Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all doing well.
Brambletess - My fingers are crossed for your scan. I hope, hope, hope that we will both be solidly in 1st tri right away!
Roobie - don't worry about the bit left in the syringe. I had the same thing and my RE said not to concern myself with it. The stuff is strong - so that tiny bit won't make a difference at all. And Yay for the witch arriving - do you start stims soon?
Diliek - good luck with the baseline scan on Thursday. I hope you can start right away.
Mrs. T - Yay for London.
JK28 - I'm so sorry about the IVF cycle. I have my fingers crossed for a transfer for you though. Please let us know.
I'm doing well. I completely felt like I had been hit by a truck last night. Obviously the good drugs had worn off. I felt nothing being awake for the procedure, and it is the only way my clinic does it. It was really neat to see everything too. I watched the follicles drain on the ultrasound.
I have blog and did a detailed post about my experience, so take a read (the link is in my signature) if anyone wants the gory details. But it was mostly fine.
And today... I'm great.
The embryologist called me today and said I had 18 eggs (not 19). Not sure what the discrepency was either as I'm pretty sure my Dr. told me 19. Either way it doesn't matter, because they called me this afternoon...
And 16 fertilized!!! Woo Hoo.

They will call tomorrow to determine if I do a 3 day or a 5 day transfer. So my fingers are crossed that those embies are happily dividing and growing. There are no guarantees with this so its nerve wracking. But I'm so grateful to have made it this far. And like everyone, just taking things one day at a time, and trying not to take anything for granted.
I'm still sore, but Tylenol is helping. I worked for a half day today - and will relax again tonight. I can't walk too much as I'm pretty tender, but its not bad. And it was worth it.
Good luck everyone, and I'll keep you posted on tomorrow's decision!