Mommies with style ! November/ December Babies !

MM can u tell me the truth, do u think something may be wrong? XXX
no i don't think something is wrong...:hugs: what is it that make you worried Daisyduke ?
oh don't be worry about that were 6w6 days right and it was about 7 mm it's perfect ...the doctor told me they grow at that stage very fast so that why mine was a little bigger as my bean had 4 days more of developping that you did ...4 days make a big diference !!! you are completely in the norm sweetie...

i mean the woman told me when i went she could not see any arms or feet buds yet but if we had come back in couples more days and she could probably see the buds you see they do grow super fast each for you 6 weeks and 6 days your fetal grow was perfectly normal:hugs:
Thanks Miel :hugs: ill feel better if all is ok on saturday ill be 9+2 then so fx all will be ok and we will get a good view. XXX
daisy i think you just have the heeby jeebies xxxx as miel said they grow and change soo fast xxx

just yoou wait till you see your little beeni baby floatin around in there xxx
Daisy, I'm sure that everything will be fine but you'll feel better once you get the reassurance of the scan on Saturday. Keep us posted how you get on! It'll be nice to see baby again too!!
Dasiy I am sure that things are just great. I will be thinkin of you Saturday!!!
Hi ladies

So, I started getting sick again last night and this morning and had a migrane to boot so Jack FORCED me to take tylenol because the migrane was making the nausea worse. Oh well...

Get this! Next appt (12 weeks ) is on May 14th but docs office called today and said that they are getting a new ultrasound machine on the 21st and asked if I would come in and be the gunine pig for the new machine FOR FREE! So I get a scan at 12 weeks AND 13 weeks! YAY!!! I am thrilled.
Genki... that is so cool. We are going to have our appts on the same day. I have my 12 week ultrasound on the 14th as well.
Genki that is so so nice for the scan news:) ...they really like you over there for sure :)

hope everyone will have a great week end !

i went swimming last night for 30 minutes as i am trying keep to my work out the best i can :)
Genki, you're so lucky!! Well done you :D

I do so much walking at work that I'm usually too tired to do ANYTHING when I get home, let alone do some excercise lol! I am thinking of taking up a swimming class for pregnant mums tho when I get far enough along :)

Ok so I'm sitting here and I've been up since 6.30 this morning...not thru any fault of my own, I woke up and was wide awake! You'd think that on my day off I would want to have a lie in... nooo but nooo my body wouldnt allow it! I went to bed at 11.30 so my body felt that 7 hours was more than enough :( I just wanna sleep for hours and hours and not wake up till the afternoon!
I've been feeling nauseous on and off but not enough to wear my seabands again which is a good thing. I havent worn them for about 2 weeks now with the exception of the odd few hours here and there. Boobs are still sore but not as bad and my bloat has gone down. Right down. The weight I thought I'd put (over half a stone!) on must have mostly been down to bloat as it seems now that I've only put on about 4 pounds lol. I'm feeling less and less pregnant these last few days, especially now my bump has shrunk somewhat. I've been wondering if maybe I've dreamt the last 5 weeks and I'm not pregnant at all :rofl:
Genki, you're so lucky!! Well done you :D

I do so much walking at work that I'm usually too tired to do ANYTHING when I get home, let alone do some excercise lol! I am thinking of taking up a swimming class for pregnant mums tho when I get far enough along :)

Ok so I'm sitting here and I've been up since 6.30 this morning...not thru any fault of my own, I woke up and was wide awake! You'd think that on my day off I would want to have a lie in... nooo but nooo my body wouldnt allow it! I went to bed at 11.30 so my body felt that 7 hours was more than enough :( I just wanna sleep for hours and hours and not wake up till the afternoon!
I've been feeling nauseous on and off but not enough to wear my seabands again which is a good thing. I havent worn them for about 2 weeks now with the exception of the odd few hours here and there. Boobs are still sore but not as bad and my bloat has gone down. Right down. The weight I thought I'd put (over half a stone!) on must have mostly been down to bloat as it seems now that I've only put on about 4 pounds lol. I'm feeling less and less pregnant these last few days, especially now my bump has shrunk somewhat. I've been wondering if maybe I've dreamt the last 5 weeks and I'm not pregnant at all :rofl:

That's exactly what happened to me, with the weight and everything. I thought I'd put on about 10 pounds but most of it was bloat. It's a surreal feeling - knowing that you are pregnant but at the same time feeling exactly like it is all in your head!! OH thought I was mad when I shared my concerns! :rofl: He was like 'but you haven't got your period in three months, and the doctor confirmed it, and your bbs have grown - I don't think you're imagining it!' I have to say it feels much more real since I had the scan, and also I think my uterus has moved up and I now do have the (very small and unnoticeable to anyone but me) beginnings of a real bump!
I had my early scan yesterday morning and it went really well :happydance:

The baby is measuring 7.3mm and we saw the heart and everything :cloud9: The nurse said 6wk+4 which is spot on for what I thought too :)

DP shed a little tear when the nurse handed him the picture.. awww

Though I have to say at the moment 'it' looks more like a terrapin than a baby! :dohh: (We refer to it as terrapin now haha)

I feel happier now. Bit more reassured :happydance:


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Aww, so glad all was well and Angelmarie! Hello little Terrapin :hi: x
Really glad that everything went well and you got to see the heartbeat! Your terrapin will soon have grown into a recognizable baby!!
Dasiy Keep us posted on how your ultrasound went today!!!
aww angel terrapin looks all cosy in there:)

hopw everyone is doing okay, i have a bit less bloat around my tummy but i im noticing my face is filling out a bit!! argh,,, im gonna be a fat mama

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