Pixie, that's great news. Its more common to bleed after iVF as everything is more sensitive coz of drugs. Keep well.
I am ok today, hoping bleeding and cramps stop soon. Starting to think about ICSI again. I think it will be september for me but would prefer august will see what they will allow.
Am also in a quandry as to whether to use protection or not until then. I have got a BFP with blocked tubes and could this happen again? Should I risk an ectopic? my doc thinks I should try naturally but another set back would be a lot to bear. At least with ICSI it gets put in the right place and gives me the best chance. I will probably ovulate in two weeks, part of me thinks just leave it to chance as there is a VERY miniscule chance I could have another BFP. Part of me thinks wait for ICSI as its safer.
Thanks for everyones kind words. I am a fighter and will carry on and look forward to being part of an august/sep IVF gang.
Hi pixie
Its completely normal to be thirsty. Your body needs more water during pregnancy and it is telling you that. It never harms though to get doc to check though.
I think I will wait for ICSI. My instinct is telling me it the right thing to do. When I am pregnant again I want the best possible start.
Hello all!
Sorry I've been around much but I've been busy with my mum. She's out of hospital now and doing ok on her medication. I've not seen a Dr since my beta test on the 13th June, which has been hard not knowing all is ok. I did another digital test this morning and it said PREGNANT 3+ so its good to see my levels that my levels are going up. I have made a private appt for a fertility clinic near my mum for my 7 week scan, I cant wait for next friday..... only then it will feel real.
I hope everyone is well?
Have any of you moved over to 1st tri or some where yet?