Hi Wrighty,

On the cycle I did buserelin, my Dr. told me to do it in the morning. I don't know why or if there was any reason for it. The first couple of days I had an incredible headache from it (not fun - and I had the same thing on the Synarel spray this time), but after that I hardly noticed anything at all.

Good luck. It really starts to feel real when you start injections. How long are you down regging for?
thank you latestarter. not sure yet how long i am down reging for have my baseline scan on the 2nd june. are the headaches constant or are they just for a few hours after injection?
Just saw my DR. We will start with BCP for 4 days, then the injections will begin on Monday to grow the eggies.
Good morning ladies :wave:

hope your all well? What on earth has happened to weather?? :rain:

lastesatarted.... I hope you've got your feet up and relaxing.:flower:

akcher... yeh for starting stim injections on Monday. :happydance:

Dilek... you must be excitied about starting your injections tonight. I cant wait to get started!:pop:

Well fingers crossed the :witch: will arrive tomorrow, my temp is on the way down and my tummy fells like she's on her way. So am hoping Monday will be my 1st scan/bloods so i can start stim injections in the evening...... Please :witch:show up tomorrow
Morning girls,

Dilek - How did injection number 1 go? I hope it went well. My headaches didn't start right after the injection, it took a couple of days and then I had my headache for a couple of days. Woke up with them. I took Tylenol though, and it was fine.

Akcher - Yay for starting right away. Its nice to finally get started. ARe you taking any other down reg drugs, or are BCP's doing the trick for you?

Mrs. T - Boy I hope the witch shows for you already, so you can get this cycle started. What is your protocol like?

Brambletess - Not much longer until your scan. How are you feeling. I've heard that those with ectopic pregnancy experience a lot of pain - do you have any of those symptoms? If not, I've got my fingers crossed for you.

Everyone else - How are you all doing? JK8 - you haven't posted in a while, I sure hope you are taking care of yourself. This is such a tough road.

I'm doing well. I went to work yesterday and it was fine. Before everyone freaks out, I have a very, very sedentary job. In fact, I spent the day sitting down listening to other people lecture. If I was at home, pretty sure I would have done more stuff. Then I walked to the beach, and had a picnic with a friend for dinner and came home and watched bad tv. It was nice, relaxing and good for me to get away from the computer. I've spent a lot of time googling 1dp3dt... Sad I know.

Its a long weekend here, so I'm in bed as I type, just enjoying a lazy morning. Every once in a while I remember that I have 3 embies on board and I am praying they stay strong. Its so hard not to hope, since the odds are never brilliant - but I am... very hopeful this go around. Its going to be a long two weeks.
Hi everyone!

Hope that you are all having a lovely weekend! I know that I am a newcomer to the thread but I hope no-one minds if I just jump straight in and do a few personals?!

Wrightywales - It's tomorrow that you start injections isn't it?!! How exciting! Have you decided when you are going to do them yet?

Roobie - thanks for the info about the hewitt centre building work. It made me laugh what you said about the new sample room and your OH!! Sorry to hear about your dad though, has there been any change?

Dilek -I completely know what you mean about lady hormones..i am really missing mine now!! hope that you are getting on ok with the stimms, any side effects yet?

Latestarter - How fantastic that you have 3 embies on board! Sounds like they are all real fighters aswell, you better be prepared for triplets!!! Got everything crossed for you.

Mrs T - Hope that the witch has been round to see you and you can get started real soon. Are you originally from England then?

Brambletess - how amazing that you got a bfp! Praying that your scan shows everything is ok. Are you managing the wait ok?

Akcher - great that you start stimms on monday! How have you found the drugs so far?

As for me..all I can say is that my baseline scan on Tuesday cannot come round quick enough and if they tell me that I am not ready for stimms I may just scream!! Then on the other hand I am so not looking forward to injections..this tx is so full of mixed emotions isn't it!

Vanessa xxx
Hi everyone

How are you all?

Veebee - Yes start my injections tomorrow. Going to do them at 9am so first 1 is less than 15 hours away. I'm really excited to start but nervous as well.

Latestarter - Take it easy and got everything crossed for you xx

Mrs T - Hope the :witch: comes fx so you can get the ball rolling

Akcher - Good luck with your injections on Monday

Brambletess - Good luck with your scan on monday. Hope everything is fine

Well i start down reg in 15 hours. Cant believe how quick this week has gone. Woohoo i start tomorrow cant wait but i am nervous about it. Its the start of a journey i just hope its a happy one with few side effects from the drugs.
Hi Everyone!

