Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Thank you :hugs:

Today was a much better day. Still fighting my allergies so since it was my day off I just kinda dozed off and on for most of the day! Really easy to do since my OH is still trying to stay on his overnight schedule, rather than go back and forth on his days off. It was awesome to rest up!!

I weighed myself when I woke up and was surprised to see I had lost 4 lbs!! Seems like when I start an exercise program that's how it goes. The scale won't budge, so I don't get on it for a few days and then bam! results!

I was extra motivated by this and did my couch to 5k workout and I'm feeling really proud of myself. Hope everyone had a fantastic weekend!
Support groups are great. I had found one for parents that have children with the same disabilities as my child. It was a little difficult because it varies so much from child to child. And my daughter has multiple problems. She also has profound hearing loss iand they said she maybe has 10% of her hearing. We actually just got approved for the cochlear implant in December. It's hard for her to do any signing because of her limited motor skills. That's sweet that your MIL tries to sign. It shows she cares. Love this's so nice to talk to people :)

So Saturday me and DH got a night away and had my father watch our daughter. We went to the local fair and enjoyed many I didn't eat too bad but it was my last day before my diet/workout so I had fun with it. Had a corndog, roasted corn, fried oreos, giant pork wrine, and been nibbling on cotton candy. Lol...I can't even look at food today. It was definitely a funny night. We had mega passes so we could go on any ride for free (DH won them from the radio station) but DH is a wuss with rides. He gets sick with my driving heehee. Ended up going on the haunted ride because I've always been too scared since I was a kid. And then went on the ferris wheel. We waited for the ferris wheel for a while because they could only let on a certain amount of people to balance the weight since the ride was acting right. I should've just walked away then but it seemed fine. So we go on it and the first spin around we do fine. End up at the top and it suddenly gets stuck. We then go backwards, forwards, stuck up top again. Loud screeching/squeaking noises from the machinery and I'm afraid of heights. We're up there for 20 minutes and all I'm thinking about is how they're going to get us down if they can't get it to work again. Finally got down and then DH spent $30 trying to win me a stuffed animal. Ended up with a huge round pig whom I've named Bacon.

Tell you what...I am really enjoying the NTNP it's such freedom! Way less stress. And I have enough stress. Just got the call this morning that DD surgery is April 20. Woo Hoo!! So girls how are you all doing??

Congrats on the 4lb loss Jess! I need to weigh myself...don't think I lost anything...haven't had time to work out. Been helping DH with work for 12 hours then I go to work for another 9 hours. Bahhhh sooooo tired!!
Mousey- I'm doing great. I think it's awesome your child will get cochlear implant. DH said that he doesn't want me getting it because I still have some residual hearing left that I can use with hearing aids. Oh by the way, I hugged someone my coworker knows (one of her neighbors in her apt building) and her neighbor said that she felt strongly this sense/energy around me that I'll get pregnant soon. I'm so excited. That's what I've been waiting for and trying for! I don't know how soon though so we'll see. :shrug:
Omg that is awesome hun! How are you feeling? Think this might be the month? I'm so sick right now and so tired that I don't have energy to :sex:. DH and I both got food poisoning last night and with me working so much i'm ready to pass out. Ended up calling off work and told them to cut my hours. Between DH schedule, and DD getting the cochlear implant, work is not my main job. I started it to get out of the house and its become a job where I am picking up the slack of others. My body cannot handle it. Hope all is well!
Mousey- your body will let you know when it's too much and it sounds like it's too much so you're wise to tell work to cut your hours some so you can be there for your DD's experience.

I don't feel any different. I'm a bit more relaxed because that's the second person who's said that I'd get pregnant soon. I don't know how soon though so I'm still obsessing over my temps and symptoms. I went in this morning to get my waxing done and realized it wasn't as painful as last month's when I went in few days before AF's visit.
Hmm...could be good news! That's pretty awesome that you've had two people tell you that you will be pregnant soon. I would be getting very ansy! Well today was my first day to actually clean my house and of course I feel like poo. But I got a lot done. I was happy that work totally understood that I called out. Yes, I really want be a part of my daughters experience. She is going to need a lot of speech and language therapy and it's going to be a lot tougher since she is already behind with other aspects. I've bought like 7 books for her already and have another 8 on hold at work heehee. I don't want my work getting in the way of her learning the most she can. Maybe that's why I haven't been able to get pregnant body knows that something was coming up and I need to focus on that :)...well that's what I tell myself anyway. So are you having any other symptoms other than feeling different with the wax? Well I'm off to relax a bit before bed!
Mousey- that's true- she's going to need your help with practicing her speech. I recall my mom would spend a lot of time practicing my speech skills at home when I wasn't in school. Just a lot of drills pretty much- repeating different sounds and playing different games where I'd have to say different sounds for as long as I could or whatever.

