Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Awww Nursery Rhymes would be cute!! Well...hopefully something will happen soon!! Just remember that there is a possibility either now or in the future your hCG levels could just be really low. Lets see...I had a positive OPK on Thursday so I probably ovulated yesterday so I'm probably around 1 DPO give or take. It's going to be hard not to symptom spot but I am keeping busy so hopefully it'll take my mind off things. DH bought me Just Dance 2 for Wii for my birthday so I've been doing that, and tomorrow we're going out of town with the in-laws to a Seafood Festival so I am soooo getting my seafood fix in! The next two weeks are gonna be busy for me so I'm sure I'll have my mind elsewhere thankfully. Amazingly this month I'm not rushing and depressed about whether I'll get that :bfp: or not. I'm sticking with my "positive" attitude and going to be working out and having fun. I understand about cycles being frustrating. Mine is NEVER normal. Sometimes early, sometimes on time, sometimes late and there have been instances where my period has been late for almost 3 weeks. Booooooo! Hope things work out for you hun!
It's gonna be a piece of cake with the girl's room- there's lots of cute butterfly/flower stuff out there I can get for it. As for the stars/solar system theme, it'll be a challenge. Might end up asking mom to make a few things for it like crib sheets and stuff to match the theme. Or I can play with the theme a little bit- throw in cars and trains and stuff and leave the stars up on the ceiling? I'll figure it out when I cross that bridge eventually.

You'll get preggers, Mousey. I know it. Your time will come soon enough. You'll have to post a pic of the tattoo when it's done.

Jess- hope you figure it out. i hate it when you aren't sure of when you ovulated or when it's gonna be time for AF to visit. I didn't figure out when I ovulated last month but I have a good guess when I did...
Hey Mousey- Hope you have a peaceful two week wait. Mine started out fine, but being 5 days late for AF really messed everything up.

Which brings me to good news!! AF is here I believe! Light today, hopefully tomorrow will be full force so I can be sure. Never thought I'd say that lol.

SO the positive me is back!! I have decided I'm done with temping, done with trying for awhile because my cycles are still obviously weird and it will drive me crazy thinking I'm in a 2ww but it turns to a 2 and a half ww.. or a 3ww.. :wacko:

. I'm done TTC and I'm going to be NTNP. It's too hard on me. I tried to be in control of it and pinpoint ovulation and time everything, but obviously this is nothing we have any control over. My time will come when it's my time. Realizing this is a huge weight off my shoulders. I have 2 cute pups and an awesome OH that I should be enjoying.

I'm gonna still use Pre-Seed because I really think it's the best lube I've ever tried, but other than that, I'm going to focus on myself. Which means I ran on the treadmill today!! I am going to do "Couch to 5k". Have you guys heard of it? You start out really slowly and then at the end of the program, you'll have enough endurance to run an entire 5k straight. Another awesome thing is it's only 3 days a week! I think I can handle that :thumbup:

I don't plan on running any official 5k's but it would be so awesome to be that fit, as I've never even ran a mile in my life without stopping to walk. Especially since spring is almost here and I'd love to run around the block without huffing and puffing.. Knowing everyone driving by is thinking "whoa, first day out huh?" :haha: I'm so self conscious! I'm going to weigh myself in the morning as my official starting weight and see if I lose any.

Thank you guys so much for the encouraging words and taking time to listen! This thread with your support is really keeping me sane!!

How was everyone's weekend?
Great weekend here... Hope yours was good. I understand- yeah it is not within our controls when our body decides to ovulate or whatever.
More power to ya Jess!!! Im right there with ya! No more opks for me. Good job with the treadmill. I started doing Just Dance 2 on my ski and I am sweating lol. We have a huge boat outing every Memorial Day with about 10 of our friends to a local beach/island in the gulf so my plan is to lose 20lb by then. Then lose another 10 pounds by end of July for our NY trip. And hopefully I will know next week if BFP or BFN. I will be happy either way. I have enough life stress don't need more stress symptom spotting. Hope all is well and im off to work!
We can lose this weight!! I'd like to lose about 30 lbs as well. I doubt it will happen. I'd be satisfied with losing the 8 I've gained since TTC.

