****MAY 2020 TESTING & LUCKY THREAD - feel free to join***

I have a headache and am so moody and emotional today...shouted at the kids and shouted at OH all day and then burst into tears ......not sure what’s wrong with me but I think this TTC is so hard and maybe getting too much for me :-(

Ttc is hard! :hugs: Fx its hormones because of pregnancy [-o<
10dpo and bfn. I'm 99% sure AF is on her way in a couple of days but I can't help obsessing about any symptoms which are likely just AF symptoms :lol:
7dpo today. I told DH if I have another chemical this month that I will go back on birth control. It's so bad on my mental health. I'm not testing until AF should arrive this time. I don't even want to know unless it's going to stick.
I have a headache and am so moody and emotional today...shouted at the kids and shouted at OH all day and then burst into tears ......not sure what’s wrong with me but I think this TTC is so hard and maybe getting too much for me :-(
7dpo today. I told DH if I have another chemical this month that I will go back on birth control. It's so bad on my mental health. I'm not testing until AF should arrive this time. I don't even want to know unless it's going to stick.
Hoping this is your month, fx'd and yes our mental health goes through the ringer with ttc and losses :hugs:
Afm- I'm driving myself mad yes I have my bfp but the anxiety of not knowing if lil bean is snuggling in or not is absolutely horrible. Omg I waited so long and now I'm obsessing over everything that may be going wrong. Today my temp did a huge nose dive right above my coverline I have had a day or two of very light spotting, but today woth the temp drop I am terrified. Not to mention had some very light spotting when wiping. Sorry rant over and I'm sorry for everyone who the :witch: got and baby dust to all of you:dust::dust::dust::dust:
I avoided testing this morning! Lol I'm so proud of myself. I always test at 6dpo. I will say from feeling nothing yesterday today my breasts are hurting something wicked. Mostly my right one but they both feel heavy and sensitive. I'd deffinately laugh if I got my bfp this month just because this is the one month I've been "meh" about it. I think this is when they started hurting last cycle so maybe it's just regular old hormones. I really need to get better about symptom tracking because I'm always like oooh this hurts is it pregnancy or af. :-k
@Deethehippy ttc is hard, especially mentally. I think I dont realize how much it affects me most of the time. Headaches suck, I hope it goes away soon!

@salamander91 I'm sorry girl, at least if the witch does show up you'll finally get a fresh start.

@Butters519 I hope you get your bfp this month! Fx and baby dust your way!

@saveme I understand that feeling, its sooooo hard to relax during pregnancy. It's like theres this constant nagging in your ear. I hope you can start to relax a little though the further along you get!
Can I join you? I’m 6dpo and going insane!! I’ve been waiting to try for about 4yr and this is my first real cycle since trying. I’m desperate to POAS :dohh: I need distraction, this place it too quiet for my liking these days
Oh save me, I so get it, there’s so much anticipation and then overwhelming excitement when you get those 2 pink lines; and then that lasts like 4 minutes until the anxiety of the god-awful first trimester kicks in. If I get pregnant again I will be asking for betas... will you do that too?

Gosh I miss how I was my first pregnancy when I waited until my period was a full week late and tested ONCE. Can you imagine?!?

I wanted to hold off testing but I took an IV, stark white, I am pretty sure I’m out this cycle, if all the cramping/pulling were pregnancy-related i would have a bfp by now... it’s ok.

my grandad died yesterday and I am feeling so sad and heavy today. He was 97 and of course what more could you hope for than for the people you love to live that long (and he was in his right mind until he took his last breath, a true blessing) but it’s just hard to imagine the world without him.
Oh and meant to say, I have switched to pregmate ICs, they have never burned me with an evap or anything (except once when I dug them out of the garbage can hours later haha, but that was my own damn fault!)
Oh save me, I so get it, there’s so much anticipation and then overwhelming excitement when you get those 2 pink lines; and then that lasts like 4 minutes until the anxiety of the god-awful first trimester kicks in. If I get pregnant again I will be asking for betas... will you do that too?

