Maybe if my mood starts going positive.....

Hey girls! How's everyone's weekend going? I've been working a lot and been absolutely exhausted.

Mousey, way to go on your tattoo!! That's a big piece. It'll be such a relief when its all healed. The orange and the blue look so great together! :happydance:

Hope you either get your AF or BFP quickly lol. Waiting throws sanity out the window.

I'm doing great. OH started his new job on Friday. It's overnight but he loves it. Our dogs can't figure it out, so they pace all night and try to get in and out of bed with me. Can't wait for them to realize this is the new routine because I'm exhausted!! I'm off the next 2 days and couldn't be happier. I had friends over Friday and the weather was great. We were able to have a fire outside and we just sat and drank and talked. One of my favorite things to do!

I'm still feeling really peaceful about NTNP. I've only BD once since AF stopped. Have no idea what cycle day I'm on and I really don't care. I think in a couple weeks I may bring up my FF and see when I should expect AF again or test. Right now I'm just enjoying life :)

I've been working a lot more and had a nice paycheck this week so tomorrow while OH is sleeping I may go shop and get some things for the house!! He hates when I drag him around stores looking at household stuff so I'm really glad to go alone :haha:

Hope everyone's doing well!!
Lol @ my weight loss ticker bahahah

Maybe I should get on the treadmill now :wacko:
Glad to see ya Jess! I was sure that you ran off after my crazed rant heehee. I'm glad that you are doing well with your DH new job! Thanks for the compliment on the tat. I picked the blue because I hate purple and purple is what the pic had. Its starting to peel now and it SUCKS!!! They told me that I can now use lotion and it burns so bad. I'm used to the artists telling me to use A&D ointment so this is totally different for me. I want to stay with an asian theme for my sleeve so I'm thinking something with 2 cranes, bamboo and cherry blossoms. I ordered a book from my work that has over 5 million tattoos and a CD to create your own tattoos so maybe I'll come up with something. I understand about 3 still don't realize I come home late so they go crazy and wake DH up when I get home. Tonight was a long one at work for me...we had a Reading Festival at the local park so when I came into work tonight it was a total wreck!! Registers were shutting off, couldn't get the registers from the Reading Festival to work, other people didn't want to do their part and recover the store. So basically it ended up as me working a 9 1/2 hour shift and staying with manager to go over $ and attempt to make the store look less like an F5 tornado hit it. SHEESH! But I agree...the $ will be worth it. I'm glad that NTNP is working for you! It gives me hope that I'll do well with it too. I'm almost positive that I won't get that :bfp: this month. I'm supposed to test Monday and I'm not feeling a thing! I have a feeling that AF will be later than usual. But once my tattoo is not killing me I am sooo getting back on track with weight. I'm doing it once and for all. I'm going to *try* to lose 25lb by July 22. It'll be hard but as long as I stick with it, I know it'll work. I just have the problem where I lose 5lb and quit lol. Not this time! Good luck sweetie!!

Woo Hoo! I got one too!
Oh yeah the lotion really can burn, especially if it has alcohol in it!! Every tattoo artist can have their own aftercare. In my experience, our shop told people to stop using A & D ointment because they would pile it on, then the pores couldn't breathe and they'd get clogged , their skin would break out and the tattoo would heal poorly. So it's much easier to put on a thin layer of lotion than it is an ointment. So used correctly and extremely lightly, A & D works just as well. I've tried many different ways of healing.

My best way that works for me is to get tattooed and wrap the tattoo in saran wrap, tightly taped along the edges. I'll sleep that way over night and then the next morning, there will be all sorts of plasma, blood and ink that has seeped out. I'll wash it with antibacterial soap until it doesn't feel slippery anymore (the plasma's gone) and then let it air dry. I'll put on an extremely thin layer of either lotion or A & D and then continue to wash it thoroughly every few hours and repeat.

On the shoulder that would be hard though.. I did this for pieces on my arms and legs. Of course all tattoo artists I've had work on me were extremely close friends or coworkers so I don't know how it would work if I just went into a shop where the artist thinks my way of healing is the absolute world's biggest no-no.. Haven't gotten tattooed in a couple years so I'm not sure what I'd do, lol.

