****MAY 2020 TESTING & LUCKY THREAD - feel free to join***

Thank you sugger, I’m looking forward to settling into the group, hopefully you can all keep me sane, I’ve only told 1 friend we’re ttc haven’t told parents, it took 7 months of trying with our last and I just felt like there was so much pressure on us when it didn’t happen straight away so although it’s still only early it’s very lonely with no one to obsess with
Thank you so much Sugger, I'm now crying reading your reply...think my hormones got the better of me this month, I'm not usually a mega emotional person.
I just keep thinking even if I get a BFP then there is my history of miscarriage and the things you read online say that over 45's have a 95% chance of miscarriage and that their eggs are only 5% good etc...it's just like it seems like it's going to be impossible to get a baby in reality. I think my only hope is a miracle but I already had that when I conceived my girls so feel bad praying for that again.

But we have to keep trying at least right..it's better than regretting not trying.
You had a baby recently so your chances are really good - keep positive xx

Miracles do happen sweet. Alot of womon are having babies in there 40s now. My neighbours mum had her when she was 45.
The oldest lady that got pregnant naturally and gave birth at my local hospital was 48. I was told that story when I had my son.
Theres a few womon on here ure age and pregnant hon. It is so horrible that us womon have a huge body clock,
I really hope this emotion ure getting is a early pregnancy sign. [-o<
Thank you sugger, I’m looking forward to settling into the group, hopefully you can all keep me sane, I’ve only told 1 friend we’re ttc haven’t told parents, it took 7 months of trying with our last and I just felt like there was so much pressure on us when it didn’t happen straight away so although it’s still only early it’s very lonely with no one to obsess with

Ure definitely in the right place hon. Everyone is so lovely in here it's such a lovely group. U get to know each other well as well when u have been here for a little while. Fingers crossed this time it happens faster for you
I’m really thinking I’m out of the game this month. ](*,) At least I’ll see some of you all in the June test thread.
I’m really thinking I’m out of the game this month. ](*,) At least I’ll see some of you all in the June test thread.

What makes you feel that you are out? Keep the hope and faith. You aren't out until AF shows...baby dust to you x
Fertility friend confirmed wrong for me... so I fixed it manually.

6dpo tomorrow and so ready to pee on some sticks!

it isn’t lost on me that the chance of a 6dpo positive is basically nothing... but I wanna!
Sun rain, i swear I see it. Good luck for tomorrow!

Sugger and Dee, yes my grandmother had her FIRST baby at 45. Back when that was « old »...!

Alex, glad you’re here.

hello and best of luck to everyone else!

Today’s FRER. I keep seeing something but I’m sure I don’t.

Good luck MrsKatie and Sun_Rain - think I can see faint shadows on both your tests but my laptops not the best for looking....I hope dark lines appear soon for you.

6DPO is when I usually start testing. I know it's going to be BFN but it makes me feel better to pee on something at least. I think 10-12dpo is most common to get a BFP though.

How is everyone doing this morning, I just peed on a cheapie from Tescos (managed to sneak some in with my grocery order) I cant see anything on it at 2 minutes as the instructions suggested but will probably stare at it for the next hour anyway - 9DPO today so could be early. I feel a bit more cheeful today and my boobs hurt (not unusual for me in TWW but possibly slightly worse than usual at this stage?)

Just found this online, don't know how accurate it is but interesting.
I found how sensitive some tests are. You are free to correct if any wrong lol but after searching thats what I have found. Hth to some

IC's usually 10 mIU/ 25 mIU
One step High sensitivity - 10 mIU
Superdrug - 10 mIU
First Response Early Response - 12.5 mIU
Sainsbury's own - 15 mIU

Morrisons - 15 mlU
Asda - 15mIU

Poundland- 20 mlU

Tesco own - 25mIU

Clear blue digital with conception indicator is 25mIU
Boots own brand - 50 mIU
Clearblue Digital - 50 mIU
An unsurprising bfn here. My temp went up though...

I wouldn’t expect any results until 9-10dpo. My first positives with my boys were 9dpo in the evening.

Hey ladies!
sorry ive been quiet again .. trying to decorate, house is up in the air, kids constantly at each others throats just now. BRUTAL. . . someone remind me why i want another one :-k.