I love the Wii. I have Wii fit. It's really fun but I wouldn't consider it a workout. It makes me feel so bad because my Mii character is really round and fat lol. And it tries to get me to tattle on my OH and say if he's been working out or not haha.

I had a pretty good weekend. I finally finished up this cat portrait I was doing for a coworker, so that's a relief. And a nice bonus, work was slow today so I got to go home super early. AF has still not really shown up. I'm just still spotting. Ugh. Oh well, hope we have a pretty good week!
It's going to be a new day tomorrow and it's going to be a new me...well...the old me really. I am done sulking and I'm going to smile. I've been so consumed with TTC that it is literally driving me :wacko:...and this is only month 2 of trying :dohh:. I want me back. I want to have fun with life and TTC. I'm going to start working out again (easier of course), eat healthier, and just be a better me! Maybe if I act positive...soon I will get a :bfp:. And I will act positive until :witch: shows her ugly face and I will have a bubble bath, chocolate, and a glass of wine and a good :cry:...and do it all over. And I'm not going to let ignorant friends/family get my down with their lectures of when I should get pregnant. I need people who are going to understand what I am going through, not judge me for what I want. And that's why I am here, because there are sooo many women who ARE going through the same and want the same thing. It seems that my "friends" think I'm going crazy with the TTC but I know it'll be the same when they want to be pregnant...but I instead...will be there and will not be judgemental because that is who I am. A good person. Ok...done ranting now...thank you for listening!

I love this. This is great. :) And I do agree, a different outlook on things can help. I love how you said if you get AF you'll take a bubble bath, a glass of wine and have a good cry and do it all over again. It shows your strength and how much you really want this that you won't let it bring you down. I know it's hard but you're being good about it. :) We need more people like you around!! Your positive attitude can change our negative attitude when we get down about our BFN's and AF. Thanks. :) And keep in mind, taking care of yourself helps you conceive faster. That's what I'm trying to do cuz I have PCOS so I gotta lose some weight and I'm trying to eat healthier. :) GL to you!!
:thumbup: That's right- we gotta stay positive and remember to take care of ourselves...
Welcome to our little group FertilMertile!! Thank you for your kind words. Yeah I look like I'm mature with TTC but sometimes I'm not hehe. The way I look at it...crying and being pissy all the time about TTC IS NOT going to give me a baby! (If it did, I'd probably have a dozen children) I'm glad I'm not the only one with weight issues since TTC. I've gained 5lb and it's so damn annoying! Yep, getting in shape will help me concieve faster and thats my plan. If AF shows up this month then THAT DAY I am starting my workout/diet again and I WILL lose the weight and so will all you girls!!! I'm currently 165 as of this morning and my normal weight should be 139. And thats the weight I got pregnant the first time. I used to be 125 but of course that was before I met DH and started getting fed non-stop heehee. I know this is a TTC thread but I think if we can all help each other whether it be losing weight, pregnancy, ttc, or anything else...we can get through it!! Good luck girls!! And tomorrow is my tattoo day....YAYYYYY!!!
Welcome to our little group FertilMertile!! Thank you for your kind words. Yeah I look like I'm mature with TTC but sometimes I'm not hehe. The way I look at it...crying and being pissy all the time about TTC IS NOT going to give me a baby! (If it did, I'd probably have a dozen children) I'm glad I'm not the only one with weight issues since TTC. I've gained 5lb and it's so damn annoying! Yep, getting in shape will help me concieve faster and thats my plan. If AF shows up this month then THAT DAY I am starting my workout/diet again and I WILL lose the weight and so will all you girls!!! I'm currently 165 as of this morning and my normal weight should be 139. And thats the weight I got pregnant the first time. I used to be 125 but of course that was before I met DH and started getting fed non-stop heehee. I know this is a TTC thread but I think if we can all help each other whether it be losing weight, pregnancy, ttc, or anything else...we can get through it!! Good luck girls!! And tomorrow is my tattoo day....YAYYYYY!!!

