:happydance:wow Latestarter, 19 thats fantastic.... I hope my ovaries are listening!! I cant wait to hear how many fertilise tomorrow. Good luck x
Cant believe you were awake for the egg collection.... your brave girl! I liked being a sleep last time!!

Hi to all the new May be Baby girls, and everyone else of course! :hug:hope your all well.

I arrived in London last night, shattered from the traveling. Today I had an appt for my accupuncture:pop: nice and relaxing. She said some of the needle pin points she worked on today would help bring on AF . I'm on cd 29, I normal come on arould cd 28-30 but this month am not sure because ff cant tell me when I ov-ed. Yesterday it told be I was 3 dpo but after todays dip in temp it removed the cross hairs..... :confused: whats going on this month???? I feel like the :witch: is on her way, cramping and sore boobs but I normaly get that just after ov anyways.

Dilek- is it Wednesday you start stimulating???? am hoping :witch: will arrive tomorrow so I can get started on Wed too.
Hi Mrs T - YAY for getting into London safe and sound. Hope your staying in a posh hotel. Cant believe the weather switched. I have a blood test on wednesday to check my hormones??? thursday baseline scan and hopefully i will get the ok and i start the menapur on friday. Is it obvious I am still confused.

Latestarter - how are you feeling hun?

How is everyone else?
Mrs T - I found charting pretty unreliable and mine seeemd to indicate I didn't ovulate which was not right at all. I am sure you are much more practised at it than me but I personally feel distrustful of them. If you feel like AF is coming I bet it does. Fingers crossed anyway.:hugs: Hope you are enjoying London.

Hewitt/Homerton centre girls - wow what a lot of you and you all seem to be doing well.

Late starter - so pleased about eggs, can't wait to hear how many fertilised xxx will you know tonight????

I am fine, no new developments, just sitting tight. Its kind of like the IVF 2 week wait in reverse. I am pregnant but am waiting to find out if it needs to be removed or not. Late starter will be joining me soon in the agony on the waiting bench.
Yes Dilek, what has happened to the weather? although lookes like it will be a nice evening, but windy.
I didnt really want to say in a hotel for a month, couldnt cope with hotel food every day.... am try to eat only healthly stuff. Plus I always feel you've to leave your room for housekeeping to come in a clean. Cant do laundry etc....No privacy and I'd go mad staring at the same 4 walls everyday. We've rented a short stay flat neer the clinic for the next 4 weeks, I did the same last time. Find it more relaxing having my own space.

So Brambletess one more week untill your scan... half way there!!! It must be a good sign if you've got nothing to report, no pains etc?? I've got my fingers crossed for you x

latestarter, Hope your feeling ok, not too bloated and tender. Am looking forward to hearing the fertilisation report x

ps No sign of the :witch: yet......:hissy:
Sorry in advance for this post but this is the only place I can do it!!

OH has just given me tonight's injection..after he took the needle out there was a little bit of the buserelin left on my skin (about a drop). The same thing happened last night. Also there was about 0.05ml left in the syringe, so I've assumed that just under 0.1ml has not got into my system. OH showed me - about 40 times - that the stuff left in the syringe is not coming out no matter how hard he pushed the little plunger ( I even had a go myself and sure enough - it is staying in there) but I have now gone into a MAJOR panic that I am not getting enough of the drugs and my DR won't work properly!
I tried to reassure myself that as AF was late - despite the pains - that it must be working as I had read that buserelin can make your period about 5 days late. However, I've just been to the toilet and the witch has arrived on time so I am in panic mode again! (yes I know I'm a nutter!!).

I have had a really shit day - work is so so so busy with lots of pressures and to top it off my Dad has been told today that, what we thought were gallstones, could be a growth on his kidney - he is in a lot of pain and I am realy worried about him - he is having the camera in next week so I will know more then.

I am hoping that my panic is over the top because of the crap day I've had. Can anyone reassure me that I am overreacting haha!!

Sorry to rant girls. Hope everyone is ok?
Thanks for your support, Roobie xx
Hi Robbie
sorry to hear that you've had such a crap day :hugs:

re your injections, dont panic! with all syringes/needles there is always about 0.1ml left in the hub, you will be getting the correct dose.

Its something I know from my veterinary nurse training!!......I keep typing out an explanation but when I read it back, not sure it makes sense! am falling asleep here so finding it hard to explaine myself!!!

I need an early night am shattered

Thanks for the reassurance Mrs T.

I'm glad you had a safe journey to the UK. Sleep tight. Roobie xx
Hi Everyone,

I hope you are all doing well.

Brambletess - My fingers are crossed for your scan. I hope, hope, hope that we will both be solidly in 1st tri right away!

