Hey Wrightywales
I hope you are feeling better by now. I expect they froze so many and so early as they survive the thawing better at this stage and they were half expecting to have to do a 3 month transfer due to OHSS. There is a really good chance your 4 will develop well so no need to worry. Try not to think to many steps ahead right now and stay positive. Good luck today they know what they are doing x also with so many on ice you have a fighting chance of affording to transfer them back in the future for further attempts for a second child!
Hey Pixie
I have also had some bleeding due to a blood clot. My clot at 6 weeks looked like a second sac but was probably caused by implantation. I am now 10 weeks and have now been spotting for a week. Its the clot dissolving and I have been told it could last a while. Its so stressful and I really feel for you. I am sure with you its the second embryo, often the body rejects a second embryo and IVF makes you body more sensitive to bleeding. Just don't worry about the bleeding and even if it continues for a while. Brown is best too as its just body clearing it out. Take care and rest up if possible x
Curlysue - are you and wrightywales at the same clinic?

yes me and curlysue got to the same clinic

not feeling as stressed after a good sleep but still worrying abit but i will ask questions while im there today as they will have the best answers.

thanks latestarter and brambletess :hug::hugs:xxxxxxxxxxx

gotta get my PMA back i think :rofl:

will let you know how it goes and what they say when i get back ok
Curlysue - are you and wrightywales at the same clinic?

Yes, and that is why none of it makes sense to me. Because if that is what they ARE doing for her then that is completely the opposite of what they told me on Thursday. They phoned me the day after collection too and said "you have 10 perfectly fertilised eggs" - why did they not freeze six for me at this stage, like they said they would for Wrightywales or the one that was 'good' on day 1 for my friend? And why won't they freeze my 8 cell and 9 cell embryos until they reach Blastocyst because "that's all they will allow in their freezers"? They explained the reasons for this were because they would end up with 10 eggs for each person they treated and there simply is not enough space. They told a friend of mine it was because if they are not viable, divided embryos it is unfair to give people false hope. They clearly lied to me if they are willing to freeze day 1 embryos.

Like I said, I'm just utterly confused. I'm half tempted to ring them and ask them why they did that for one person and not for me and my friend because if nothing else, it doesn't seem fair that some people get six or seven embryos at exactly the same stages as mine were put on ice when I was told that was not permitted. Mine had not arrested at that point. The lady on the phone said it herself. They were 'perfect'.

Wasn't meaning to worry you, Wrightywales, and I hope all goes well and you don't NEED those frozen embryos but it just seemed to me that it was one rule for one, another for somebody else, and that is beginning to drive me mad with this hospital. Questioning everything, now. Nothing they EVER say makes sense.
hi every1

hope your all well

im fine now no need to worry. i had to many eggs was 1 thing she said and they would of grown them to 3 day if they could but there would of been no1 there as no1 works there on a sunday so was easier for them to freeze them at 1 day. they say its better that way so i worried and cried for nothing. so got 7 in freezer already, got 2 on board and 2 they are leavng for a couple more hours and if they look ok they are going to freeze them too. woohoo im PUPO here comes the long 2ww .......... BRING IT ON :rofl:
Hi All

The bleeding stopped at 11.30 last night and had no more since, feel very hormonal and weepy still but more confident that this little one will survive, resting up, am still in my pyjamas and the other half is hard at work, has done the shopping and is now spring cleaning! Will let you all know how I get on on monday morning! Good luck on the 2ww wightywales!
hi every1

hope your all well

im fine now no need to worry. i had to many eggs was 1 thing she said and they would of grown them to 3 day if they could but there would of been no1 there as no1 works there on a sunday so was easier for them to freeze them at 1 day. they say its better that way so i worried and cried for nothing. so got 7 in freezer already, got 2 on board and 2 they are leavng for a couple more hours and if they look ok they are going to freeze them too. woohoo im PUPO here comes the long 2ww .......... BRING IT ON :rofl:

Hey hun,

Good luck and fingers crossed for :bfp:

I dont understand why your hospital told you noone works on a sunday?? Most Fertility departments are round the clock, they have to look after embies 24/7 and do egg collections and transfers as and when any womans body is ready??? Are you sure thats right? Did they say why they froze so early too and decided to leave 2 others out to grow, why not freeze then all early or leave all of them to grow? Sounds a bit odd? My clinic will only freeze day 3 unless there is OHSS and no other alternative and they have to be the BEST quality too....

