Thanks babes.. The thing with my mom, I am trying to deal with. We never had a good relationship. She was more like my irresponsible sister.
But now that she's gone and I have all these doubts, it's so easy to say "well if she were still alive, I could try harder".. when I know deep down I tried so hard to make us have a good relationship. But it never worked. I downloaded a book for suicide survivors on my amazon kindle and I read that when I'm feeling really bad. I also joined another forum for survivors and I think it will help. I am doing much better than the other night. The way grief works, for me at least, is that I spend each day doing well for myself and dealing with it.. and then one little thing, such as that song in that movie, will just slap me in the face and all I can do is cry.
I'm still just NTNP all the live long day, lol. As far as wanting my mom there.. Well that's a hard thing to think about. When I was pregnant before, my mom was still alive. And she was so excited. She even bought the baby a stocking! She said she knew it was silly and too early, but she was so excited she couldn't help it. Then I miscarried.. and she killed herself.. So if I could just please, please get that BFP, my baby will have one thing from his or her grandmother. But, at the same time, when she killed herself.. she knew I had symptoms and I swore I thought I might be pregnant again. But she still killed herself anyway. I had no warning. Her own personal pain was at a level that I could have never known about. So nothing could have saved her.
I told her up front I did not want her there. My mom was TERRIBLE in times of stress. Whenever I had something going on, I had to keep it to myself because she was not a good support system at all. I learned at a very young age that all you really can count on in the world is yourself.
I'm sure it's because she had so many of her own mental issues, but she never ever for one day was there for me when I had a tough time. I had tons of surgeries related to my cleft palate when I was little, but if I ever needed her, she wasn't there because she either needed to go have a cigarette or needed to go walk around and just couldn't hold me. So when I got to the teenage years, from then on, I just dealt with everything myself.
So I told her as soon as I found out that I was pregnant that I did not want her in the delivery room. But afterward, I told her I wanted her to come visit us and spend time with the new baby as long as she wanted. But it wasn't good enough. She still felt like nothing was left living for. Not me, not my next baby, nothing.
Ooops... another long response.. Sorry girls. Thank you so much for your listening. It means a lot. It's all quite new and her birthday is coming up, so I'm just trying my best.
Mousey - drama at work is the worst!! Work sucks enough.. no one
really wants to be there, so wouldn't it be nice if everyone could just show up and do their part and get through the day?!?!
Deafgal, I'm really glad your in laws are really cool. I'm kinda with Mousey, my (soon to be) MIL is kind of meddling but I know she means well.
With my OH's job, I'll get health insurance.. whereas before, I was kinda on my own just hoping to get Medicaid.. so she went on and on about how when we get married, I'll get insurance.
I know these are factors she was considering when she was less than supportive about when I was pregnant before.. just really hard because I knew it would all work out and wished she would have been happy anyway. But I miscarried and I'm not pregnant now, so if OH could get insurance for me, I agree.. that would be perfect!
Hope everyone has a great weekend and I apologize again for my super long response.