Moonstone anyone?

Should I set mine under the full moon when I test two days later?

Yeah. Just don't lie it on salt or in salt water. If you have any hematite or crystal quartz, they are thought to charge it and amplify it's powers. Ohhh...I'm getting ideas!!!!
Do you have to charge your moonstone? The full moon is in 2 days but I will be on CD21 then and have already ovulated and am worried about taking my moonstone ring off between now and possible implantation/a BFP??? xxx
WOW is all I can say. I have read each and every wonderful post in this thread and I am so excited. I can't believe all the BFP's!! Congratulations ladies. :happydance::happydance:

I have been TTC now for 11 months, I've had 2 losses, 1 ectopic and a chemical last cycle. I am 100% going to get some moonstone tomorrow after work so that I can put it out in the full moon to charge. I know I will have missed the apex but hopefully the remainder of the full moon will be good enough. I also read that you can put the moonstone in your water bottle and that it's vibrating properties permeate the water (if that makes sense) So I shall be buying a small one to place in my water bottle to drink whilst at work.

I'm on CD6 and I usually ov about CD19 so a little while to go yet. I'm also using the power of attraction too, so feeling extra excited this cycle...

I dont think I am going to get my bracelet in time for the full moon :cry:
Does it matter if it gets charged the next month? Can I still wear it when I get it?
I dont think I am going to get my bracelet in time for the full moon :cry:
Does it matter if it gets charged the next month? Can I still wear it when I get it?

i think you can charge it in other ways, for example cleansing it then putting the power of your intentions into it. Full moons are good but i shouldn't think they are the only way to charge things.

Just as an aside, i was always told that doing it under the light of the full moon outside added extra fertility power, so if anyone wants to try that it will probably be the last full moon for awhile where you wont freeze ur bits off! :winkwink:
I dont think I am going to get my bracelet in time for the full moon :cry:
Does it matter if it gets charged the next month? Can I still wear it when I get it?

In short, yes, you can just wear it! But I would advise you to do what you feel is best for you. Personally, I do not feel you need to have your crystal with you 24 hours a day, but I think your own personal belief is a major factor here. If you wish to charge it, I think your best bet is to place it on the windowsill in the same room you are sleeping in.
Although I have always had an interest in paganism and gemstones, these days I am a bit more practical and less magical. I find myself steering towards indisputable science in my old age (I'm 34, with a 4 year old and an inherited 17 year old). Don't get me wrong, I guess there is still a great deal of the hippyish pagan about me, but I've also lived in the Far East for a few years and picked up some thoughts there. As someone who makes fertility bracelets for a living, I speak with women wishing to conceive from all walks of life from all over the world in my work, some superstitious, some less so, so I feel I have something to add here. These are just my own personal feelings, but I think this line is open to everyone, from those who may steer towards magic, prayer, religion or ritual to those that need factual evidence. I do hope it helps and my presence in this forum doesn't come across as invasive or self-promoting.
We accept that a quartz clock runs more accurately than the best mechanical clocks & it's a fact that the energetic and physical properties of gemstones are used in laser equipment and computers, yet people remain sceptical that the energy given out by gemstones can have a therapeutic affect on the body. Ancient and modern cultures worldwide have used gemstones for healing and women have been using fertility bracelets for thousands of years; there are even references to them in the Bible. However the use of gemstones pre-dates the major religions of today. Recently, healing jewellery has gained in popularity and you have probably seen healing hematite bracelets & copper bracelets in your local pharmacy, whilst scientists recognise that the analgesic properties of amber can alleviate teething pain when worn against the skin! Even respected physicists have said that when light enters these stones and its wavelength is changed by the stone, the changed-wavelength light enters the skin and interacts with blood. Since different stones have different colors, light's wavelength changes differently for different stones & consequently effects health in various ways. Therefore, I would worry about wearing your moonstone without charging it too much. Do what you feel comfortable with; that's the important part if you ask me.
Simply being around them increases your exposure to the powerful earth energies each stones is believed to posses. That said, wearing them close to your body so that gemstone have an opportunity to touch your skin is believed to be most beneficial. Fancy a night sleeping with your curtains open? You'd be covering all bases then! LOL
Forget pagan ritual for just a second and lets look at yet another school of thought; a chakra is a term used in Indian medicine to describe an energy center of the body. There are over 80,000 chakras in the human body, but only seven primary ones . Each chakra acts much like a receiver to pull energy into the body from it's surrounding elements, and transform it into energy waves that can affect health. When the energy is positive, health is affected in a positive way. When the energy is negative, health can be impacted in a negative way. Each of the fertility and pregnancy gemstones are related by their energy to a particular chakra - and believed to impact that part of the body most. It is through this connection of passing the natural earth energy from the gemstone to the body that many believe the healing powers exist.
If you want to charge it, but are afraid of parting with it for the night, perhaps you have some other gemstone jewellery relating to fertility that you could wear. Moonstone is by no means the only one you can use. Rose Quartz and Amethyst are popular. Also Chrysoprase, Garnet, Jade, Malachite, Smokey Quartz, Rock Crystal, Carnelian, Zoisite, Green Aventurine, Aquamarine, Red Coral, Black Onyx and Turquoise as well as man-made Opalite Moonstone (which is often sold as moonstone and closely resembles blue Sri Lankan moonstone)... I can't think of any more right now...LOL
The most important thing to me is that you feel a positive vibe from the stone you use. It should feel right to you and you should trust your instincts. I often advise women to choose a gemstone in their favourite colour and feel that women should feel really in tune with their gemstone(s) and feel really optimistic about wearing it.
Hope this helps!!!!
More on cleansing and charging;
Cleansing crystals is not about physically cleaning them, but about removing any negative or unwanted energies that they may have absorbed. You should clean your crystals regularly, particularly when:
you first obtain them (many people could have touched them before you), they are kept out in the open, they are used frequently in ritual or when traveling, after you have been ill, after you have gone through a negative ordeal, if it has come into contact with a stranger or person harboring negativity, when they feel weak, or have a strange vibration or energy
While your crystal already contains its own unique vibrational energies, those energies can sometimes become low or depleted. Charging a crystal is like giving a jumpstart to a weak battery. You should charge your crystals after you have cleansed them, before using them for a specific intent, when their vibrations feel weak.