Take care hun and fingers crossed for the embies on board xx
hi every1

hope your all well

im fine now no need to worry. i had to many eggs was 1 thing she said and they would of grown them to 3 day if they could but there would of been no1 there as no1 works there on a sunday so was easier for them to freeze them at 1 day. they say its better that way so i worried and cried for nothing. so got 7 in freezer already, got 2 on board and 2 they are leavng for a couple more hours and if they look ok they are going to freeze them too. woohoo im PUPO here comes the long 2ww .......... BRING IT ON :rofl:

Hey hun,

Good luck and fingers crossed for :bfp:

I dont understand why your hospital told you noone works on a sunday?? Most Fertility departments are round the clock, they have to look after embies 24/7 and do egg collections and transfers as and when any womans body is ready??? Are you sure thats right? Did they say why they froze so early too and decided to leave 2 others out to grow, why not freeze then all early or leave all of them to grow? Sounds a bit odd? My clinic will only freeze day 3 unless there is OHSS and no other alternative and they have to be the BEST quality too....

Take care hun and fingers crossed for the embies on board xx

they left 4 out for fresh transfer then transfered 2 today. the hewitt centre is not open on a sunday for any1 to check on them. if it was i would of had my transfer on sunday also but that would be hard with no1 there. they said they would of prefered to do a 3 day transfer but nothing they can do about my bodys timing. it defo not open on a sunday cos opening days in my book says mondays to saturday. ive written everything they told me in my other post theres nothing else i can say but all hospitals are gonna be different and patients treatment is gonna be different.

The Hewitt Centre

Unit Opening times

Monday - Friday - 08:15 to 16:45 and Saturday - 08:00 to 13:30
I'd just love to know why they didn't tell me I had too many eggs fertilised. If I had been treated in the same way I'd have 6 embryos on ice, rather than potentially none. Best quality, most developed, they said. Freezer isn't big enough for anything more. But then, I suppose I have to think positively and think that the front runners were transferred, the two that stood out of of all of them. It does give the better chance but leaves nothing for freezing.

Nothing makes sense any more...

As for it being closed, the unit is closed for visitors and patients, yes, but the laboratory HAS to stay open. These embryos need round the clock care, 24 hours a day, which is why they have people working shifts. What about the people who have egg collection on a Saturday? Are their embryos just left unattended on Sunday because nobody works? How pissed off would you be if you were one of those?

Like I said...nothing about this hospital makes sense.
Hi All

The bleeding stopped at 11.30 last night and had no more since, feel very hormonal and weepy still but more confident that this little one will survive, resting up, am still in my pyjamas and the other half is hard at work, has done the shopping and is now spring cleaning! Will let you all know how I get on on monday morning! Good luck on the 2ww wightywales!

Just keep your feet up and think positive.
Good luck Curly Sue , the 2ww will fly by!
Have been doing nothing at all, but will have a shower shortly and that will be the extent of the excitement today!
I'd just love to know why they didn't tell me I had too many eggs fertilised. If I had been treated in the same way I'd have 6 embryos on ice, rather than potentially none. Best quality, most developed, they said. Freezer isn't big enough for anything more. But then, I suppose I have to think positively and think that the front runners were transferred, the two that stood out of of all of them. It does give the better chance but leaves nothing for freezing.

Nothing makes sense any more...

As for it being closed, the unit is closed for visitors and patients, yes, but the laboratory HAS to stay open. These embryos need round the clock care, 24 hours a day, which is why they have people working shifts. What about the people who have egg collection on a Saturday? Are their embryos just left unattended on Sunday because nobody works? How pissed off would you be if you were one of those?

Like I said...nothing about this hospital makes sense.

u know what ask them ursellf sick of people being negative ive told u what they told me go call them urself

every1 i saw in the hospital yesterday were all having transfer dont think they do collections on saturday

every1s treatment is gonna be different they all cant be exactly the same are they

they told me not to worry so im not but people like you who arnt even FS telling me its not right is just wrong. they know what the are doing. ur just makng me worry more which is what they told me not to do
Whatever. Not even going to get involved any more. I was confused because what they told me directly contradicted what they told you in every sense. It didn't MAKE sense. Still doesn't, to be honest. I wondered how your embryos were so much more valuable than mine or others. So much more worthy of space than mine. It felt shit. Still does. I actually wanted you to come back and say "THIS is why mine were saved, and not yours." Why they would go against protocol for you. Why the rules would be different for you. It STILL doesn't make sense. Treatments are different, yes, but protocols and regulations should not differ. They do, it seems, and that sucks arse big-time.

