Moms of April/May/June 2010 babies thread! :)

Will post properly later when Roh is in bed (hopefully!!)

H&F - Argh - How dare your aquaintance judge you like that!! :growlmad: Thats so out of order!! Like the others have said, i'm sure she must just be jealous of you not working. Social interaction is important, yes, but Amy can get that from playgroups whilst you are there too, she'll be able to socialise with other children with the security of you being their if she needs you, and you'll have time to do that regularly as you have all your days to devote to her. I'm sure most mothers who work would rather spend their time at home with their children given the choice, especially when they are little. I know i tell myself that work is good for me as its something different to do, and gives me a "break" from 24/7 parenting...but to be honest i'm kidding myself... :haha: if i had the choice i'd be a sahm in a heartbeat!
I can understand mothers working if they need to financially, or doing a part time job once their babies are a little older and closer to kindergarten age by choice. Personally i can't understand a mother who would choose to go back to work and leave their baby in childcare if it wasn't a necessity though In my opinion that would be worse, or lazier, parenting than being a sahm and devoting yourself to bringing up your child. Just my opinion there, but my opinion aside, you're a fantastic Mum, and doing the best you can for Amy! :hugs: :flower:
h&f - what a horrid person :hugs: i agree with the others that she must be jealous!!!!! what more could amy need than her mum :shrug: i guess the girl who was so nasty to you cares more about material things!

modo - :grr: to your monitor breaking!!! is it not under garauntee (sp?) ooh the sock monkey sounds fab! where did you get it?

i took erin's bed to pieces and scrubbed it free of mould :sick: so pissed off that we are breathing all this in and that our furniture and clothes are getting ruined :grr: owen's awake! catch you later!!!
h&F: I am so furious on your behalf HOW DARE SHE!!!!! I am sorry but what right does she have to judge you?!!!!! :hugs:

Maybe: Thank you :hugs: it was bought for us no receipt or evidence :(

Here is where i got it from
modo thats a shame as they are really expensive arent they? we live in a small flat so have never owned a baby monitor! thanks for the link :thumbup:
maybe - that is terrible about the mould!! the spores can be really dangerous :hugs:

frufru - does Joni have water in a beaker? Alex does and today I offered him the EBM in it. He got really excited when he saw his beaker (he loves water!) and went to drink it but made the funniest face as if to say what is this doing in here!! :-k he then threw the beaker on the floor :haha: he really wasnt impressed so I'm not sure if he will just go without milk while he's at nursery. I've read that babies their age can do that and just make up for it later ....
Alex's nap pattern seems to change daily at the moment. I've read that this can happen at their age. Luckily the nursery are happy to rock him to sleep when he needs it rather than follow a routine.

sarah - Did you have a nice relaxing day in the end? I just dont keep organised :haha: I have to do at least 1 wash every day to keep on top of the laundry and I have to hoover/clean the floors twice a day because of the dog. As for food - Alex wakes about 7 and has a BF. I offer him breakfast with the girls at about 8 but he's not really into breakfast. He has a BF around 10/11am but just a small one to get to sleep. He has lunch around 12/1pm ish and then a BF at about 2 (again just a small one to get to sleep). Then he has tea at about 5.30pm then BF at 7pm ready for bed.

LC - yey for the bargain shopping :thumbup:

modo - the monkey looks so cute! How annoying your video monitor broke :grr: I love your latest FB pics :hugs:

H&F - ditto what everyone else said. she must be jealous! I would give anything to be a SAHM!! She will have loads of social interaction with all the groups you go to! You're an amazing mummy! Amy is such a lucky girl that she'll get the stability of having you there with her all the time. Ignore this person. I do not understand why some people think they have the right to judge and comment like that :grr: I am also furious on your behalf! :hugs:

