecting it so hard then digging it back out of the bin I would've never seen my almost imaginary line at 8dpo.
I honestly wasn’t trying this month. Wanted to take a break from TTC for three months to get myself back in shape after I found that I had put on a lot of weight in the last few months.

I stopped temping, didn’t use OPK, didn’t pay attention to CM to figure out if I OVd or not.

Then bam, a few days to my expected period I started bugging out. What if, what if? And now I’m back in the TWW which is probably going to be a day or two for me instead of two weeks. In the sense that I may not have too long to wait anymore.

AF was due yesterday or today. But it hasn’t come.

Done a few tests and all BFN or vvvvvvvvvvfl which may really be indents.

Funny story here. Because I wasn’t planning on doing this TWW dance, I didn’t stuck up on strips and FRERs. So I finished the four ICs I had and today I asked my husband to get me some pregnancy strips from the pharmacy.

He came back with ONE clear blue.

ONE! Who does that?

He didn’t understand my rage. “Well, you test, if it’s positive we call the GP, if it’s negative then it isn’t”.

I stared at him like he had grown horns and told him “well no one does that! We test over and over and again even if it’s negative! Until the witch arrives or we get a BFP, we keep testing! This is war babes”.

He stared at me right back like I had lost my mind. He’s a doctor and doesn’t support ‘frenzied behaviour’ around certain medical issues. And he hates ‘Dr Google’ but Dr Google is my side-boo

Anyhoo, I thought I’d share that as I found the whole thing funny. I’ve ordered my cheapies off amazon and they arrive tomorrow. Hopefully the witch doesn’t arrive. Even though I wasn’t planning for this, I’m looking forward to being pregnant. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Oh and I’m wondering if diets can mess with one’s period so bad? I’ve lost a bit of weight and I think it may be responsible for the length of my cycle right now. This is day 31 and no period. Or am I pregnant? We’ll see!

Men don't get it at all:shrug: my dh thinks I've absolutely loss my mind I've tested now well over 20+ times with probably every brand.
And I lost about 50+ lbs thus far and it didn't mess up my cycle at all i had been 28 days on the nose until my cp last cycle then fertility friend pushed my AF up to 30 days and I ovulated later. So you just never know last month I wasn't trying at all either I didn't test till I was 3days late.
Anywho gl hun wishing you loads of :dust::dust::dust:
I'm 3DPO and trying hard to remember with last pregnancy TWW what happened.

I think I got my positive on 12 DPO and predicted I implanted at about 8DPO.

I think I'm going to try hard to remember that symptoms before implantation are just normal things that always happen in your womb. It's not until we implant and the 48 hours after that things start to change in our body.

I also used to test at like 3DPO lol. I wont do it this time, but I'm definitely charting everything so its obvious to see the implantation change!

I get the 'its gonna be a BFN' blues too :( one minute I'm crazy optimistic. The next I'm almost telling myself off for being so hopeful. Yikes! :)

Hopefully the tww goes fast and you will have your bfp gl, fx'd!
Men don't get it at all:shrug: my dh thinks I've absolutely loss my mind I've tested now well over 20+ times with probably every brand.
And I lost about 50+ lbs thus far and it didn't mess up my cycle at all i had been 28 days on the nose until my cp last cycle then fertility friend pushed my AF up to 30 days and I ovulated later. So you just never know last month I wasn't trying at all either I didn't test till I was 3days late.
Anywho gl hun wishing you loads of :dust::dust::dust:
Thanks mama!
Mine is a Chemist who majored in Biology - he keeps telling me all kinds of random scientific crap about why I shouldn't test to early. I just stare at him like he's lost it and then go in the bathroom and do my thing anyway.

I told him today I was sad that I'm not pregnant. He texted back "IT'S TOO EARLY TO TEST". Let me have my moment, boy.
lol @ the scientific stuff from your husband. Hahahahahahah. It really must drive them up the wall to see us like this. Sometimes when I want to call the GP about something my husband thinks is inconsequential, he tells me “the doctor will think your doctor husband is stupid, please stop this”
It’s way too funny.
I honestly wasn’t trying this month. Wanted to take a break from TTC for three months to get myself back in shape after I found that I had put on a lot of weight in the last few months.

I stopped temping, didn’t use OPK, didn’t pay attention to CM to figure out if I OVd or not.

Then bam, a few days to my expected period I started bugging out. What if, what if? And now I’m back in the TWW which is probably going to be a day or two for me instead of two weeks. In the sense that I may not have too long to wait anymore.