Sorry I haven't posted for a while.

Latestarter - am so pleased that your embryo transfer went well and you are now PUPO!!! I've got my fingers crossed and am praying you get your BFP. Am glad you are getting plenty of rest and taking things easy xx

Dilek - how are your injections going?

Wrightywales - good luck with starting your injections tomorrow. I take mine at night as I am in too much of a rush in the morning, I just have to organise my social life around them, so I don't go anywhere until after 8pm!!

Mrs T - hope AF shows tomorrow and then you can get started xx

Akcher - good news you are starting stimming on Monday.

Brambletess - good luck with your can - hope everything is ok

I am on Day 8 of Buserelin now. I had a pretty rough time just before and when AF showed. I felt really bloated and the pain was worse than usual. I also had a few mood swings that were off the richter scale :blush:. She's just about to dissappear so am feeling better now. I still feel a bit moody and a bit low sometimes and have had a few headaches, but nothing drastic!!

Thanks for the good wishes for my Dad - he is still the same but will be going in for an op on Thursday so hopefully he will be ok by Friday [-o<

Hope everyone else is good. Roobie xx
Just a little note to tell you all how I have been. My scan is on Tuesday so still a couple of days to go. I spent ages on the computer on Friday and ended up with a really stiff upper back, neck, from all the stress I guess. Went to acupuncture yesterday and it feels loads better now. Got myself in a tizz wazz though and had total panic attack yesterday. I used to suffer with anxiety when i was younger and it has crept back again but seems a lot better today but that may change by later in the day. The waight has been awful though and the most stressful time of my life. No pains but not feeling that pregnant either, just sore boobs and bowel trouble but that could be because of nerves anyway. I am just trying to think that if its ectopic that i will have three months off before IVF again and i can just get back to old life, enjoy the summer and then get back onto it in the autumn. I know my eggs can implant no matter what so that gives me hope that IVF will work eventually. BUT this may be my time and that would be unbelievable.

Roobie, Akcher and veebee - good luck with all drugs.

Wrightwales - good luck wth the drugs. I think you will be just fine.

Mrs T - the weather is rubbish but it will turn eventually. So when your little embies go in you will have blue skies!
:dance:Good Morning:dance:....and it is a good one.... The :witch: is here!!
I just need to call the clinic today and arrange tomorrows appt, I'll be stimulating by tomorrow night:headspin:

Brambletess- 2 more days and counting. I've a good feeling that you'll get some good news and the skys will be clear and blue from then! keep positive :hug:

Robbie- glad the witch is leaving you now and taking her moods with her. All the best for your dads op on Thursday. :hugs:

Wrightywales- good luck with the down regulating drugs today :thumbup:

Veebee- Am origanaly from Scotland, all my family are still there. My Dh is from NE England and all my in laws are still there too! My DH likes the idea that his child will be made in Egland! We just decided on London becuase it was central, we had our pick of clinics and its only one flight away.
Good luck with Wednesdays base line scan, we will all be stimulating around the same time. \\:D/

Latestarter- Ms PUPO! :happydance:our 1st May be baby PUPO. Hope the 2ww goes by fast for you..... your bloods are on the 28th???? big day for me too, My sisters birthday and the day my dh flys in from Doha.... roll on the 28th :headspin:.
My protocal is a short one, just stim injections for the 1st 14 days. Should be exactly the same as your one but with out the down regulating....... and we'll get the same result a :baby:!

Akcher- yeh we're going to be starting stimulating together :friends:

Dilek- hows the injections going :icecream:

well cant you guess am hyper this morning?? :rofl:
good morning ladies

Well just had my first injection. It did sting abit but was expecting that. Cant believe ive actually started my ivf journey. Woohoo. There was a few minutes where i thought i couldnt do it then just closed my eyes and job was done lol. Roll on tomorrow for number 2

Mrs T congrats the :witch: has come good luck tomoz starting stimming

Hope everyone else is ok
The nausea and exhaustion are getting out of control, now. How I hate IVF already :( Period is already four days late.
:happydance::happydance::happydance: I've got the clinic at 10.15 today, am excited to finally get started. will update on my appt later.

Hope your all well today xx
:hi: Hello there

YAY im back, 1st of all Mrs T :happydance: :witch: is finally here and im sure you must be at the clinic right now.

Wrighty wales - you are so brave doing the injections on your own. I have DH doing mine.

Brambles- only 1 day left till your scan. Hun i really hope its a normal pregnancy and all this worry will be out the window after your scan.

Roobie - I hope those headaches will disappear for you and start feeling better. Praying things are better for your dad.