We're all too thoughtful in the 2ww. There's absolutely no need to get defensive though. Sorry I worried you. Obviously, Doctor Knows Best. We're just message boarders confused and upset by the whole process. So I apologise for worrying you.

Good luck, etc.
It's not negativity. It's confusion as to how they can be so contradictory in what they tell one person and then another so there's absolutely no need to get so defensive. Wasn't even aiming that post at you. I was just posting it. 2ww, sharing anxieties and all that. It's allowed. Especially when you have lost faith in your hospital who seem to tell porkies from one person to the next.

Good luck, etc.

becauswe are different people not each cycle is gonna be 100% the same
for a start i was 8 days behind you now im only 2 they wont be the same
It's not negativity. It's confusion as to how they can be so contradictory in what they tell one person and then another so there's absolutely no need to get so defensive. Wasn't even aiming that post at you. I was just posting it. 2ww, sharing anxieties and all that. It's allowed. Especially when you have lost faith in your hospital who seem to tell porkies from one person to the next.

Good luck, etc.

becauswe are different people not each cycle is gonna be 100% the same
for a start i was 8 days behind you now im only 2 they wont be the same

Completely edited the first post, btw...:)

That's not the point though. The hospital's protocols and regulations should not differ from person to person. Their policy on freezing embryos is a hospital policy, not a person to person policy. On day 1 my embryos were exactly the same as yours, after all. None were frozen. Regulations on freezing, they told me.

Then again, this is the hospital that told me I had PCOS when I don't, told me I was going on a low dose drug when i wasn't, told me I'd have extra scans when I didn't. They might as well continue to lie to me about their egg freezing regulations. Why start getting things right now, eh?

Anyway, forget it. It's all going in my letter anyway. Being misdiagnosed and then mismanaged has actually given me panic attacks. Like I said it's not about you, it's about them. Good luck, etc. Maybe you will get better treatment than I did, all along. Didn't mean to make it sound like I was 'aiming' it at you. Hopefully you won't need those FETs.

Not going to say any more.

Good luck to all May IVFers and I hope you all get what you want.

Just...tired of it.
I have never heard of day one freezing unless the egg transfer is not going ahead usually for reasons such as OHSS. The reason they let embryos grow to day 3 is because they dont know if they are good enough at day 1. My clinic is not the same as yours but also only freezes embryos which firstly they think will survive the freeze and secondly ones that they think will also survive the thaw. Day 1 would only be because of no egg transfer going ahead, on the other hand i still dont believe that they would do that, enven if egg transfer is not going ahead i thought i was told they would culture the embryos until day 3 (when many arrest) and then freeze any of good enough quality then?

Who knows whats going on? Maybe its been a mistake at the hospital, maybe corssed wires? Dunno? Would be interesting to know why they were frozen day one though? i know if it was me i would want to know since early freezing is not as good as day 3 freezing, all day 1 freezing will do is freeze "some" embryos that would have arrested before day 3. the same embryos which if they do survive the thaw will still arrest before day 3?
wrightywhales.. i really dont think curlysue was trying to worry u.. she was just trying to understand - this process is tough on us and we need to be sensitive to each others feelings in these difficult times....

Good luck to you both

Hello girls, well I have had a difficult few days.I miscarried this morning, the clot on my san was either a coincidence or caused me to miscarry I will never know. Its not confirmed yet as have scan tomorrow but I know it was. I am fairly calm but its not easy. Big sigh, so am just hoping I will still get my ICSI on NHS as originally planned.

Hope everyone else is ok.
Hello girls, well I have had a difficult few days.I miscarried this morning, the clot on my san was either a coincidence or caused me to miscarry I will never know. Its not confirmed yet as have scan tomorrow but I know it was. I am fairly calm but its not easy. Big sigh, so am just hoping I will still get my ICSI on NHS as originally planned.

Hope everyone else is ok.

so sorry to hear that brambletess sending you lots of :hug: and :hugs:xxxxxxxxx
Hello girls, well I have had a difficult few days.I miscarried this morning, the clot on my san was either a coincidence or caused me to miscarry I will never know. Its not confirmed yet as have scan tomorrow but I know it was. I am fairly calm but its not easy. Big sigh, so am just hoping I will still get my ICSI on NHS as originally planned.

Hope everyone else is ok.

OH NO HUN, I am so sorry. I know how much you wanted this and what it meant to you. You have been here for us and we are here for you. :hugs::hugs:

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