H&F - I am so sorry things are not good between you and Dave right now. I can't believe he would say his son is more important than you and Amy

And as for bringing your Mum into it

Sending you big
L-C - you sounds so organised

Wow 2 teeth for Will

all the better to chew his Christmas dinner
Emera - well done on your budget buying

and good luck with the wrapping

I blitzed mine one evening last week so only have a couple of bits I have bought since to do. I do however have all my food shopping to conquer

I got the meat from the butcher yesterday and I have most of my roasting veg so Christmas dinner is sorted at least but we do still need food for all the other days

I shall keep all limbs and appendages crossed for your Mum (& turkey

) arrving as planned.
Maybebaby - I am sorry your OH is being so tetchy

You would think he would be pleased you were trying to save money with getting a friend to fix the laptop

Crappy weather and a rubbish night sleep, well thats not on! C'mon karma what happened to being fair

FIngers crossed the weather clears up before Christmas Eve for you so you can get your shopping done.
Sarah - Cor you did have a busy day. Bless Oliver soaking himself

Joni has started splashing in the bath alot and often throws lots of water in her face which shocks her for a few seconds before she gives a huge grin, giggles and does it again

I am sorry the rest of your night did not follow the good start. Joni went through a stage of waking at 4am and only going back to sleep if she snuggled up with me. It lasted a couple of weeks and then just stopped
Hannah - I am glad you got the test result you wanted but sorry your cycle is all wonky

My midwife did warn me that my cycle could be really variable for a year or so after you have a baby before it settles down again. Hopefully yours will settle soon

I really hope mine settles soon too, this 20 day cycle with 7-10 days off is really hacking me off
missed you

Wow so Alex is nearly on tooth number 3 too

Still no teeth for Joni

I can just see her being one of the babies that does not get teeth until they are one! Sorry your outing ending up being stressful and unproductive, at least you all got some air and exercise though.
I felt dreadful yesterday afternoon. I got home from the city and within an hour or so I had a cracking headache, felt all shaky and tired. I managed to catch 45mins rest in bed while Joni napped but when she woke she decided she was going to spend the entire 3+ hours until bed making a nasal whinging sound which made me feel like someone was hammering a foot long iron spike through my forehead with a sledge hammer

I was so grateful when hubby came home and I could pass the reins over to him. I still feel a bit washed out today so am going to take it easy. I really don't want to be ill.
On a completely different note, I ordered some bits from Verbaudet last month and qualified for a free bath toy. THe clothes were delivered with a note stating the toy was out of stock but would be sent separately when it was available. So the toy came yesterday, but it is a stacking giraffe shape sorting toy

I know it is a freebie so I should probably just be grateful, but I can't help feeling a little dissapointed as I really wanted the bath toy for Joni. I also find it a little annoying that they have sent me a catalogue with the toy which is still advertising the free bath toy if you place an order

Sorry I know that is a really inconsequential whinge but it really did pee me off!
I hope you all have productive days and receive any parcels &/or apologies which are long overdue!

to you all xx