Roobie - don't worry about the bit left in the syringe. I had the same thing and my RE said not to concern myself with it. The stuff is strong - so that tiny bit won't make a difference at all. And Yay for the witch arriving - do you start stims soon?

Diliek - good luck with the baseline scan on Thursday. I hope you can start right away.

Mrs. T - Yay for London.

JK28 - I'm so sorry about the IVF cycle. I have my fingers crossed for a transfer for you though. Please let us know.

I'm doing well. I completely felt like I had been hit by a truck last night. Obviously the good drugs had worn off. I felt nothing being awake for the procedure, and it is the only way my clinic does it. It was really neat to see everything too. I watched the follicles drain on the ultrasound.

I have blog and did a detailed post about my experience, so take a read (the link is in my signature) if anyone wants the gory details. But it was mostly fine.

And today... I'm great.

The embryologist called me today and said I had 18 eggs (not 19). Not sure what the discrepency was either as I'm pretty sure my Dr. told me 19. Either way it doesn't matter, because they called me this afternoon...

And 16 fertilized!!! Woo Hoo.:happydance::happydance::happydance:

They will call tomorrow to determine if I do a 3 day or a 5 day transfer. So my fingers are crossed that those embies are happily dividing and growing. There are no guarantees with this so its nerve wracking. But I'm so grateful to have made it this far. And like everyone, just taking things one day at a time, and trying not to take anything for granted.

I'm still sore, but Tylenol is helping. I worked for a half day today - and will relax again tonight. I can't walk too much as I'm pretty tender, but its not bad. And it was worth it.

Good luck everyone, and I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's decision!
am so excited for the 16 fertilized eggs.... You are doing sooooo well. cant believe your back at work! I remember how tender it was to walk or laugh and last time I had a bad cold so coughing/sneezing wasnt funnny either!

Take good care of your self x
I've spoke to some of you about starting IVF or like me trying again, am sure there was a few of us starting in May.
Just thought it would be good for us to get together in one thread so we can help each other through the next month with all the highs :happydance:and lows :cry: and install some PMA :yipee: . Think it would be great to chat about how everyone is preparing themselves for their cycle etc.
So sign up girls.........:friends:

Hey Mrs T,,

Wish you all the best and lots of Baby Dust on you...

I am too from Doha Qatar....and waiting to give IVF a shot....i will be glad if you can let me know from where are you getting IVF treatment in Doha....It will be very kind of you....Thanx
Thanks Prisha80

We decided to come to London and go private for the IVF. I was seeing a really nice Dr at AlEmadi but she didnt do IVF and recomended I go to Hamad hospital.... we were not happy with the set up and found it imposible to get the any info from Hamad. I felt we were not treated with any compashion either.

Are you Qatari or an expat? How have you found the Qatar fertility system???
Hi all,

Fertilization update.

14 of my 16 eggs are still dividing.

3 of them look really, really good (2 are grade A and one is a B+)

5 or 6 of them are Grade B

So, we are doing a day 3 transfer. TOMORROW!!!

I am freaking out.

The embryologist told me that as soon as it is clear which embies are strongest they like to do the transfer - so we are doing a 3 day transfer. So because I have 3 clear front runners we are going ahead tomorrow. ( I don't know how many to transfer though! 2 or 3???)

She also told me that any embies that are at least a Grade B they will freeze. Others that are still dividing they will watch to see if they are good quality for freezing. She said that they get better pregnancy rates with embies that are frozen earlier. They will not freeze any embie that is not at least a Grade B.

I'm not sure about this - it seems to go against most of what I've read. At the same time I'm at a fantastic clinic with very, very good pregnancy rates. So I should just relax and trust them. I have lots of questions for my doctor tomorrow though. At the same time, I can stop worrying about embies in petri dishes, and start worrying about my embies in my womb.

I don't know why but I feel so anxious suddenly. What if it doesn't work? What if it does??? What if I choose to transfer 3 and HAVE 3 (I'm single remember!). What if I transfer less than 3 and I don't get pregnant - will I regret that. If I'm still sore from egg collection is it ok to do a transfer? Yikes. I need to relax, I know - but having a hard time with that right now.

I am excited and happy and worried and anxious and terrified all at once. Can someone just wake me up at the end of the month - so I don't have to wait, wait, wait...?

:happydance::happydance:great report Latestarter.

But PLEASE relax the main thing everything is going very well...... am so happy for you x
In the UK there is very strict laws on quantilty of embies that are transferd, only 1 if your under 30, 2 if your in your 30's and 3 if your in your 40 or over!
You've got a tough decision to make.... dont forget any of the eggs could spilt into twins :eek:!!!!!
Am sure you and your dr will advise you on the best option for you.:hug:
Latestarted congratulations on the embies. As Mrs T said I think a discussion with your Dr will be able to guide you in making the decision.