Today I took Lyra and Alex for a walk at the beach, the sun was out which was lovely but the wind was blowing quite hard and after half an hour I couldnt feel my face :haha: Alex was mesmerised by the waves crashing onto the beach :cloud9: Then I popped to Tesco for some yummy goodies and treated my mum, sister and her hubby to lunch. Alex took his first steps holding my hands today which was lovely.
amy i'm so happy you had a nice day! you deserve it :hugs: i love living near the sea. i took it for granted and when i went to study in bath i missed it! how great that alex took his first steps!!! how are things with kerry? how are the girls doing?
I agree Maybe - I think I'd feel claustrophobic if I couldnt get to the sea :haha: the beach is a big part of our lives, we've had a family beachut since 1950! so generations of my family have all spent their summers there.
I feel so embarassed talking about my mess of a marriage :blush: things are still rubbish, we dont talk at all. The girls are much happier than the weekend. Kerry's friend actually emailed me, he said he was worried about Kerry becasue he'd never seen him so stressed :dohh: he meant well but of course he sees things through Kerrys eyes.
i'm glad that the girls are ok! dont be embarassed!!! lord knows i have enough to be embarassed about too! pm me if you need to :hugs: i think we have quite a bit in common!

Modo - sorry to hear about your monitor, thats so rubbish! Glad you got a new one though. I have a video monitor too and I think I'd be lost without it! I'm glad Bobby loves his sock monkey! Oliver has a sock doggie from Mamas and Papas but he's not all that interested :dohh:

Maybe I really hope you can get something sorted with the mould, it really is terrible! I would be sooooo annoyed!!

Amy it sounds like you had a lovely day!! Living by the sea must be soooo lovely, we have some gorgeous countryside not far away but its not like at my parents - there house looks out over the moorland and its just gorgeous. I'd love a view like that one day. Don't be embarrased about things with Kerry - its not like its your fault!! :hugs: Did you e-mail Kerry's friend back? What on earth does he think you are going to do?!?!?! What you were saying about Alex yesterday really struck a chord, I feel just the same :cloud9:

I had a kind of relaxed day, in that we didn't go out :haha: I did do some list writing though and felt much better after that :rofl: I love a list :haha: Well it was about six lists actually :dohh: My sister also saved me over two hundred quid on my tax return :happydance: so although it went from been nothing to been over a hundred pounds, thats better than over three hundred!! And my sister was happy that that was right, so I feel better knowing I've not overpaid. So thats all done and dusted :happydance::happydance::happydance:
Oliver also crawled properly for the first time today!!! :cloud9::happydance::cloud9::happydance:
He looked so cute! He was in the bathroom trying to get to a rubber duck :haha:

Argh, Oliver is awake . . . I think I'm going to go to bed.

Love to you all!

Hope - I know others have already said it - but I'll chime in too. Thats a load of CRAP!!! You and your little one are both so lucky that you get to stay home. The social interaction thing is NONsense! Total Nonsense and she is seriously just jealous! Logan didn't start school until THIS year (except less than a year of daycare at 1 because we had no choice at the time) and he is totally socially well adjusted. If you do things with your kid - they will get plenty of time to socialize. I personally think all babies should be home with their mom until they are at least 3! I feel horrible that I can't be home with Dillon! IT sucks! I would trade my right arm to be able to stay home with him! Lucky for us - he is home with daddy - (and I am so jealous!). But - we all do what we need to do - and what we can do to be the best parents we can be! Whether we have to work, or get to stay home, or even choose to work - its whats best for OUR babies! That girl should be slapped for saying that to you. She is totally jealous! I'm mad at her FOR you!
sarah - wow the view from your parents sounds amazing! fab news that you owe less tax than you thought :hugs: what a good job your sister is an accountant! I find list writing therapeutic because it makes me feel organised but most times I lose the lists :blush: Whoopie for Oliver crawling :cloud9::happydance: :thumbup: Alex can still only crawl backwards :dohh: I hope Oliver settles. I'm going to get to bed and try to read a bit of my book to switch my brain off. I had some horrible nightmares last night. Night all xx
Seriously, bedtimes make me want to cry at the moment :cry:

I think Roh is asleep, i've been trying to get him to sleep since 7.30pm, he may have given up now, i know i have... i'm going to bed, hopefully...night :sleep:
Morning All,

Thank you for all the help and support. Unfortunately we are seeing the same person who spent yesterday critising me again today but hopefully I will just ignore her.

Weigh in tonight as well which I am not looking forward to but I guess I will just have to see how I get on!

Amy is being a grumpy guts so we are off out a bit earlier than usual so she can get a bit of extra sleep in the car!