Gosh I miss how I was my first pregnancy when I waited until my period was a full week late and tested ONCE. Can you imagine?!?

I wanted to hold off testing but I took an IV, stark white, I am pretty sure I’m out this cycle, if all the cramping/pulling were pregnancy-related i would have a bfp by now... it’s ok.

my grandad died yesterday and I am feeling so sad and heavy today. He was 97 and of course what more could you hope for than for the people you love to live that long (and he was in his right mind until he took his last breath, a true blessing) but it’s just hard to imagine the world without him.

I'm so sorry for your loss :hugs:Grandparents are such a big part of a family and do leave a big void. I'm sure you have many happy memories you can hold onto forever.

You are not out until AF actually shows..fingers crossed.

alex_22 - Welcome and wishing you lots of luck, the TWW is so very hard isn't it, I'm only 2 days ahead of you and I'm officially insane lol What day will you be testing? and I can add you to the first page.

Thanks everyone for your kind words. Some days this just gets on top of you I guess. Trying to stay positive and know that what will be will be.
Thank you Dee af is due the 24th so I’ll say then but can’t promise I’ll make it that long haha, wishing you lots of luck too
5DPO for me and been so tired the last two days. Treated myself to a nap today! It's too early but if its regular hormones then they're intense this month!

Decided after checking the cycle when I got pregnant that I'll test at 10DPO. I have no idea how many days after O I get my period but it's used to be 11 or 12 days before I got pregnant with my first.

So that means I'm testing Friday! Doesnt feel too far off now but at the same time.. I just wanna know already!!
5DPO for me and been so tired the last two days. Treated myself to a nap today! It's too early but if its regular hormones then they're intense this month!

Decided after checking the cycle when I got pregnant that I'll test at 10DPO. I have no idea how many days after O I get my period but it's used to be 11 or 12 days before I got pregnant with my first.

So that means I'm testing Friday! Doesnt feel too far off now but at the same time.. I just wanna know already!!

Good luck for Friday, I hope you can hold out that long! Tiredness is a really good sign anyway. My last pregnancy I got a BFP at 10dpo too which is Tuesday for me.
Those One Steps are the only ones I ever use LOL. I’ve always said if I ever see a hint of a proper line on them I would then go and buy some bad boys. I never have other than grey lines and AF always turns up on time so figuring they must be accurate. I’ve never even tried a frer!

Sorry you are back to square one but hopefully BD time will arrive soon and at least that bit is fun! Then you’ll be in the two week wait again :). Which OPK’s was it that you recommended again? If I don’t get a positive this month I want to maybe try some.

I highly recommend the easy@home OPK test strips hon I think there great. There just so easy to read. U can download a free app to where u upload ure tests but I found that tricky. But u know for sure when u get ure positive/peak because the line goes darker than control. Never had that on one step OPKs they just kind of match but ure left wondering if its definitely a postive. But no second guessing with the easy@home OPKs.
There pregnancy tests are supposed to be sensitive and some womon have got lines at 8dpo on them. So that's why I ordered them.
I used one step with Tommy but they were shop brought and not from Amazon. I got a light barly there shadow at 10dpo then a darker shadow at 11dpo and then 12dpo a very faint pink line. They took a while to get dark but when I was about 5 weeks they were supper dark. They do work but that not very sensitive.

Ttc is so hard hon. Not good for the mental health at all but we have to keep trying hon. U can do this hon.
I was really emotional b4 I got the faint postive. I was crying so much. So maybe ure emotions are telling u something hon. I'm keeping literally EVERYTHING crossed for you. [-o<
I highly recommend the easy@home OPK test strips hon I think there great. There just so easy to read. U can download a free app to where u upload ure tests but I found that tricky. But u know for sure when u get ure positive/peak because the line goes darker than control. Never had that on one step OPKs they just kind of match but ure left wondering if its definitely a postive. But no second guessing with the easy@home OPKs.
There pregnancy tests are supposed to be sensitive and some womon have got lines at 8dpo on them. So that's why I ordered them.
I used one step with Tommy but they were shop brought and not from Amazon. I got a light barly there shadow at 10dpo then a darker shadow at 11dpo and then 12dpo a very faint pink line. They took a while to get dark but when I was about 5 weeks they were supper dark. They do work but that not very sensitive.