Today's been a very normal day. No cramps, no headaches, nothing... I think I had a little creamy cm. Not sure though. I did get hungry after smelling other people's food even though I felt full... That was weird to me but that can easily be explained by pms.
Hey girlies. Sorry I've been MIA! Are you feeling better Mousey? Any news Deafgal?

Just a quick update, I'm about to go hit the treadmill :thumbup: I had what I thought was my AF on the week of St Patrick's day.. so around March 17th ish.

Well a few days ago I started some weird bleeding. It would only come on at night and be light pinkish or brown.. last night it was a bit more but not enough to even really need a pantyliner. :shrug: It's pretty much gone today. My hormones are driving me nuts. I feel bloated, randomly nauseous and my cervix has been high since after I stopped bleeding a couple weeks ago. I can't make any sense of it. So much for trying to be stress free again. How can I relax with random bleeding??? :growlmad:

I think I'm going to get married tomorrow. We were planning on waiting until the fall. We don't want a ceremony, just do it up at the courthouse and then we want to have a reception type party later for friends and family. His insurance through his work is supposedly really good so we talked about it and decided why not? I'll update you tomorrow, I may be somebody's wife! :haha:

I also accidentally cut my hair too short!! It was REALLY long and I wanted some layers to lighten it up. I always trim my own hair and bangs. I tried to be ballsy and start my layers much shorter than I normally would and I'm pretty unhappy with it. GROW HAIR, GROW!! :dohh:

Here's to a good week, perhaps of wedded bliss! haha.
Jess- oooh, great idea. Get married tomorrow!! Let us know if you do and post a picture so we feel like we've been there on your day!

As for the news on my end- nothing... Not even AF so I'm not sure what to expect now, especially with that dreadful temp drop this morning. In about an hour's time, I'll officially have past 14 dpo with no sign of AF.
I'll take a picture for sure.

Only thing is, I am so weird.. I think of tomorrow as a legal transaction of sorts. I don't really care to dress up or have any one there. I consider the day we have our party as our day to celebrate with people who are happy for us. Thoughts?

The temp drop scares me but you're not out til AF shows!! Feeling very hopeful for you!!
That's not a bad idea- consider the day you have your party with family and friends who are happy for you guys... You may not care for dressing up or having witnesses but I think legally you need like one or two witnesses. My dad had my maid of honor and DH's best groomsman sign the paper at our wedding.

Jess- tell me about it. The temp drop scares me too but I still don't have cramps? :saywhat: Idk what's gonna happen. No sign of AF still... I hope I'm still in and I get that :bfp: on the 5th.
Ok, what I've found out is in our county, we get the marriage license. Then there are two celebrants that serve the county who can marry us. So we will contact them. And I believe you are right, we will need at least one witness.

If all this can be done tomorrow, we are going for it.

I would be so happy for one of us to have the first BFP of our group!! That would be so exciting. Are you feeling good about your timing this go round?

I ordered 50 cheap ovulation tests from I have got to try to track my cycles, not for getting pregnant, but because I think I'm going to just go try to find a doctor who can see what's wrong with me and why I am so irregular :wacko:
Jess- keep us posted... That sounds good. That sounds about right- marriage license, certificate, and one or two witnesses... Hope you can get it done tomorrow!

My timing's been good the past couple cycles but I never seem to catch that eggy. I don't know why either. I don't know how I feel about it right now cuz of the temp that dropped this morning. I should have taken it a second time to double check. The good news is I'm still in the game at the moment... I officially made it to 14 dpo too... So right now I'm on the start of 15 dpo according to FF.

Hope your dr can figure out what's up with your irregular cycles... I hope that it's easy to fix and that you'll get that :baby: in no time.
Sooo I got married today!!! Didn't really expect to.. so strange how it happened!

We went to get our marriage license. Then we wanted my hub's (hehe) parents to know what we were planning, because as I've mentioned, they are quite controlling. So we called to tell them that and his mom was genuinely supportive of whatever we decided. So then we thought, ok well, let's call the officiator. Since there are only two that serve our county. We weren't expecting to be able to get married today.

I got married around 3:40 pm and had to be at work at 4. It happened so quickly we didn't get any pictures. I really regret not capturing those moments.. but I have my memories which I will treasure forever.

The officiator met us at a park nearby and we stood by a tree and agreed to marry each other! I was wearing a baseball tee, jeans and red chuck taylors. So I was dressed like a 10 year old boy on my day, haha.

