Hey Angelmarie.. grats on getting see Terrapin! It's so reassuring to finally see the little bean eh!
DaisyDuke.. told you there was nowt to worry about love, they all seem to catch up with themselves eventually
Miel, so sorry that MS has finally hit you
Hopefully it wont be too bad for you. I know when I'm feeling sick that it could be ALOT worse. I havent actually thrown up so far, been close a couple of times but not too bad. As has been said already, try out those seabands, I cant recommend them enough! I know they dont work for some people and they dont always work when the nausea is at its worst but they certainly take the edge off and make things more managable! I love mine
I've been lucky the last 2 weeks tho, I havent had to wear mine, but they stay near me just in case
Polaris, also sorry to hear your MS has struck again
Not good when you need to be a study monster, what a total distraction it must be for you!
I gotta say I cant wait for the hormones to settle down so that I can bloom like we're supposed to! OH says I'm already blooming as my skin has never been clearer and looks like it's glowing bless him, but I really dont feel it!
Come to think of it, I'm having a non pregnant couple of days.. the nausea hasnt been too bad (except the usual when I'm hungry) and my bloating has gone down. So it's making me feel less and less pregnant!
When I was pregnant with DD, I felt rotten all the time, my skin was a mess and so was my hair. I put on weight VERY quickly (4 stone in all!!) and just generally didnt enjoy being pregnant one little bit lol! This time round I gotta say that apart from the insane tiredness and occasional nausea, so far it's been a walk in the park! *touches wood*