Catch up properly later. x x x
Sarah - How fab that you got a great deal on home ins and your sister managed to get your tax return sorted :thumbup:
:happydance: yay for Oliver crawling :mrgreen: I am really excited about Joni learning to crawl but at the same time I am making the most of every moment she can't and she is still my little baby :blush:
I am a list fan too. I bought a little notebook yesterday to write down things I need to do/buy etc as at the moment I have about a gazillion post-it notes strewn about the house :wacko:
Joni spits her food/water out sometimes. I think it is just part of them learning and experiencing eating and drinking. Joni goes to bed at 6.45-7 and has her dinner around 4.45-5.15 and a milk feed just before bed.

L-C - I know what you mean about missing nap cues and them going past needing a nap. I figure I will just go with the flow for now. Woop woop :happydance: for the Gap bargains. I love baby gap clothes but they are sooooo expensive new.
I hope Will gave you a decent night.

Maybebaby - :grr: on the mould, I think it is completely reasonable to expect the management company to drop your service charge as a goodwill gesture until the mould is fixed. If they are not pulling their fingers out you could always try to get your doctor to write a letter to them from a health and safety perspective to kick them up the bum.

Modo - how has it gone with the NUK cup? I cannot believe your video monitor has given up the ghost :growlmad: How rubbish!!!! I am glad you are pleased with the replacement :thumbup: Bless Bobby and his standing, our little babies are growing into toddlers :shock: How cute about the monkey :kiss: Joni has a cuddly bunny she takes to bed and she love to suck his hands and feet so much that I had to buy a second one so I can wash them regularly.

H&F - HOW DARE SHE!!!!!!!!!!!! :growlmad: Firstly, how dare she judge your decision to stay at home, it has nothing to do with her. Secondly, I think she is talking out of her butt about Amy not getting enough social interaction, you go to plenty of groups that will develop her social skills. And thirdly, I would love to be a SAHM, it sounds to me like she might have the case of GEM and is saying these things to make herself feel better about going back to work and not being able to stay at home herself. If she tries to discuss the subject again today I would tell her that she made her point yesterday and that you don't wish to discuss the subject with her anymore.

Amy - I am glad you had a nice time at the beach, it sounds lovely :) Yay for Alex's steps :happydance:
Did you respond to Kerry's friends email? Perhaps it would help if Kerry's friend had your perspective on things so he could maybe try and make Kerry see it too IYKWIM?
Joni has water in a beaker with lunch and dinner, maybe I should put some milk in there at mealtimes intially rather than trying to introduce the beaker with milk for her morning milk feed hmmmmmm :-k

Emera - :hugs: I am so sorry bedtimes are so difficult at the moment. We have had several nights this week where Joni has not gone down well, in the end we have given her a lamaze knot toy to play with in the dark and left her to it, only checking in if she starts to properly cry. She has played with it chatting and moaning away until she gets bored and eventually falls asleep.

LM - it is great that Dillon gets to stay home with Daddy, but I would be jealous too :winkwink:


It is reassuring to know I am not the only one having routine and sleep disturbances. Maybe it is a regression like Modo suggested :-k
Despite taking Joni out in the buggy for over an hour yesterday she still did not take her first nap until 1pm :dohh: Of course today, when we have baby singing at 11am, she decided she would take a nap and went down about 10.20 so as you can see we have missed it :dohh: Best laid plans and all :roll: :haha:

I can feel myself flagging - time for a coffee me thinks!
PS - H&F good luck with weigh in tonight :hugs: and sorry if my comments about your friend ^^^^ are a bit shouty :blush: it just really struck a nerve
Hi girls can I join you? I bring cakes and cookies :dance:

Hope everyone had a nice Wednesday?

Evie is desperately trying to crawl but ends up eating carpet lol
Of course you may join Miss Bump! The eating carpet image is so cute :D

Frufru: hope Joni went down easier tonight! The Nuk cup hasn't arrived yet :( Will let you all know how it goes. Bobby is still drinking bottles on his own with me but not the whole thing with DH. To be fair he does drink some on his own but then refuses and wants him to feed him the rest.

H&F: hope your friend wasn't such a meanie today hon :hugs:

Sarah: Great to hear you owe less tax than you thought :thumbup: whenever I watch Derren Brown now I think of you :lol:
Amy sorry Kerry is being an a*se! Oliver goes backwards instead of crawling too and looks really puzzled and slightly annoyed that the thing he wants is getting further away :lol: He often lies on his side and tries to kick what he wants closer!

