Hi Roobie,

I'm sorry you are feeling so stressed. Its hard, and this is a daunting procedure - I'm guessing we are all more than a bit stressed right along with you.

Acupuncture has really, really helped me with this. And if you haven't tried it I highly recommend it. See someone who has experience with treating fertility though. I really believe my acupuncture has helped regulate my E2 levels this time around. And before I started, acupuncture completely alleviated my ovulation pains - seriously. I had them for a few years, and nothing worked. 1 acupuncture treatment and I haven't felt them.
So for me, its helping.

For the sig - click on Wrighywales signature. She has the code posted there. You just copy and paste it to your own signature. You get to your signature by clicking "user cp" on the bnb first page, and then click the signature link. Hope that helps.
Roobie74, I hope you feel better already. Hope its nerves/stress before you start and will dissapear once you get going. Its all so unknown isn't it? I know being busy at work sounds like a good way to keep your mind off it but it sounds like it has just made things more difficult. I am more prone to stress/panic attacks when I am manic at work and home/friends life. I need to take time out (not always possible with work but can be in evenings and weekends) and have lots of down time. I hope you can maybe do this. Being busy is good to an extent but try to be busy wth nice relaxing things, like gardening, gentle walks or whatever you enjoy doing. I am still three weeks away from down reg starting so maybe my wobble is still to come. You can tell me to do that as well.

I agree with Late starter that Acupuncture is great for de stressing and breaking repetative thoughts (I suffer from those) and has the benfit of nourishing your blood as well, great for IVF. Also reflexology and massage are great for relaxing as well. Evern getting OH to do it would be good (not acupuncture though as could be quite painfiul!).

Let us know how you are getting on :hug:

Late Starter - Hope its going well still. :hugs:

Mrs T - typical when you actually want witch to show up, she won't. Such a cow. Your drug regime is obviously a bit different to mine. Fingers crossed she arrives today.
Thanks Latestarter and Brambletess. I feel a bit better today. Bramble, I think you are right and being busy at work could be making me worse!! I have 3 new staff starting tomorrow. I already have 3 newish staff in training and I've still got to do my everyday job!!!! I made a few lists last night, of things I need to do and now that I am organised I feel a bit better! Latestarter - Thanks for the advice about acupunture. I am terrified of needles, but people I have spoken to said that this wasn't a problem for them, so I may give it a go. I have a couple of reiki sessions booked and I normally find these relax me, but lately I haven't had the time to get to a appointment, so, I am going to make time. As you said it is such a daunting process and it's almost like the fear of the unknown! Once I have been to pick up my drugs and I am actually going through the procedure, I should feel better. I have suffered with depression in the past and I think I am worried that I might go back down that road again. At the Hewitt Centre (Liverpool) you get 6 (I think??) free counselling sessions. I have got one on Wednesday - I have to go to that cos of my history with depression but I may continue to go if I feel it will help - especially during the TWW !!!!! Anyway I hope all you ladies are ok. Thanks again. Roobie xxx

PS Thanks Latestarter, I think I've sussed the signature now!! x
I'm worried girls.

I had bloodwork done again. The number is at the "high end of normal". Why, why, why is my E2 always so f****ing high? Drives me nuts. So, they have further reduced my puregon (to 150) and I go in for an ultrasound tomorrow.

I think I'm freaked out because:

1. I'm incredibly hormonal after a week of injections
2. This reminds me so much of my last cycle that was cancelled. They dropped my puregon level down to 150 and had me come in for an ultrasound.
3. I'm just a perfectionist, and want this to go well sooooo badly.

The nurse did a good job of calming me down on the phone today - and made it clear that I'm still in the normal range. Of course all I heard emotionally is "high", and "reduced dose", and "ultrasound".

I just can't get over feeling terrified that I might have just a few lead follicles that are hogging all of the medication . (this happened last time)

Tomorrow will tell though. And I'm praying that I just have lots of eggs partying it up in there all together.

OK - rant is over.
Totally understand how nerve wracking and stressful this is for you!! Every cycle is different though and what happened last time does not mean it will happen this time. You are still in the normal range. I have everything crossed for you. Roll on tomorrow and hope you can relax tonight. :hug:
Roobie - I am sure the counselling will help and stop any negative feelings becoming overwhelming. Maybe it will all be fine and the worst is the anticipation.

