Mrs T i inject both the suprefact and menapur on alternative legs. I havnt had any bruises yet, DH injects really slowly. The Suprefact stings though! I am also really bloated. My new trousers I bought on Saturday dont fit anymore!!!!!
I just had my 1st follicle scan, im dissapointed. I have all sorts of emotions to being upset, anger and now im ignoring my emotions. I have only 5 follicles, 3 on my left and 2 on the right. There all sized around 10mm. I think size is good but the quanitiy is soooooo poor. Im only 27, but have had major surgery to my ovaries and still have a cyst on my left. I hate endometriosis!!!!!!!! Anyways im going to keep it short here and write in my journal. OK im back to being angry now.