:hugs: I love it! Yes, we can all help one another by supporting one another with weight loss, TTC, pregnancy and yes, anything/everything else! When I got pregnant with my son I weighed 165 I believe and I'm now 172 so even if I drop 10lbs maybe I'll be okay. That's what I'm hoping for cuz I don't wanna lose too much. Thanks for welcoming me into this little group :) I like it a lot! What tattoo you getting?? :happydance::happydance:
Yep, I'm doing good with my weight- I'm at 164.6 pounds right now... I would like to get back down to 150 where I was before a year ago... I think that's my ideal weight with my big bone structure.
Hi girls - hope i can join your chat. I wish i had read your post first as i just wrote a very similar one about TTC. DH and I have been trying for a good 5-6months now and still no joy. Just started using ConcievePlus - mainly as it makes the whole process more fun - which is what we should all be focussing on now! I reward myself when the :witch: comes too with a hot bubble bath and lots of red wine :)
Fingers crossed for you (and no more Jeremy Kyle for me - its well depressing 'who's the father?!' Aghhhh!)

LB x
Yay new members! Hey lisa and FM!!

Looks like I get the pleasure of being the biggest of our group, lol. Monday morning I weighed 185. That's with the 8 lbs I've gained since I started TTC. I would be depressed but I just finished my second training day for the Couch to 5k I'm doing. I feel great! I can't believe I actually did it.. Worked an hour late, ate dinner and finally got home and on the treadmill around 930!! So late but there's no way I was going to make any excuses.

I'm so glad in a way that I haven't gotten pregnant yet because it will be so much easier with a lower starting weight. I'd love to be about 150 by summer. Luckily, running has always been the fastest way for me to lose weight so I think it's entirely possible.

I hope I don't sound ignorant, but I don't buy it that weight affects fertility as much as docs say it does.

I remember the days when I was only 130 and thought I was fat. :wacko:

I gotta share what happened at work today.

I've only been super lightly spotting for 3 days so today's the first day I didn't wear a pantyliner.. At work started feeling odd so I ran to the restroom to see AF's flow had kicked into full gear, run to get a tampon, but get stuck on the register on my way to my purse for at least 10 minutes. Finally get all situated and back on the register (lunch rush) and feel my underwire bust through my bra and pretty much stab my armpit lol.. I decide to try to pull it out instead of spend all day tucking it in.. get it halfway out and it wont budge! My manager even tried to help, so both of us girls are just tugging away on my bra with all our strength. I finally just had to bend it and tuck it in.

Quite a scene. :haha: I just can't believe that a guy will never have anything remotely close to that happen to them lol.
I'm getting an orange koi (orange koi means mommy fish) and getting a lotus flower next to it. And the meaning of koi is advancement in life and the lotus means that no matter where I came from I'm still beautiful and will grow in life wherever I am. Something like that anyways, hehe.

Welcome to the chat Lisa!! We love having more members!! Red wine and hot baths usually do the trick for me. Plus I tend to be near pizza places too so that ALWAYS helps.

Jess- I was the same way when I was 125lb!! I thought I was soooo fat. SHEESH!!! I loved how I looked at 140 so that's my plan. Plus it would be awesome to be back to that weight when I go to NY for DH cousin's wedding...all the family will be there so it would be nice for some compliments :) DH surprised me with the AbGlider today and I was super excited!! I had seen it on TV and he kept asking me questions about it. Got it at Sams Club on clearance for $70. Thats crazy with your bra!! Lol definitely funny though! I've had that happen way to many times with some bras I used to have. Damn things can hurt!! I'm back and forth with what docs say about being heavier and getting pregnant. On one side...the heavier you are the more estrogen your body produces which doesn't help. But on the other hand, my SIL got pregnant with her first at 195 and got pregnant with her second at 210. She was also on clomid but still. I got pregnant within the first 2 months with our first so thats why I have a feeling I might have a better chance if I get down to that weight. Plus I'll have a healthier pregnancy when it does happen. I just definitely gotta eat more meat this time around. I had to take iron pills with our first one. I'm just not a big meat eater...never was. We never had it in the house. It was just me and my mom and had to save money so it was spinach, cream of wheat and other stupid stuff lol. Hate porkchops and HATE chicken. When we thought we were preggers last month, DH would take me out and order me steak before sitting down lol. I'm like seriously??? Have a good day girls and I'll be on later tomorrow night hopefully with photos of my tat!! Nite all!
Jess :rofl: That sounds like quite a day you had there!!!!!!!! I can just imagine you two ladies trying to pull out that annoying wire!