Acupuncture needles are so fine you don't feel them going in but when they hit the right spot you do feel a sensation but its nothing like having bloods taken. It can make a difference with who you see so try and get a recommendation.

I feel tons better after the weekend. I think my spa did me loads of good!! going to go for another one just before i start meds so am in positive head space!!
Feeling totally detached from TTC. It's like I'm not even doing it. I've hardly been on here at all and I am feeling kind of absent. I even feel detached from this here forum and it's something I kind of need. i don't know what I'd do without other people who are going through the same thing but I just feel so outside of myself.

Starting drugs on Saturday and I actually feel nothing. Nothing at all. I think of IVF and I just don't feel like it's happening to me. I keep having to remind myself that this Saturday it's all starting, but it still seems so far away. So long. So tedious.

I'm feeling very very confused. Feeling isolated as well, which isn't helping. Feel like I am saying and doing everything wrong in relation to my life, not in relation to TTC. Like I am just so sodding dispensable, or something.

Feel...friendless. And that's not nice.

Don't even recognise any names on LTTC any more. WTF is that?

Sorry. Rambling. Very down at the minute.
Hi all,

Well I had my first ultrasound today. And they couldn't find my right ovary. Great... maybe I left it in Mexico? Anyway, other than the whole missing ovary thing, the other ovary is looking good. There is a lead follicle that is already over-mature, and we are ignoring that one. The rest (about 12 of them - v. good for me) are growing at a similar rate and doing well.

I go for more bloods and another ultrasound on Thursday.

Curly Sue - You are certainly NOT friendless - at least not here. Some names may be new, but we are all here for you. I felt similar before I started this IVF cycle. Completely detached. I think I am just trying not to pin all my hopes on it working - its so, so, so hard if it doesn't. I'm sure that as soon as you start down-regging, it will feel more real for you.

Brambletess - yay for the spa! Definitely go back

Roobie - I hope the counselling session went well for you and will relieve some stress for you. I agree with Brambletess- in acupuncture the needles, are tiny, and for the most part I can't feel them.
Curley Sue - You sound like you have depression. My DH suffers and when he is bad he becomes detached, and feels like he is almost outside of his body. I hate it when he is like that as i feel alone. Having IVF has been quite traumatic for you and has been building up for months. I would really urge you to see someone, a counsellor your GP and talk it over. I have seen you go through the mill with this and it may just be all too much now. Maybe the mind will detach from sonmething it sees as a threat and unwelcome. IVF feels like the last resort to you and you don't want to be there. Fingers crossed the holiday and break from work will improve things for you.

I understand what you mean about feeling friendless. I feel like that too. Even with DH, he can't understand why i would be anything other than cheerful i am having IVF. I can't vocalise how i feel at all. Its all I think about but I constantly cover it up all the time. I am also a control freak and i like to know when things are happening and blummin period is late so now i don't know when i am starting drugs. Its a small thing but it makes me want to scream.

Late starter - I know the overy thing is WEIRD where is it? gone for a little walking holiday? but thats great news about follies, sounds like its all moving forward. I am so rooting for them all. You sound a lot happeir today as well.:hug:
Hi Ladies,

Im back from my weekend getaway and back to work where im completing my application to keep my job. What a headache! Just a quick note for me, im having my fertility drugs delivered tomorrow morning. I cant wait, its finally here.

How is everyone else feeling? Its so beautiful in London right now, cant wait to get outside and enjoy the sun.
Welcome Back Dilek. And great news about the fertility drugs.

Brambletess - I am feeling better today - but have another ultrasound first thing tomorrow. I'm feeling hopeful for a retrieval later in the weekend or early next week.

CurleySue - only a few more days until the buseriin starts - how are you feeling?
Hi everyone
Sorry I've not been around much, hope your all well?