I hope it doesn't get too itchy when it's healing, there really is no cure for that! Sorry for the long winded reply on aftercare :haha:

Japanese tattoos are beautiful. Traditional japanese tattoos (especially large pieces or body suits) can tell a story. We've kind of Americanized it in a way that we just slap what we like together. I myself have a japanese piece on my thigh. My OH's entire left sleeve is japanese with a samurai, koi, and fingerwaves and windbars.

Nice weight loss ticker!! I completed my first week of Couch to 5k. I'm absolutely shocked I actually stuck with something. I'm looking forward to this week! I guess I'll weigh myself tomorrow. I don't expect any change in weight, my diet is still pretty crappy. But I feel much better and I almost thought my pants were fitting better today, so that's my main concern more than numbers on the scale.

Sorry work sucked! That's the worst when its a disaster and there's just a couple people left to take care of it.

I went shopping today and people had their brats out in full force. It made me stick to my guns about NTNP, it will happen when it is my time. And my OH and I won't be walking away from my child sipping on a Starbucks frappucino while she screams "DADDY DADDY DADDY DADDY" and throws things in stores.
Drove me crazy!

Hope you have a calm testing day tomorrow, haha. I couldn't help it and checked my CP and CM today. It was super high and I had the most EWCM I have ever had since I started checking. I feel like I say that every month, but this time I was shocked! It's like a way too personal science experiment gone wrong :blush: I'm sure I'm approaching ovulation and I BD today but not because I felt like I should but because I wanted to which is how it should be.

Good luck testing again, and I am sure that whatever is best for you now will happen, BFN or BFP!
PS Why is my ticker person a baseball player? lol I swear I thought I picked a running person with headphones on.
:haha: Jess, I have no idea why you have a baseball person instead of a runner...
Lol I kinda wondered the same with the baseball player but I was like "well maybe she likes basbeball?" Oh yeah, I know about brattiness. We have so many kids come into the bookstore and the parents go sit down and read and let their evil children damage our store and then think its funny. I was NEVER like that as a child!! Nor was DH!! So I really think its the parenting. My in-laws came over yesterday as a surprise (even though I felt like just resting because of the work fiasco and didn't sleep until 4 in the morning) and my SIL came over with her two boys who are 1 and 3 and they tore my daughters room apart. She can't really play with toys by herself so her room is always neat and those boys just come in and take her jewelry box down and everything they can find. They also swing on the baby gates we have in our kitchen that are used to keep the dogs in and find all our remotes, change settings and hide them. I know kids get into things but my SIL refuses to discipline them whatsoever. She tries saying no about 20 times to them which just results in them saying no to her and doing whatever they were doing. Ugh...kinda scares me that I will have a child like that my DH reassures me that its the parenting that makes them like that. As long as you parent the kid and discipline them and show them what is right and wrong, they won't act like that. I pray that he is right!!! On another note, after they left, my SIL texted me and told me that her SIL (her DH little sister) is pregnant for a 3rd time. I know the girl and she is totally psycho. She was in an out of a juvenile detention. Lost custody of her first one for beating him, has a little girl now who just turned one, has no car, no job, and the whole 9 yards. She's 9 weeks along and pissed off about it. Seriously????? Um...if you really didn't want another child with your DB (deadbeat) guy its called birth control. She says she missed a pill. Well in that case, its called a condom...or not having sex...then again from her past stupidity, I can see how she did it. I'm not jealous or anything it just slightly bugs me that someone who doesn't want a kid nor can take care of another one, gets pregnant. And of course my sister in law says it reminds her of 6 years ago when I found out I was pregnant and she was trying for two years and it just really bothered me. It bothers me because our situation was different. Yes, I was only 18 and we weren't together long but my now DH had his own place, own business, cars, motorcycle and jetski. I had finished my school, wasn't planning on college anyways until later, had my own paid off car and had a job and we were so happy when we found out we were going to be parents. Not once was I pissed off or anything. Ugh...don't understand people.

