Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

FruFru Oliver has just started rolling over in the night and sleeping on his front. When Steve got home frm work and came to bed this morning, he woke me up to ask if it was okay that Oliver was asleep on his belly :dohh: To make matters worse as soon as Oliver heard Daddy his little head shot up, he started squeeling, got up on all fours and started bouncing backwards and forwards :haha:

Although he's not crawling forward yet its amazing how quickly he can go backwards / sideways. He had also started getting up on his hands and toes which looks very odd :haha:
Oh, and I'm glad you like the new group :)

Could prove expensive for me mind you . . . . I've got a basket full of stuff on the early learning website this morning just waiting for me to check out . . . mainly stuff to put away for Oliver's first birthday. Before I buy it I'm trying to decide if a) I have enough money and b) where I would put the toys!! I might show Steve when he gets up and see what he thinks (and if he'll pay, haha!!).
:haha: that is the danger of finding all these bargains!

I forgot to say to L-C I really rate the amber necklace. Joni has worn hers since she was about 4 months old and I swear it helps moderate a lot of her teething sypmtoms.

She wears hers all day around her neck. Overnight we loop it around her ankle inside her babygro. You can get anklets instead of necklaces too.

I got mine from here: based on a recommendation from a friend. If you google amber teething necklace you will find lots of other companies too.
FruFro what method of sleep training did you use? I was just looking at the no cry sleep solution book . . . . does anyone know if its any good?
Sarahwoo hi - haven't spoken with you in ages, and baby Oliver is just beautiful hun xxx

As for rolling onto his fron in bed, don't fret - they all do it. Zach and Noah have been doing this since they were 4 months, and sleep soundly on their tummies. As for crawling, Zach has crawled since he was 6 months, but Noah sits there like a fat little buddha, not offering to move yet :rofl: Just like his older brother, he's in no hurry - just goes to show how different all babies are, even twins. I have NEVER had a baby like Zach who does everything early.

How you getting on with Oliver now? Does he sleep for you? He looks absolutely gorgeous ;) xxx

I should think about joining this thread, it's great to share tips with other mums of babies the same age. x
Hey Lizziedripping!! Oh my goodness long time no 'see'!!! The twins are so, so gorgeous!!! And how clever is Zach, bless him! I bet they keep you so busy, I have my hands full enough just with Oliver!

Oliver is a very good boy :) Most of the time :haha: He sleeps pretty well, most nights be wakes once or twice, but sometimes he's up and down all night :dohh: Luckily we dont have too many though - the girls on here know about it when I've had a bad night though :haha: I an so, so enjoying been a mum, its just so wonderful! I'm soooo happy :)

Did you get a special Christmas card from a certain someone?!?!

You really should join us on here, we are all very friendly and I'm sure that the other girls would love to have you join us too!
Maybe: Poor Erin! Hopefully the antiboitics will clear it up :hugs:

H&F: Well done Amy :happydance: Bobby does that too when he is tired.

Sarah: I found a thread in Natural Parenting called I can't remember where I read that about soapnuts :dohh: Yay Oliver is 8 months :happydance:

Amy: I don't know what to say hon :hugs: I am appalled!

Maybe: Sorry Danny got drunk and ruined your plans for today :(

Amy and Sarah: there is no problem with feeding to sleep if you are both happy with the situation :D

Sarah: We were given a playpen when I was pregnant. I have it setup and put Bobby in it if some one is at the door or I need to run up and pee etc. Don't worry about the rolling Bobby has been doing since 5 months and its fine.

Frufru: thanks hon :hugs: Glad Joni slept better last night :hugs:

Lizziedripping: Hi :wave:
lizzie - hi come and join us :flower:

sarah - i have the no cry sleep solution but havent used it yet :blush: a friend of a friend used it and it worked wonders apparently. i got it cheap on

owen started crawling backwards today :thumbup: neither dylan or erin have crawled so it was fun to watch! will have to give him more tummy time. i have to be with him when i do though so thats why i dont give him much as i probably should as i am worried dylan and erin may accidentally hurt him as they dont leave him alone :dohh:
Oh,... was about to post, but an old friend has turned up out of the blue! Ages since i saw her :happydance:

:hugs: all round! Will post later if we don't crack the wine out :haha:
sorry if this is a ramble the dog is driving me nutty!!!!!!