Dielk, glad to hear the weather in London is beautiful just now, I hope it stays that way for next week. I'm traveling to London on Sunday to start my IVF. Cant beleive am about to start round 2, its come round quick!! I'll just be right behind you on the drug protocal.... good luck x
Hiya Ladies

I was wondering how long on average it is between baseline scan and egg retrieval? I know everone is different - just want a rough idea.

Hope you are all feeling ok today. Its not long now Latestarter! I am thinking of you :hugs:

Dilek, you should have your drugs imminently woo-hoo.
last time my base line scan was on cd3 and my egg retrieval was on cd 14. My dr said this time she's going to try and leave me longer maybe cd 15-16, just to allow my my follical/eggs to catch up with each other.
Hiya Ladies

I was wondering how long on average it is between baseline scan and egg retrieval? I know everone is different - just want a rough idea.

Hope you are all feeling ok today. Its not long now Latestarter! I am thinking of you :hugs:

Dilek, you should have your drugs imminently woo-hoo.

Brambles, i think its 10-12 days. Its going to go so quick. :happydance:
Hi everyone
Sorry I've not been around much, hope your all well?

Dielk, glad to hear the weather in London is beautiful just now, I hope it stays that way for next week. I'm traveling to London on Sunday to start my IVF. Cant beleive am about to start round 2, its come round quick!! I'll just be right behind you on the drug protocal.... good luck x

Oh thats so nice to hear we will be so close with our dates. I hope we all get healthy babies. Im getting really excited now.

so glad my mum will be here from Australia when I do the HPT.
Thats really nice that your mum will be with you. I plan to stay at my inlaws for the 2ww, they will both spoil me! i think they are also going to come back to london with me for the pregnancy blood test. Hopefully I will have so great news to share with them. My poor dh can only come accross for the egg collection, he's so busy at work that he can only afford 5 days off. :sad2:
My mums unable to travel down from Scotland just now cause she's going through some health issues herself.... but I know she'd only smuther me too much!!!
Oh Mrs T thats so nice you will be with your inlaws. I have a very much love hate relationship with my mother. But in these times I cant do without. I really dont know how I have coped through my 2 surgeries and all this IVF in 1 year. Im a bit teary now. Ahh I miss my mummy :)

My drugs are with my mother in law right now, LOL she must be thinking what is this thing. Its really hard to explain IVF to both sets of parents. They just know I need to do it so we have children.

Im going in to the hospital on the 14th to learn how to inject the jabs. I will be on menapur. Has anybody been on this? Is it easy to inject?
Me again, I just picked up my drugs. My 1st thought is I cant believe how many needles are in it. Kinda got me worried, excitement has turned into being scared.

Ladies, am I meant to put all the drugs into the fridge or just 1?
Hi Ladies,

Dilek - I only put my puregon in the fridge. Everything else at room temperature. Definitely contact your FS to confirm storage. I was told that it can make a difference. And you are almost off. The injections are easy, you'll get the hang of them.

Brambletess - Let us know about the mysterious BFP... I hope everything is ok, and you have a little miracle on your hands!

Mrs. T - Let us know how things go with your FS when you reach her/him too. I've got my fingers crossed that everything will be just fine for this cycle for you.

I'm almost done stimming. We've got a small problem though - they cannot see one of my ovaries on the ultrasound. Yep. It appears I lost it under the bed or something. OK, not quite. But on Tuesday it couldn't be seen at all, and today, we only got a glimpse of it. This has never happened before to me, but apparently its quite normal. As it gets bigger it should be easier to see, and I'm just trusting it will fall into place shortly.

Otherwise, its all looking pretty good. My other ovary has 9 follicles all growing at about the same rate and are right now b/t 13 and 15 mm. There are 3 others under 11 mm. What we saw on our glimpse of the other ovary was at least 5 follicles all growing at about the same rate, and all around 13 - 15 mm. So, I have enough to get to retrieval for sure, and there were a few others there that we just couldn't capture. So, I'm pretty happy about that. My E2 is another story. Its 9600. yikes. Seems high to me, and my dosage of puregon is now 75iu ( I started at 225!).

But, I'm almost at the homestretch with this part of it, and can't wait for it to be over. Likely I'll stop stimming and will trigger sometime this weekend for retrieval early next week. Woo Hoo.

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