Ttc is so hard hon. Not good for the mental health at all but we have to keep trying hon. U can do this hon.
I was really emotional b4 I got the faint postive. I was crying so much. So maybe ure emotions are telling u something hon. I'm keeping literally EVERYTHING crossed for you. [-o<

Thank you but I don't have any symptoms really...not even significant tiredness..nipples were sore from O onwards but even that's gone today. I think it's all just really gotten to me....10 months now and we have no time on our side. Hopefully tomorrow I will cheer up a bit. :)
I 'think' my line is maybe getting the tiniest bit darker. I was a little disappointed that it wasn't darker to be honest. 10 dpo today x

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Can see a shadow hon but in person I know the always look better. Hard to get a photo with faint lines. Good luck hope they get darker hon

My temp dropped .1 degree this am. Go back up :-(

I'm sorry hon. Really hope AF stays away

sugger just wanted to say so sorry this happened to you :(

I always ovulated later after my early losses xx

Awww thank you sweety. Yeah it sucks but it is what it is. Its horrible being back at square one again. I normally Ovualte between CD12 and 13. I'm only on CD 4 right now so like forever away then I'm scared incase we fall pregnant again and the same thing happens.
I'm trying to stay positive but I'm gonna be a nervous wreck. I'm going to start the OPKs on CD7. Hoping I will ovulate around the same time I always do. My AF wasnt late it came the day it was supposed to. I felt the implantation at 8dpo and 9dpo but it must of only implanted a tiny bit b4 coming away. Enough to give me symptoms and a very faint postive at 11dpo. But instead of getting darker they got fainter and then negative. Symptoms Vanished at 13dpo and the bleeding started at 15dpo.
Hoping we catch again and that it sticks next time. If there is a next time:confused:
Hope ure doing ok. And ure pregnancy is going well. Cant believe how far you are, dont seem like long ago u was posting ure BFP. Wowsers.
The 2nd and 3rd tri are definitely the best. I loved that stage so much<3

aww dee i feel you im exactly the same !!! i should have my tests tomorow hopfully i no im going to be so frustrated if i get a bfn. stay strong girl x

Good luck hon. Hope u get ure BFP

5DPO for me and been so tired the last two days. Treated myself to a nap today! It's too early but if its regular hormones then they're intense this month!

Decided after checking the cycle when I got pregnant that I'll test at 10DPO. I have no idea how many days after O I get my period but it's used to be 11 or 12 days before I got pregnant with my first.

So that means I'm testing Friday! Doesnt feel too far off now but at the same time.. I just wanna know already!!

Yes I think 10DPO is the best time. I always say I will hold out untill then but end up testing at 6DPO:oops: lol. Good luck.
10dpo and bfn. I'm 99% sure AF is on her way in a couple of days but I can't help obsessing about any symptoms which are likely just AF symptoms :lol:

10dpo is still early hon. Theres still time. Fingers crossed sweet

7dpo today. I told DH if I have another chemical this month that I will go back on birth control. It's so bad on my mental health. I'm not testing until AF should arrive this time. I don't even want to know unless it's going to stick.