Sarah Yay for Oliver crawling. I know you asked about the messy play, it was at one of the local children's centres. Every so often they have parents forums and we get to say what we would like to be offered and sometimes they listen! Now my local one is about to start offering story and rhyme time because we asked for it. That's great your sister managed to help tax wise. Glad you had a good day and Oliver was good with your mum too. I share your love of lists, I am a bit sad and spent last night making a little timetable and filling in what things there are to do each day with Oliver. My H laughed at me and joked that i should laminate it, which has made me want to do just that :rofl:

H&F have you been speaking to my Mum? :lol: She told me she is ashamed of me for deciding not to go back to work (we were in same situation as you where we aren't really any better off if I do go back). I can't for the life of me think why it is a bad thing for us to be at home with our babies! For some people going to work works best for them, and for others being a SAHM works best-each to their own I think. Maybe your 'friend' is jealous as she would like to stay at home too. Surely as long as you do things with Amy and I do with Oliver then they will be happy little ones. We go to a baby&toddler group once a week, will be going to story and rhyme time when it begins, swimming a couple of times a week then anything else is a bonus (usually meet with a mummy friend or two each week for a play date- which is usually coffee and cake :lol:) Good luck with the weigh in.

Maybe that's awful about the mould. Our old place was so mouldy, it smelt horrible and we always had trouble sleeping and frequently got coughs and colds because of it. Well done on your weight loss.

Emera sorry to hear you are still having trouble with Roh sleeping. Any sign of the teeth? Hopefully once they are through he will sleep better. Congratulations on becoming an Aunt.

LC That is great Will is crusing already. Yay for your Gap bargains. I love Gap stuff. There is an outlet near here and I currentl have to stay away otherwise I will spend loads and loads.

LM Yay 9 months already. Glad Dillon got a tooth finally. That is great he is gaining weight better too, it's such a worry when they don't I am sure. 17oz in 2 weeks is great!

Frufru we have the Lamaze knot too, it's great! i take it everytime we go swimming as Oliver will play happily with it until I am dressed. Oliver is funny with his naps too-this week he has decided he only needs to nap once a day (around 12pm) for just over an hour so by teatime he is knackered.

Modo I would take it back to any shop that sells it and complain-worth a try even if you don't get anywhere. Not the same but I have taken back packs of Huggies nappies and the swimming ones too and asked to swap them for other nappies and they have let me without a receipt. I also took back a pair of jeans I bought for Oliver that the button had come off in the wash and they let me swap them despite me not having a receipt to prove how long ago I bought them. The sock thing is cool, love them.

Miss bump :wave:

As for us I had a nice afternoon with a friend I met on netmums and her little boy. We were going to go to a play centre but the woman running it said we had to leave our buggies outside. That I don't mind but she wanted us to leave them literally on the street outside-anyone could walk past and be off with it without you noticing! We went for lunch instead and our boys loved it!

Oliver currently has developed a taste for cardboard :lol: He keeps trying to eat books, my magazine, boxes/packets.... he has managed to eat one of the flaps from one of his lift the flap books, and taken a bite out of the front cover of another. This evening he was desperately trying to reach and pick up something and when I looked it was a big spider :eek: so I am pretty sure if he had got to it then he would have eaten that too. :lol:

I have noticed that some nights Oliver wakes up within a couple of hours of going to bed screaming and when you go to him and sit him up in bed he usually does a big burp followed by a load of farts then he stops crying, lies back down and goes back to sleep. It doesn't happen every night though, so i am thinking it could be a food he is eating giving him painful wind. Any ideas ladies what could be causing it (food or otherwise)?

Earlier I put Oliver in the middle of our bed on his back (stupid I know) and popped to the toilet and when I came back he wasn't on the bed anymore he was on the floor on his tummy looking up at me whilst clutching my pay slip (this had been on the bed behind him). He saw me and cried so i did too. Poor baby. Normally he just sits or rolls when he wants something. I guess he really wanted my pay slip-more than I wanted it as it was my last one with maternity pay.

Hope I didn't miss anyone, sorry if I did.

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