Latestarter - hun are you 4 days post now, wow 3 embies. Thats great. When is your test date? Any sympyoms yet? Is it too early to symptom spot, im really daff when it comes to these things.

Vannessa - welcome to the thread hun. Your only 4 days behind me. Do you start stimming on wednesday?

Im sorry if I forget anyone, im still not awake?

Its been hectic since friday afternoon. Met DH at heathrow and made our way to Wales. Our 1st injection was really stressful as its the 1st time for the menapur and the suprefact. We found the menapur really time consuming. DH is doing everything, mixing of the drugs and also the injection.
:dohh::dohh::dohh: DH didnt pack enough syringes, so i was running arond to boots, pharmacy and finally to A&E to get some syringes. Yep it was really stressful. Last night it went really well.

Today my ovaries feel heavy, im getting a pit of pain, there like stabbing pains. Is this normal ladies? I also feel really thirtsy.

I have my scan on wednesday to check my ovaries. Hopefully latestarter i will be PUPO with you soon!!!
Hi all,

Well 4dpt and I'm going nutso. I oscillate between being very positive it worked to being terrified that it didn't. I don't quite know the best way to handle all of these emotions (except to post them and blog about them and try to keep busy) and just want to know already.

I have no symptoms that cannot be attributed to the progesterone or the IVF drugs. So I have no idea where I am at. How is it they can put people on the moon, send probes to Mars, and fix telescopes in space, but no one can tell me if I'm pregnant. It seems ridiculous.

I also had a bit of a meltdown last night. Just feeling like it didn't work, and I'm still back to where I started once again. I'm doing better this morning - but last night was rough for me. This is such a hard 2ww.

Then there was my dream last night. I dreamed that I took a HPT and it was positive. And in my dream I took another HPT and it was also positive. So my dream brain interpreted that as I'm having twins. 2 tests - 2 babies. Funny. Thankfully I woke up before I took a third test. :rofl:

Diliek - it is very normal for your ovaries to feel heavy, and some cramping or short pain is normal. I'm still having it.

Mrs. T - How did things go at the clinic today?

Everyone stimming - I hope the injections all go well for you. I can't wait for you guys to join me in the 2ww. Keep us posted on follie counts!

OK - I'm going to back away from the computer and try to do other productive things today. Its a holiday here - so I'm going to enjoy the short work week. I hope it goes by fast.
Latestarter -, it is really emotional and i am afraid you are going to have highs and lows. You have three on board so your chances are good. It is always going to be on your mind so just keep busy with things you like doing and the time will go. I can't belive the time has passed for me. I thought it never would and i feel a lot better knowing I don't have to kill anymore days after today.

Dilek - I guess those overies are working quite hard so I expect it is normal they are complaining a bit. Might be best to chefck with your nurse any concerns though. Not long now hopefully!!

Wrightywales - Glad you are off the starting block!!

I will let you all know the news tomorrow - good or bad, unless something happens in meantime.

I know i am not on the same journey as you guys but I feel like I know you and you are all so supportive. I want to follow your journeys to their hopefully wonderful conclusions.:hug:
Good evening... sorry I couldnt get on line earlier, a friend of mine came and kidnapped me and look me to the Westfield shopping mall. oooohhhhh the shopping therapy was great!!!

My scan appt went well, my ovaries are clear and ready to go. Bloods were done too, my dr said she'd call me if I there was anything in the blood results. So if no calls by 5pm I was to go aheads with my injection tonight. I've to inject 400iu Puregon every day until fridays re-scan and bloods... a 100iu more than last cycles dose! I'll be popping loads of folicals :yipee:this time (PMA)

Am waiting untill 7pm to do my injection ( I too have to do it myself :dohh:)

OMG, my worst fears did not come to pass, the pregnancy is in the right place! Its such a relief, I can't tell you. I am not 6 weeks though, bit less than that, more like just over 5. Nurse reckons that happens more often than not. The union can take longer and the journey to the womb can take longer as well. In my case it was a bit of an obsticle course so not surprising.

I have to go back next tuesday for another scan so we can see the heartbeat. The sac and yolk though are the right place and they have ruled out ectopic. Its so unbelievable! to be told you can't conceive and then three months later be pregnant. You hear these stories but don't dream you could be one of them.

I know I must have seemed a bit of a drama queen but i honestly felt hideously worried! Haven't fully calmed down now as still a bit shaky.

Love to you all.
Congratulations hun, now sit back, destress and enjoy this pregnancy. What a great blessing :)

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