Im 27 and because of my situation, DH and I have decided for 2 embies. But im not jumping the gun yet, just hoping i can go through this without breaking down.

Mrs T - which centre are you with in London?

In a few hours time, im off to my appointment for my scan. I am slightly nervous. Last night we totally forgot to complete the consent forms. How bad if we turned up today without the forms. What kind of parents would we be???? LOL

My letter explains that after baseline scan the nurse will call me in 2-3 days to advise when to start stimulating. Is that right? I had the impression it was the day after?
Late starter - by the time you read this it will be day of the ET!! I am so excited for you as the quality of your embryos sound excellent. I know the decision is a diffucult one, 2 or 3. The some have developed into grade A surely must suggest the quality of those are good. In the UK, under 40 they only put two back in. Only you can make that decision and its a difficult one. With three there is a good chance more than one would implant. Could you cope with more than one? I know you have don't have a partner but do you have a network of family close by? I am sure if you needed to cope you would.

Trying to relax is easier sad than done. I know all about that - welcome to my world. The next week will all be about relaxing and taking it easy. You can't really do any more than that. Acupucture straight after ET is recommended, helps move the blood flow to that area or something like that. Just break down the time into smaller chunks. When i first started my wait it seeemd like another century away but if I just thought about getting to the middle of the time I know i would feel better. Now I am past the midway mark i am now aiming for the weekend as i know people will be around to take my mind off it. The I think come Sunday/Monday i will start to dread the outcome - but thats me. I hope you have someone to be with you when you test. Sending you absoloutely loads of :dust:

Mrs T - has the :witch: flown in yet??? where is she when you want her??

Roobie - I am so sorry sorry to hear about your Dad. I hope he is not in too much pain. I echo what the others have said about the injections. That is nothing to worry about as we are talking small amounts and i am sure its the same for everyone. I hope you are feeling better now.
Brambletess- no sign of the witch yet..... I think ff was right. If thats the case She wont be here untill Tuesday!! if only I'd know I could still be at home with my dh and pussy cats!
Glad your keeping yourself sane in your '2ww'.

Dilek- good luck the scan todayx
I've been going to the London Fertility Clinic, just on the corner of Harley Street. What about you?
Hi all,

I'm back from my transfer and it went well. I've got 3 gorgeous little embies on board!

The clinic was running a half hour behind, which was complete torture since you need to show up with a full bladder for the ultrasound. I was in pain! Finally, I had to let "a little" out or I wouldn't have made it through the transfer (sorry tmi).

I've got 3 embies on ice, and 8 more still in culture and we are trying to let them grown. There is less hope that they'll make it for freeze, but we are giving them every opportunity.

Test date is May 28. Arggghhhh!

So, I'm at home and relaxing, and dreaming of happy, implanting embies.

Dilek - How did your scan go?

Mrs. T - You have to wait until Tuesday for the :witch:? Why is this always, always such a waiting game.

Come on guys hurry up and join me in the 2ww! I'm waiting

wow :baby::baby::baby: on board... I hope I do as well as you :hug:
Enjoy the rest and happy thoughts. Do you have some one to run after you for the next few days?

I know all this waiting is such a pain..... but they do say all good things comes to those who wait. We all must be over due some good things!!
Hey Ladies

Latestarter congratulation with the 3 embies and officially PUPO. Thr 2ww is going to go fast, you have us hun.

Mrs T - Im with Homerton fertility centre, i live in the hackney city area and i could have chosen in the area but I had my laps there so I just stuck with them. Im hoping like everyone else its going to work this attempt.

Thanks for asking my scan and blood tests went great. I start the menapor and superfact tommorrow. DH and I have decided to inject at 9pm, and he will be mixing the menapur. Im really bad at doing stuff but im sure ill inject myself. DH would probably faint.

How is everyone else?
Latestater -Wow that is great news. Get lots of rest and relaxation now. Got everything crossed for you :hug::hugs::dust: Good luck for the 2ww. hope it goes quick. xx

Mrs T - Hope the :witch: comes sooner then tuesday so you can get started.

Well i have 2 days till i start down reg. This week seems to have gone really quick. Quite glad. Not been stressing or worrying at all which is good for me :rofl: Been keeping myself really busy.

I have a few question for the ladies on buserelin injection. When would you suggest the best time for me to do my injections 9AM or 7PM am unsure? What time are you doing yours? What side effects are you having?

Hope everyone else is ok

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