How is everyone doing? I hope you all had a nice weekend!
@Suggerhoney How are you hun ? sorry to hear AF was brutal .. this seems like the cycle has kicked us all Very hard!

I Hope all you lovelies that are testing soon get your :bfp:
For my gals waiting to start again .. lets DO this hehe <3 xo

AFM - Im about 8/9 days away from O-day.. although i think my leutal phase might be a little bit shorter than it should be. completely unsure whats going on with my body, my nipples/ areolas seem to have permanently adopted the large veiny look that appeared during the last TWW ? * fun *
Also since AF left i have had a permanent dull pain on my lower right pelvis.. like I've been kicked right in the ovary? :lol: cant describe it any other way :-k lol
so that's another thing to obsess over - also I've discovered that my cervix is facing backwards? .. YAY ( not ) .. have read it shouldn't cause issues with conceiving but knowing my luck it probably will :lol:

anywaaaaay i suppose i should get back to the painting but i really cannot be bothered anymore haha!

Much Love Ladies :flower: x
Last edited:
HUGE temp drop this morning at 9-10 dpo. I read online it could be implantation and that implantation usually sees a temp drop. TBH im not hopeful at all and have a few pads in my purse. I told DP to expect my period this week but he remains optimistic. I hate the TTC journey. :brat:

I think I see something faint hon

Oh sugger you're so sweet!

How u doing today sweety

Fertility friend confirmed wrong for me... so I fixed it manually.

6dpo tomorrow and so ready to pee on some sticks!

it isn’t lost on me that the chance of a 6dpo positive is basically nothing... but I wanna!

I always cave around 6dpo and test even tho I know its gonna be negative lol. Why do we so it lol ](*,)

Sun rain, i swear I see it. Good luck for tomorrow!

Sugger and Dee, yes my grandmother had her FIRST baby at 45. Back when that was « old »...!

Alex, glad you’re here.

hello and best of luck to everyone else!

Today’s FRER. I keep seeing something but I’m sure I don’t.

View attachment 1081882

Think I can see what ure seeing. I feel like something is catching my eye

Just found this online, don't know how accurate it is but interesting.
I found how sensitive some tests are. You are free to correct if any wrong lol but after searching thats what I have found. Hth to some

IC's usually 10 mIU/ 25 mIU
One step High sensitivity - 10 mIU
Superdrug - 10 mIU
First Response Early Response - 12.5 mIU
Sainsbury's own - 15 mIU

Morrisons - 15 mlU
Asda - 15mIU

Poundland- 20 mlU

Tesco own - 25mIU

Clear blue digital with conception indicator is 25mIU
Boots own brand - 50 mIU
Clearblue Digital - 50 mIU

That's so interesting hon. I have some easy@home pregnancy tests and one step pregnancy tests coming. Thought I'd give the one step ones a try and there so cheap I'll prob start peeing on them at 7dpo hahahaha.
Why do we do it to ourselves lol](*,)

An unsurprising bfn here. My temp went up though...

I wouldn’t expect any results until 9-10dpo. My first positives with my boys were 9dpo in the evening.

View attachment 1081889

Sorry about the BFN hon. Ure temp has shot right up so hopfully that's a good sign. U still have plenty of time hon it's still really early.

Hey ladies!
sorry ive been quiet again .. trying to decorate, house is up in the air, kids constantly at each others throats just now. BRUTAL. . . someone remind me why i want another one :-k.

How is everyone doing? I hope you all had a nice weekend!
@Suggerhoney How are you hun ? sorry to hear AF was brutal .. this seems like the cycle has kicked us all Very hard!

I Hope all you lovelies that are testing soon get your :bfp:
For my gals waiting to start again .. lets DO this hehe <3 xo

AFM - Im about 8/9 days away from O-day.. although i think my leutal phase might be a little bit shorter than it should be. completely unsure whats going on with my body, my nipples/ areolas seem to have permanently adopted the large veiny look that appeared during the last TWW ? * fun *
Also since AF left i have had a permanent dull pain on my lower right pelvis.. like I've been kicked right in the ovary? :lol: cant describe it any other way :-k lol
so that's another thing to obsess over - also I've discovered that my cervix is facing backwards? .. YAY ( not ) .. have read it shouldn't cause issues with conceiving but knowing my luck it probably will :lol:

anywaaaaay i suppose i should get back to the painting but i really cannot be bothered anymore haha!

