edit - bloomin quote didnt work - boo

I've just realised how bad that sounds

I meant the nursing nighties, the ones with poppers. only I leave mine undone

oh dear
glad you had such a good night. Alex is the opposite to Joni, he will only nap longer in the buggy or car seat

Joni obviously loves home comforts
lizziedripping - you should join our group
sarah - I read the no-cry sleep solution. I didnt really implement the methods because people in babyclub made me feel bad about not feeding Alex at night everytime he woke. And then my milk dried up and priorities changed. I feel like I should try to sort his sleeping out but at the same time I cant be bothered

I wonder if I'll ever have a full nights sleep again
modo - any progression with Bobby's crawling?
maybe - yey for Owen crawling backwards

Alex has done the same today. He hates being put on his tummy and I've never really done tummy time becasue of that

but it doesnt seem to have affected his development.
emera - hope you have a great night with your friend, you should crack open the wine
Kerry has gone out

so the girls and I are watching a movie (while the dog goes nuts *sigh*, she's in the cat litter now

) I had an email from my boss about working reduced hours. She was clearly peed off that I've changed my mind and says she needs to speak to my discipline lead to see if they can accomodate my request (there are 7 other mums that dont work Fridays including her but with the lab work I do Friday is a test day so its difficult if I am not there but not impossible)

I hate the way my manager has a knack of making me feel like a naughty school girl!

The dog is eating coal now

I couldnt talk to Kerry about it as I couldnt face another row about money

I just feel like its all getting on top of me when all I am trying to do is get the best work/life balance I can