I'm very happy and we will be having our reception-type party on May 21st we decided. His parents offered to finance it! :happydance: Not at all what we expected.

So deafgal, did AF show? I'm dying to know what's happened!
:yipee: That's awesome Jess!!!!! Wish you had a picture taken- even one with a phone would have been fine with me! Oh well... You can always do a "retake" day where he and you dress in the same outfit and stand out by that tree at the park for pictures. Maybe you could do that on May 21 before/after the party?

AF is a no show... I even tested with a FRER and :bfn: I do NOT know what's going on or what will happen... I'm gonna give it until the 11th, and if nothing by then, I will retest and see where that takes me. I've never made it past 15 dpo before... So much for trying to figure out my LP this cycle.
Thank you so much! I was thinking of doing a re-enactment haha. I HAVE to have some pictures.. even if they are fakes :haha:

ARGH!! I'm really sorry you haven't gotten a BFP yet. I really hope this is it for you. It is heartbreaking to just go by each day and not have AF or a BFP.. You guys were there for me when I went through that exact thing over a month ago. I finally just had to give up on FF! So I really really have my fingers crossed that your BFP is on its way.

I wish we could be one of these women that say BFP 10DPO!!!

Seems like that would be the easiest thing in the world. SO hopeful for you deafgal!!!
i love the idea of an re-enactment... Better than nothing I think. How's your day going? Does it feel any different to be married now?

Sorry? I'm not sorry to have a break from :af: :yipee: I hate dealing with blood or pads monthly. This is a welcome change and it's giving me hopes that maybe this time I will finally get that :bfp: I have been waiting for- and confirm the fact I can get pregnant. Temp rose this morning so it's a good sign. Still in the game!
Ahhhh so sorry I've been outta here lately! So much going on with both you guys!! Congrats on getting married Jess. Have fun with your reception! Thats good that your in laws are supportive and offering to finance it.

Thats so crazy with your "no af, no bfp" Deafgal! Must be a bit nervewracking though. You are still in the game and that is soooo awesome!!

I started my workout today and it felt so good! Worked out for the entire hour too. I was doing good with eating too. Went to work tonight and it royally sucked. I had to call into work yesterday because DH work truck broke down so I helped him with work. I go to work tonight to total attitudes from the managers and it just pisses me off. Then I was having a better tonight and go to dinner and my manager comes in and says. "You missed the short bus, there was even one guy and he was cussing a lot". Not paying attention I just go about my dinner. I go back up front and there are about 8 adults from a facility that obviously cares for them. They had multiple problems and could not take care of themselves. It deeply upset me because I worry about this with my daughter and I know I will most likely be taking care of her the rest of my life. I am her mom and will do whatever I have to do, but it still makes me sad because there's so much I want for her. Then it hit me what my manager said...and how she said it. Short bus? That's pretty f'ed up to say. Especially to your employee who um...has a child who is handicap? So that upset me even more. I go to talk to my manager and try to have her understand where I am coming from and it ends up making me leave and crying on the drive home. So the DM and VP are coming Thursday and I think I'll be having a sit down with them about this because I seem to have problems with this place.

So of course, I get home, take a hot bath and eat chocolate and DH bringing home Taco Bell. For me to need all three...yeah it was a BAD NIGHT.

Hope things are going better for everyone and thanks in advance for listening :)
UGH mousey. I have no words for your manager. How could anyone be so disrespectful in general.. in their thoughts.. let alone be so ignorant and make such a comment out loud?! I just can't imagine it.

I'm so sorry you have to put up with that on top of everything else. Good for you though, I really hope you go through with it and address it with the higher ups.

I'm so glad you have such a great DH and you can always talk to us. We have BRAINS and would never be so rude.

Hope I check BnB and see that you have another high temp tomorrow, deafgal!!
Jess- hate to disappoint ya but I think my temp will drop today/tomorrow... I just saw a lil bit of pinkish blood when I went to toilet so maybe af is coming after all. :cry: I'm wolfing down some taco bell food now (soggy and cold- but who gives a care now?)

Mousey- that's awful of your manager! I don't know why some managers are so disrespectful like that... I'm preparing for a lil stress at work heading my way now... :dohh: Hate it when things get messed up and my name might be thrown in the spotlight- in a bad way... Not the parents' fault of course but still I hate it when they put me in the spotlight or whatever at work. I'm trying to be stressfree and not in the spotlight. Blah... Should take a few days off if I could but summer break's coming in 8 weeks. Surely I can hold out for another 8 1/2 weeks.

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