AF was due yesterday or today. But it hasn’t come.

Done a few tests and all BFN or vvvvvvvvvvfl which may really be indents.

Funny story here. Because I wasn’t planning on doing this TWW dance, I didn’t stuck up on strips and FRERs. So I finished the four ICs I had and today I asked my husband to get me some pregnancy strips from the pharmacy.

He came back with ONE clear blue.

ONE! Who does that?

He didn’t understand my rage. “Well, you test, if it’s positive we call the GP, if it’s negative then it isn’t”.

I stared at him like he had grown horns and told him “well no one does that! We test over and over and again even if it’s negative! Until the witch arrives or we get a BFP, we keep testing! This is war babes”.

He stared at me right back like I had lost my mind. He’s a doctor and doesn’t support ‘frenzied behaviour’ around certain medical issues. And he hates ‘Dr Google’ but Dr Google is my side-boo

Anyhoo, I thought I’d share that as I found the whole thing funny. I’ve ordered my cheapies off amazon and they arrive tomorrow. Hopefully the witch doesn’t arrive. Even though I wasn’t planning for this, I’m looking forward to being pregnant. Fingers crossed!!!!!!

Oh and I’m wondering if diets can mess with one’s period so bad? I’ve lost a bit of weight and I think it may be responsible for the length of my cycle right now. This is day 31 and no period. Or am I pregnant? We’ll see!

good luck!!! :)
Salamander and Samian - wishing you both a ton of luck when you test. sorry you lost your cheapies Salamander, I am also waiting for a shipment of those (only have 4 left!)

Hevalou - Sorry AF has been so bad, seems a few of us have suffered bad ones recently. Hopefully it gives the uterus a good fresh start ready for a great month next month.

How is everyone else? Any news Claw?

I tested today at 6dpo and BFN lol Still very sore nipples and low back ache today plus bit headachey.[/QUOTE

@Suggerhoney I’m so sorry the witch got you. Been following your story. Big hugs.
Salamander and Samian - wishing you both a ton of luck when you test. sorry you lost your cheapies Salamander, I am also waiting for a shipment of those (only have 4 left!)

Hevalou - Sorry AF has been so bad, seems a few of us have suffered bad ones recently. Hopefully it gives the uterus a good fresh start ready for a great month next month.

How is everyone else? Any news Claw?

I tested today at 6dpo and BFN lol Still very sore nipples and low back ache today plus bit headachey.

Yes!! Strong positives on every type of test imaginable now. So it’s real :) OB is estimating my due date to be Jan 20th as of right now! All is well so far - my back feels like it’s breaking but I can’t even complain. :dance:
Yes!! Strong positives on every type of test imaginable now. So it’s real :) OB is estimating my due date to be Jan 20th as of right now! All is well so far - my back feels like it’s breaking but I can’t even complain. :dance:
Yayyy\\:D/ same here my back is killing me!
I tested this morning at 7DPO and BFN. I keep trying to remind myself that implantation averages are 9DPO so I wouldn't get a positive yet and I wouldn't get symptoms yet but it's hard not to think otherwise. With my last pregnancy I got a clear BFP at 10dpo but that was twins.....however I would hope to see one by 12DPO latest which will be Thursday next week. The waiting game continues.

For those of you that got your BFP's do you think you got your tiredness and 'symptoms' before Implantation or realistically after?

Claw - Yay! so pleased for you and I love winter babies, you can snuggle them up and enjoy lots of time indoors with them :)
I tested this morning at 7DPO and BFN. I keep trying to remind myself that implantation averages are 9DPO so I wouldn't get a positive yet and I wouldn't get symptoms yet but it's hard not to think otherwise. With my last pregnancy I got a clear BFP at 10dpo but that was twins.....however I would hope to see one by 12DPO latest which will be Thursday next week. The waiting game continues.

For those of you that got your BFP's do you think you got your tiredness and 'symptoms' before Implantation or realistically after?

Claw - Yay! so pleased for you and I love winter babies, you can snuggle them up and enjoy lots of time indoors with them :)

Thank you!! Sending all the good vibes your way!

For the most part, my symptoms only started after implantation. But there were a few days when I was really exhausted before. It’s just hard to tell if it’s from pregnancy or being stuck inside the house 24/7 though.
Ugh, felt quite crampy at night, and it’s been on and off this morning. Perhaps AF is about to hit me finally.

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