Hi Everyone!
Ergh i'm feeling really down

Not sure why really, although likely its because i'm having my first proper period. I've had 2 already i think, but they were both really short and light. This one is a total killer, its like the ones i used to have as a teenager!

I feel like i did a couple of weeks after the birth right now, its making me so fed up. Also OH was due to be off on holiday next week, but he came home today and told me it had been cancelled due to a mix up in the diary, i was really looking forwards to it, we were going to go and spend a few days down in cornwall in my aunt's caravan, gutted

Its being rearranged for late september, but that feels far off right now....
Roh is absolutely gorgeous, he's such a pleasure

Although he's stopped sleeping through...I've no idea why, nothing has changed really, but he's now waking at least once in the night, some nights i can get him back to sleep and some i can't, not sure what to do. Also i really want him going to bed earlier, he still goes to sleep at about 9pm, which i feel like its too late. I've tried shifting bedtime forwards a few times, but it just doesn't seem to work

I wouldn't mind so much but he very rarely will nap in the daytime either, so i worry he's not getting enough sleep... Ah well i'm sure it will all sort itself out. I'm thinking it might be an early sign that he's starting to get ready for weaning, but i just feel like its way too early, i was fully expecting to wait until 6 months as i'd like to do baby led weaning, and he certainly isn't ready for that yet.
I'll wait until we go to the baby clinic again to see if his weight gain has slowed again. He only put on 1lb in 4 weeks when we went last week, which the HV said was fine, but it seems quite a drop to me, he just never puts on any fat, he'll look a bit chubbier for a few days and then will just eat less for another couple of days and then its all gone again

Guess i just have a skinny baby.
Also i have to go and get Roh's heel prick tests re-done, as the ones they did the few days after he was born apparently didn't give enough blood and so they haven't done the tests. I'm a bit suprised it took them so long to figure that out really! And i know Roh is seriously not going to enjoy that at all...in a way it was easier when he was that little, its worse now he looks at me all sad and cries actual tears

Bleh, anyway enough of my down-ness! I hope you're all well!