I can relate.. When I got down to 150, I thought I could stand to lose a little more still... Now that I went back up to 160ish, I'm wanting to be back where I was last year. :haha: I will eventually get there... I agree that weight doesn't really affect fertility- fat people can get pregnant whether they're obese or just a lil overweight... It's just better for our health overall if we start our pregnancy with a good weight for our height. I've been reading up on stuff like that and realize that exercise during pregnancy isn't a bad thing because it means it will help you lose the baby weight faster after you have a baby especially if you're used to working out. I thought before that you couldn't exercise at all while preggers but I'm finding I learn more as I go with the flow on bnb and reading up on people's blogs...
Hi all.
Currently writing on my laptop while laying on the couch. Got my tattoo done today and I am soooo exhausted! It took 5 1/2 hours and it was absolutely horrible lol. It wasn't too bad at first but then blending colors was killing me! I ended up tensing up so bad after my 4 hour mark that he put a numbing ointment on me that he puts on his customers who get the permanent eye makeup done. Its usually extra but he threw it in because he really wanted to get the piece done. Lasted for maybe a half hour lol. We ended up having issues covering my old tat so we had to add some black to the scales. But it looks soooo awesome and real! So of course now here comes the healing process and I feel like poo. I've been kinda out of it and I think the adrenaline is wearing down but starts back up the minute I get up. I can't even lay in my bed because its so warm and I smell the ink? Maybe its the soap? I don't know but its bleh. Sorry for ranting and complaining girls...already ranted to DH about feeling like poo so I need someone else heehee. I'll post a pic when I have more energy to think...maybe tomorrow. At least I ovulated late this cycle so JUST IN CASE I get that :bfp: this month...I'm currently only 3-5 dpo. So it won't affect a potential baby. (I hope!!!!! I've done so much research and they said that getting a tat during TTC is fine because you don't know if you are pregnant or not and especially at that stage of dpo. And having a healing tattoo is totally fine if you are preggers. They just say not to get a tat when your pregnant because of infections and they don't know if the ink could hurt a fetus.) But from the pages and pages I've read of women who were unknowingly pregnant when they got their tat (around the same dpo as me) have had children that were fine. Truthfully...I also got the tat because I just have this feeling that our timing was off this month a bit because of time issues and *ahem* other issues so I am pretty sure I am not preggers. I know there is always a chance but I really don't think this is our month. I'll test on Monday which would be day of AF but since I ovulated even later than usual who knows when I'll know until :bfp:,:bfn:, or :witch:. We shall see! I'm still a little scared about everything being ok if were to be pregnant but from what I've read...I'm fine. Ugh....I'm such a worry wart!!
Can't wait to see a pic of that tattoo! It sounds awesome but painful... Yeah, we can be such worry warts sometimes with everything we worry about... Heh..
Ok ladies,
Got my new tat as my avatar. It's actually a little lighter than the pic shows. They tried to get the oranges and reds to cover my old tat but it wouldn't so they had to add in the black to the koi. I love it actually looks real! I've had so many compliments on it in the past two days...even at CVS lol. Well, for the heck of it I took a HPT but negative. AF is supposed to start Monday but could be late for me. Don't think I'm preggers this month...kinda blah about it but i'm ok. I just keep thinking in the back of my mind "what if something is wrong with me?" I'll probably feel better once I get back into a routine with everything. Going to start my diet/workout once my tattoo feels a bit better. That entire area is so sore that I can barely put a bra on or my apron on at work! So how is everyone doing this week?

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