-Jess. Glad that NTNP is working for you! I'm understanding about still checking...I'm like "Oh I need to run out and get more OPKs and start checking my temp. And then I'm like "No....I'm just gonna let it happen..." Maybe you'll get your :bfp: alot quicker without the stress of trying lol. Yeah tattoo is feeling a lot better today. It's peeling a lot to day but amazingly not too itchy but I know it will be here in no time. I'm just so happy that I finally got to lay on my back which I haven't been able to do since Wednesday!!! There is only so much I can lay on my stomach or one side. Yeah the lotion has alcohol in it. It's the CVS version of fragrance free lubriderm. I really have to put it on though or it doesn't help so I've convinced DH to do it for me. The washing part is a pain, they told me 3x a day and I do maybe 2 just because its on my back and I don't exactly have time for 3 showers. That's awesome about have the japanese sleeve and your piece. I'm going back and forth with all the different things. I got DH interested in a sleeve now so he's getting a half sleeve of a lions head (he's a leo). Ok well I think I wrote enough...I swear I write way to much on these things. Have a nice day girls...I'll be working late again tonight!
:dohh: That's rude of your sil... I'm glad my sister has more sense and she disciplines her kids. It's not good that your sil tried to compared your situation 6 years ago to her sister's situation now- it's not even in the least SIMILAR at all...
hi ladies wow long thread

can i join in ladies ?? im 28 and been ttc 15months now .
im usually on cbfm thread along with my own thread ttc longterm sick of bfns.

i got preg in 2006 and sadly had a abortion i was young and silly and now BFP is all i dream about .Im back with my original o/h who got me a BFP .
we've been ttc 3months and before him my ex an myself were ttc 14months so together its been 15months ttc .Infact i havent got preg once after my abortion and ive had 3 serious realtionships and never got BFP in the whole 5yrs which is worrying for me.

Ive had bloods done and i do ovulate ,then i had a womb check sort of like a smear test my womb was fine.Then i had ultra sound all fine .Just waiting to see my gp for a lap/dye test to check my tubes/

Tbh ladies i dont know what to do , i suffer midcycle pain in last 7months for no reason no doc knows why im getting this , pain starts after ovulation as i tarck ovulation with cbfm and opks and pain stays still AF arrives .So basically every month i know its a bfn cuz of cramps i get after ovulating.I ovulated late yesterday and today the cramps are here again .

All my friends on another site called so femmine are grdaually getting all their BFPS and im still there not even a sniff at a BFP its so upsetting.All i seem to do is cry alot.iwish i could forget like my o/h always say ...dont think about it , it will happen when it happens easy for men to say but they dont know what we go through.

sorry for long post , hope can join you girls xxxxxxx
Welcome to our post Dizz! You're welcome to join our thread as is anyone else. We are all going thru different aspects of TTC and have different pasts. I'm sorry about your abortion. A decision like that has to be very difficult to make. I haven't made it but friends of mine have. We all DEFINITELY understand the stress of people telling us it'll happen when its supposed to but sadly we have realized its the sad truth. Maybe the problem isn't something medical with you? It might be the emotional part. We have all noticed that the stress of TTC is driving us batty! Some of us are taking the Ntnp method. I will be trying that after my 3 month hiatus to get back into shape and put less stress on my plate. We're going to start focusing on ourselves instead of focusing on TTC. It gets way too much sometimes and we lose ourselves. Plus I think DH will be a little relieved I am not explaining CM again lol. Again, welcome to our group!

Deafgal-thank you for your words!!! It makes me feel better that someone agrees with me on the subject. I don't want to sound like a jealous bitchy person...but I just don't understand her! I've been cleaning all day since they came over. Bahhhhh I actually can't wait to got work tonight to get away for a few. Sad isn't it? Lol! So how ya been sweetie??
Oh I been better than this... Sinus allergies are still whipping my ass so that's body 6 vs me 0... :rofl: I will eventually whip the allergies out of here though... It's just staying at bay so that's a good sign cuz it's not getting worse or better. Oh :happydance: I got my first positive opk last night and again this morning so I've been getting to bd... I hear ya- I don't blame ya for being eager to leave for work tonight. I'd be same way if I was annoyed with the in laws's judgement.
By the way, welcome Dizz... Sure make yourself right at home and get to know us! :coolio:
I am lucky in the allergy department. No allergies whatsoever...unfortunately DH and DD are not quite as lucky. Hope you feel better! Congrats on the positive opk! Lots of sticky babydust heading your way.