edit - bloomin quote didnt work - boo

:rofl: I've just realised how bad that sounds :rofl: I meant the nursing nighties, the ones with poppers. only I leave mine undone :blush::haha::blush::haha: oh dear :rofl:

glad you had such a good night. Alex is the opposite to Joni, he will only nap longer in the buggy or car seat :haha: Joni obviously loves home comforts :winkwink:

lizziedripping - you should join our group :thumbup:

sarah - I read the no-cry sleep solution. I didnt really implement the methods because people in babyclub made me feel bad about not feeding Alex at night everytime he woke. And then my milk dried up and priorities changed. I feel like I should try to sort his sleeping out but at the same time I cant be bothered :haha: I wonder if I'll ever have a full nights sleep again :haha:

modo - any progression with Bobby's crawling? :hugs:

maybe - yey for Owen crawling backwards :thumbup: Alex has done the same today. He hates being put on his tummy and I've never really done tummy time becasue of that :blush: but it doesnt seem to have affected his development.

emera - hope you have a great night with your friend, you should crack open the wine :winkwink:

Kerry has gone out :happydance: so the girls and I are watching a movie (while the dog goes nuts *sigh*, she's in the cat litter now :cry:) I had an email from my boss about working reduced hours. She was clearly peed off that I've changed my mind and says she needs to speak to my discipline lead to see if they can accomodate my request (there are 7 other mums that dont work Fridays including her but with the lab work I do Friday is a test day so its difficult if I am not there but not impossible) :( I hate the way my manager has a knack of making me feel like a naughty school girl! :dohh: The dog is eating coal now :dohh: I couldnt talk to Kerry about it as I couldnt face another row about money :nope: I just feel like its all getting on top of me when all I am trying to do is get the best work/life balance I can :(
Thanks for asking Amy he got up on all fours again today and did the movement with it. Its funny because he hadn't done it in a while. Oh I forgot to add when he was on all fours he pulled his knees up with his feet still on the ground and held that position for a while then got back down. I have never seen anything like this before!!

Maybe: well done to Owen!
Modo Oliver is doing the wierdest things too now he's REALLY trying to crawl! He's also rolling all the bloomin time which he's never done before. I'm watching him on the monitor now, he's rolled onto his belly and every now and then he's getting right up on his arms, wriggling about and then just flopping to one side or the other :haha:

He rolled out of view of the camare so I had to go catch him there to make sure he didn't roll off the bed :haha: Back now though!

Amy when we had our doggie he was obsessed with the cat litter tray :sick: I hope you have a nice relaxing night with the girls! Sorry to hear that your boss isn't been too helpful :hugs: I still have my head in the sand re work, I am doing so much work now to try to have enough money coming in to not go back, but tbh I think I'll be going back for maybe 15 hours each week. I don't want to think about it, but I know I'm lucky to have that option. I hope you can sort something out - you are a fab mummy, I'm sure you'll get the work life balance right :hugs:
Hey girls :hi hope you've all had a good evening so far.

Sarah Amelia's taken too rolling over in bed too, it's awful I have to check on her at least about 3 times in an hour to make sure she's ok :cry:


I've been feeling like such a bad mum today, I went to make Amelia up a bottle about lunchtime and I left her on the sofa because I thought she'd be alright for about the minute it takes to make her bottle and she rolled off onto her front and was screaming her head off :cry: I got so worried but thank god she was fine. :)

On a good note Amelia's started going to bed earlier at 8:15 and sleeping right through until 8:30 but she does take a good while to settle at night with rolling over and everything :(

Also I can't believe how cheap you can win things on ebay for now, I just won a 20 item bundle of 6-9 clothes for just £1.30 and an outfit for £2.81 :) but not very happy that I got outbid right near the end on another small bundle that I really wanted :growlmad:

On the house front, hopefully going to look at a house I really like on Monday :)

Hope all your babies sleep good for you tonight :hugs:
hannah - dont feel like a bad mum! you're not!!!

emera - hope you had a good time with your friend!

amy - i'm sorry your boss is being so unsupportive :hugs: you'd think she'd be a bit more sympathetic being a mum herself!!!

sarah - i forgot to say i have a playpen that i bought with dylan. it's about double the size of a travel cot and has handles inside for baby to pull themselves up. my mum has a travel cot as a playpen though and it's fine. our playpen is in storage at my in laws and i want to get it down but OH says it's too big and takes up too much space :dohh: pisses me off as he's not the one looking after the baby :growlmad: and when i go back to work my mum will use it too. i guess we'll have to have an argument about it in the next few weeks :nope:

OH's fit of conscience has just been hot air so far as ge's done nothing to help round the flat and the only thing he's done with regards to the kids has been taking dylan and erin in the bath and then i had to get them dressed anyway! :dohh: and he is still in bed :growlmad: or rather he went from the sofa where he slept to the bed when i got up with the kids :grr: i had an awful night with countless wakings from owen and have a stonking headache but does he think of getting up with the kids and giving them breakfast and staying with them for a couple of hours? does he hell!! agh! am sooooooooo annoyed! :grr: why does he say he feels guilty about doing nothing and then do bugger all about it :shrug: it just makes me even more angry!!!

on a more positive note i am taking the kids to the cinema to see animals united with a couple of friends and their kids. my sister is staying with owen so i can take dylan and erin easier. oh well on to the jobs. may have a quick :coffee: first if the kids allow it! :haha: hope you all have a nice sunday :hugs:
Morning Ladies!

Maybe I'm sorry to hear your had a rubbishy night and that your OH hasn't been helping :( He needs a good kick up the ass :grr:

Amy i ment to say last night re the No Cry Sleep Solution book . . . . you can't feed them if they wake up at night?!? I'm not sure that would work for us either . . maybe its not for us. I think I'd just maybe like him to take his naps on his own. I have his big cot all set up (and full of stuff :haha:) in his room and I'm thinking about getting it all sorted so I could pop him in there for his naps. I guess I could give it a try. when he only wakes once or twice at night I don't really mind.

I got weighed this morning. I had been thinking I might have lost a bit of weight, but then thinking it might just be wishful thinking, haha! Since starting to wean Oliver I've been eating what he eats, so eating healthier with less naughty stuff and also eating earlier, so having my tea at maybe 4pm instead of 8/9pm and having my main meal for lunch, which is what works best for Oliver. I haven't been on a diet, just doing things differently to accomodate Oliver. Well I've lost almost half a stone! I was about 9.5 stone the last time I got weighed, and this morning I'm just under 9, or 57kg. When I was going to the gym before I got pregnant I was 55kg, but my boobs have gone from 34B to 34DD so I guess they might weigh a bit :haha: So I'm pretty pleased with my little self! I don't feel the same shape as I was pre pregnancy - I think I need to tone up - but I'm feeling quite motivated to start toning up now, and I might even start doing my DVD again.

Well Oliver slept in until 9am again today, so we're just off to get some breakfast. I think we might go for a nice long walk this afternoon and meet my mum and dad with their dog. I hope everyone else has a lovely day!
Oh, and Hannah - great deal on those ebay clothes!! Well done!!
Morning all - Saarah I feel so heavy compared to you! Glad you have lost some weight without really trying ... we are going to start eating fresh with Amy and I am starting to slow cook some meals so Amy can have hers early some nights and I dont have to cook twice!

Maybe - how are you feeling dieting starts tomorrow? We have a playpen but it is one that opens out and we have it as a room divide to block the stairs in our lounge!

Hannah - yay for the earlier nights! It makes a difference when you get the evenings to yourseelf.

Amy - my OH is the opposite with money he thinks the old fashioned way that I should be a SAHM and he wants to be the sole provider ... not sure how this is going to pan out tho. Problem is he really isnt earning enough to support us and he really restricts what I do where I go and what I buy which frustrates me.

Has anyone got any advice ... well Amy has been settling herself to sleep in her cot for naps and at bed time for the last couple of months. The last week and a half when we put her down she screams and I mean really really screams until she is sick - this all started at my mums whilst she was in the travel cot but now we are home it has continued. As soon as we pick her up she settles and she is quite happy to come and just lie down on my bed but we put her back in the cot and she screams. Any advice on how we can get over this as every night we are up till after 11 settling her so we have no time to ourselves at all!
h&f - i will be starting the diet tomorrow!!! no advice on the settling amy thing other than sitting with her beside her cot til she falls asleep? thats what i used to do with dylan

sarah - re the no cry sleep solution you can still feed at night but you try methods to get them to feed less as i read it. i have to read it again though as i intend to try it as from next week. well done on the weight loss!!! :happydance: you are at my targer weight :blush: and i have about 2 stone to go. i will weigh myself tomorrow and see the horrid state of affairs!!!

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