Hi Everyone,
Well, I just got back from my scan. Good and Bad news.
The good news is that twin A is doing really well. Heart beat of 167 bpm and normal growth - she said it looked beautiful
Twin B - Not so much. We couldn't see anything in the sac this time. No heartbeat or anything, and the sac is much smaller than the other one.
So, twin B isn't going to make it. She said I might miscarry twin B - which will completely freak me out, but I might not and it might just reabsorb into my body. Weird. I made an appointment with my GP for next friday morning, and I need to have another scan in a couple of weeks to see what is going to happen with it.
The scan was strange this time, not nearly as clear as last time (for both of them) so I didn't even get a picture since I couldn't see very much.
I feel fine about everything. I'm thrilled to have one baby that is doing well, and to be honest, a bit relieved that there isn't two. I wasn't sure how I would cope with two. I'm sure I would have managed, but it would have been very difficult on my own. I think this is for the best.
Anyway, I'm home sick from work (combination of morning sickness and a chest cold) so going to have a bit of a nap for the rest of the afternoon. I hope everyone else is doing well.
hello ladies
laterstarter - hope you feel better soon. so sorry to hear about one of the twins not making it but happy for you that you have 1 very strong embie growng nicely in there. put your feet up and take it easyxxxxxx
Mrs T - Thanks. When are you hoping to go home? good luck with scan on friday.xxxxxx
I have 7 days till i can POAS but really dont think it has worked. i dont feel any different. think that is what my body is trying to tell me cos still feel down. i hope its just my hormones just trying to get back to normal after all the jabs but do have a feeling that its more than that. as you can see PMA has gone on holiday i think. do hope it comes back soon.
hope everyone else is doing okxxxxxx
Hello Ladies
Latestarter, sorry to hear your poorly and that one of the twins didint make it but am so happy for your healthy embie that has. I understand your thinking that two would have been very hard for your on your own. Well make sure you have plenty of rest to get over that cold, I guess its worse having a cold when your pregnant cause you cant take any cold/flu medication.
Wrightywales- Big hug needed.... I hope the cloud has lifted from you and you feel happier today. Its strange I felt down yesterday too and my husband noticed it when he phoned me.... I just want to go home now!
How much longer do you have left in the 2ww?
Brambletess- Am glad your keeping strong, looking ahead and planning your ICSI. X
Dielik, Pixie- Hope your good. I think am going to wait for my scan on friday before I make the offical move over to 1st tri..... who's with me???
Are you sure it is witch? Says in the booklet they gave us that it's very common to bleed.
Are you sure it is witch? Says in the booklet they gave us that it's very common to bleed.
yes very sure its very heavy so cant really be anything else.
just got in touch with the hospital they advised me to test just incase
hopefully have FET on my 3rd period so feeling ok now have cried all night though only got a couple of hours sleep
hope everyone else is doing ok![]()