On another note, I know I might sound crazy but what is everyones thoughts on fertility jewelry, fertility candles or different crystals that promote fertility? Witchcraft, bogus or truth? Would you try it or not? If yes or no, what are your reasons?
If I'm desperate enough, I might give it a try... One thing I wanna try is the hippo god (from Egypt)... I haven't heard of other jewelry yet... I don't think the candles would really work... Crystals I might try...
I'm getting ready to test at the end of this week. I'm not feeling very hopeful or positive at all though. I haven't had any symptoms other than lots of CM... More so just feeling "wet" all the time an some cramping here and there but yeah.. I feel like I'm out this month.

I suppose only time will tell!

Good luck to all the ladies TTC. :)
Thanks for reply hun ,

im cd 17 cramps again usual for me ,10days to go.

does any of you use opks ?
This willsound mad but ,i ovulated 4days agoand ive been poas (opk sticks) and im getting postives straight away they come up .Never tried it before , i wanted to get rid ofall opks cuz next month im doing a chillax approach no opks etc so thought id pee on cb opks i had left.

anyway ladies , whats allyour stories how long ttc ???

thanks for welcome again xxxx
Hey Starlight!! Good luck with your testing! I do believe I am out this month too. I was supposed to start :witch: yesterday and still nothing. I did ovulate later than usual so I'm pretty sure I will start later. I highly doubt that I am pregnant this month. sNo symptoms whatsoever other than sleeping a lot. But that could also have to do with working late Saturday night, having in-laws over all day Sunday and going to bed late yesterday too. If still nothing...I'll probably test maybe tomorrow morning. I tested sometime last week but :bfn:.

Dizz- This is my third cycle. We've been actively trying using mostly opks, and checking CM. But still no luck so we're going to try the NTNP method and see how it works. I'm a little concerned because I want to get back into shape and lose some weight in the next 3 months so I'm going to be working out 4-5x a week. But I've never missed a period while working out so I don't think I'm wearing my body out too much where its going to affect anything. The way I look at it is I've been doing no working out, opks, staying away from non-fertile methods...and still no :bfp: so might as well get back to normal and maybe it'll help! Sorry about your cramps hun. Haven't had any at all this month. Usually :sex: helps get AF going but still nothing...UGHHH!!

Update: At 5am I woke up from horrible cramps and what do you know...AF in full swing. Eh I kinda figured it would happen but I still had that sliver of hope still. Today is our day off and gotta run errands so hopefully it'll keep my mind of things.
:dohh: So I was reading up on articles about dieting/working out while TTC to make sure it's ok to do. (Which it is and it will give me a better chance at :bfp: as long as I stick with a balanced diet rather than a fad diet which I already do anyways.) And I came across articles from Time Magazine and some others that low fat dairy products are linked to infertility in women!!!!!! I hope this doesn't sound stupid of me, but I had no idea!!! The only dairy I have in my house is low-fat except for sour cream. And I eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast everyday religiously!! Ugh, I know this may not be the problem but :dohh:. Guess I'll be switching my least to 2% anyways...
Dizzy- I've been ttc since Dec. 2010 and I've been a member of this bnb since Feb. 2011. So I'm on my 4th cycle of trying... How long have you been trying?

Mousey- I had no idea either. Thanks for sharing that info! I always drink 2% when I have milk with cereal and all that.
Dizzy- I've been ttc since Dec. 2010 and I've been a member of this bnb since Feb. 2011. So I'm on my 4th cycle of trying... How long have you been trying?

Mousey- I had no idea either. Thanks for sharing that info! I always drink 2% when I have milk with cereal and all that.


Well since my abortion in 2006 ive had 3 serious bfs non using any protection well actually after my abortion i go depo shot for few months .but since 2007 ive never got bfp .But this time ttc and wanting baby its been 15 long cycles hun.I USE CBFMand opks , cm i dont get till after ovulated.
ive had ultra sound imall fit to go , just waiting to get bfp but been along wait girls.

so im a year ahead of you all my god makes me feel like cant get preg .

have you girls alreday got children ?? or 1st ttc and how old are you guys xx

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