Much Love Ladies :flower: x

Hay hon
I'm doing ok. CD 5 today and the bleeding has slowed right down and I'm only really spotting now so think it will be stopping soon.
Time is dragging. Just waiting to start peeing on ovulation tests. Will prob start in 2 days time from CD7. I normoly get my peak around 11 to 12DPO with Ovulation around 12-13DPO so another 7 to 8 days to go. Unless I ovulate later this cycle.
I hate all the waiting.

Hopfully we will see some more BFPs this month and hopfully June we will see alot more.
How are u doing hon?

HUGE temp drop this morning at 9-10 dpo. I read online it could be implantation and that implantation usually sees a temp drop. TBH im not hopeful at all and have a few pads in my purse. I told DP to expect my period this week but he remains optimistic. I hate the TTC journey. :brat:

Mite be a implantation dip hon. It's so hard to say because I have dips in all my cycles and I had one last cycle at 8dpo which is the day I believe I implanted. I started getting sore boobs that same evening and the next day my temp shot right up.
And stayed up untill 15dpo. Then plummeted.
Hopfully ure temp drop is a good sign.
Good luck
Good luck MrsKatie and Sun_Rain - think I can see faint shadows on both your tests but my laptops not the best for looking....I hope dark lines appear soon for you.

6DPO is when I usually start testing. I know it's going to be BFN but it makes me feel better to pee on something at least. I think 10-12dpo is most common to get a BFP though.

How is everyone doing this morning, I just peed on a cheapie from Tescos (managed to sneak some in with my grocery order) I cant see anything on it at 2 minutes as the instructions suggested but will probably stare at it for the next hour anyway - 9DPO today so could be early. I feel a bit more cheeful today and my boobs hurt (not unusual for me in TWW but possibly slightly worse than usual at this stage?)


Oooow hon I hope the sore boobs are a sign. I know progesterone can make ure boobs sore. I get sore boobs just after ovulation but then they stop hurting around 6dpo. But last cycle the boob pain came back again on the evening of 8dpo and I new something was going on. I never get sore boobs b4 AF.
I'm keeping it all crossed for u hon. Hope u get ure BFP. I'm gonna be so happy when u get ure BFP.
Mite be a implantation dip hon. It's so hard to say because I have dips in all my cycles and I had one last cycle at 8dpo which is the day I believe I implanted. I started getting sore boobs that same evening and the next day my temp shot right up.
And stayed up untill 15dpo. Then plummeted.
Hopfully ure temp drop is a good sign.
Good luck

Honestly today I'm feeling like garbage. I'm having cramps and keep feeling wet. Going to the bathroom a lot at work to check if period started - no just A LOT of creamy CM. Boobs are sore, feeling bloated, and my body just gave me a big "HECK NO" to caffeine...considering i drink it often, I've never had nausea due to it before.

Maybe I'm not out of the game.
Not much happening here ladies. CD5 and the bleeding is stopping. Will start the OPKs in the next 2 days, prob on CD7. Ovulation still feels like forever away. Another 7 to 8 days providing I ovulate around the same time as I normally do.
I have ordered some easy@home HPTs and OneStep HPTs so I will have plenty of tests.
I have 6 frers frers and clinical guard. I'm like collecting tests lol.
Honestly today I'm feeling like garbage. I'm having cramps and keep feeling wet. Going to the bathroom a lot at work to check if period started - no just A LOT of creamy CM. Boobs are sore, feeling bloated, and my body just gave me a big "HECK NO" to caffeine...considering i drink it often, I've never had nausea due to it before.

Maybe I'm not out of the game.

Sounds promising hon. Ure definitely not out.
As the saying goes no one is out until AF shows.
Not much happening here ladies. CD5 and the bleeding is stopping. Will start the OPKs in the next 2 days, prob on CD7. Ovulation still feels like forever away. Another 7 to 8 days providing I ovulate around the same time as I normally do.
I have ordered some easy@home HPTs and OneStep HPTs so I will have plenty of tests.
I have 6 frers frers and clinical guard. I'm like collecting tests lol.
Tons of baby dust to you! Hope this is your cycle! :dust:

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