Oh hon sending u big hugs. Chemicals are horrible. Hopfully this is ure cycle hon and u get a blazing BFP[-o&lt;

Afm- I'm driving myself mad yes I have my bfp but the anxiety of not knowing if lil bean is snuggling in or not is absolutely horrible. Omg I waited so long and now I'm obsessing over everything that may be going wrong. Today my temp did a huge nose dive right above my coverline I have had a day or two of very light spotting, but today woth the temp drop I am terrified. Not to mention had some very light spotting when wiping. Sorry rant over and I'm sorry for everyone who the :witch: got and baby dust to all of you:dust::dust::dust::dust:

Oh sweety bless ya.
I really hope the spotting stops. The first trimester is so stressful. I'm praying ure little beany is just getting extra snug in there.
Have they offered u a scan because of past history hon I think u shud be entitled a early scan?
Ure tests are so dark hon this time compared to the other times u have had great progression.
Oh hon I'm keeping everything crossed for you. I was talking to Becca boo about you and she is so happy ure pregnant. Were all rooting for you. :hugs:

Oh save me, I so get it, there’s so much anticipation and then overwhelming excitement when you get those 2 pink lines; and then that lasts like 4 minutes until the anxiety of the god-awful first trimester kicks in. If I get pregnant again I will be asking for betas... will you do that too?

Gosh I miss how I was my first pregnancy when I waited until my period was a full week late and tested ONCE. Can you imagine?!?

I wanted to hold off testing but I took an IV, stark white, I am pretty sure I’m out this cycle, if all the cramping/pulling were pregnancy-related i would have a bfp by now... it’s ok.

my grandad died yesterday and I am feeling so sad and heavy today. He was 97 and of course what more could you hope for than for the people you love to live that long (and he was in his right mind until he took his last breath, a true blessing) but it’s just hard to imagine the world without him.

Oh no sweetheart I'm so sorry to hear about ure sad loss. My gosh I wanna give u a big hug.
My grandparents basically brought me u . Sadly I lost my grandad in 2013 just 2 months after I gave birth to my daughter. It was the hardest thing ever.
My nanna is still here and is so like a mum to me. Shes 83 will be 84 in September and I absolutely dread the day we lose her to. Grandparents are so precious. :cry::hugs:

Thank you Dee af is due the 24th so I’ll say then but can’t promise I’ll make it that long haha, wishing you lots of luck too

Hi hon welcome to the group

5DPO for me and been so tired the last two days. Treated myself to a nap today! It's too early but if its regular hormones then they're intense this month!

Decided after checking the cycle when I got pregnant that I'll test at 10DPO. I have no idea how many days after O I get my period but it's used to be 11 or 12 days before I got pregnant with my first.

So that means I'm testing Friday! Doesnt feel too far off now but at the same time.. I just wanna know already!!
Good luck hon.
Thank you but I don't have any symptoms really...not even significant tiredness..nipples were sore from O onwards but even that's gone today. I think it's all just really gotten to me....10 months now and we have no time on our side. Hopefully tomorrow I will cheer up a bit. :)

Still time for symptoms to return hon. Remember mine disappeared at 6dpo and then came back again on the evening of 8dpo so u never know. Its crap when time isn't on our side. That's what I keep worrying about but look at all the ladies that are pregnant on here that are in there mid to late 40s. So it does happen sweet. Ure still ovulating and ure still having regular cycles. That's got to be a good sign.
I want u to get a BFP SOOO BAD.
I keep u all in my prayers[-o&lt;
Still time for symptoms to return hon. Remember mine disappeared at 6dpo and then came back again on the evening of 8dpo so u never know. Its crap when time isn't on our side. That's what I keep worrying about but look at all the ladies that are pregnant on here that are in there mid to late 40s. So it does happen sweet. Ure still ovulating and ure still having regular cycles. That's got to be a good sign.
I want u to get a BFP SOOO BAD.
I keep u all in my prayers[-o&lt;

Thank you so much Sugger, I'm now crying reading your reply...think my hormones got the better of me this month, I'm not usually a mega emotional person.
I just keep thinking even if I get a BFP then there is my history of miscarriage and the things you read online say that over 45's have a 95% chance of miscarriage and that their eggs are only 5% good etc...it's just like it seems like it's going to be impossible to get a baby in reality. I think my only hope is a miracle but I already had that when I conceived my girls so feel bad praying for that again.

But we have to keep trying at least right..it's better than regretting not trying.
You had a baby recently so your chances are really good - keep positive xx

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