Many cleansing methods also can be used to charge crystals, along with a few others outlined here.
WATER: Some crystals can be cleansed by running them under a stream of water, as I have mentioned previously. Any crystal with a rating of 6 or higher on the Mohs Scale of Mineral Hardness can be safely cleansed in water. Moonstone has a rating of 6.
MOONLIGHT: The light of the full moon is a powerful cleanser, and is 100% safe for all of your crystals. That makes it a great method for cleansing any of your precious stones. Moonlight can also be used to positively charge moonstone and milky colored stones, such as milky quartz, opal or pearl.
INCENSE: Another fail-proof method for cleansing any crystal is to hold it in the rising smoke of a cleansing or purifying incense. Sage, sandalwood and lavender are excellent choices for this method. Simply suspend the crystal over the smoke, avoiding contact with the heat source. Charge by running your crystal through an incense imbued with the same intent of the stone can help give it a tremendous power boost. For example, an incense associated with loving energies (lavender, rose, applewood) makes a good charging element for a stone used to promote loving energies (rose quartz, emerald). You might also want to choose your incense based on planetary or elemental associations.
LIGHTENING: If you cleanse your crystals in lightening, they will be powerfully charged by the time you retrieve them.

MUSIC/SOUND: Different instruments are associated with different vibrations, as are different notes on the music scale. You may want to do some research to find the proper associations to match your crystals, and then play music for them (either live or recorded). You can also use a tuning fork or "singing bowl," which is a crystal bowl that makes a heavenly sound when stroked properly.
CRYSTAL CLUSTERS: Crystal cluster chunks or caves are known to be self-charging, and will charge other crystals lain upon them. Make sure you lay a soft cloth over the crystal cluster before placing any smaller crystals on it to avoid scratching. As mentioned previously, I like to cleanse my moonstone beads in boiled cooled water to remove chemicals. I then charge the beads with natural hematite before making them into bracelets. Again, I feel this is science!
LENDING IT YOUR OWN ENERGY: You can transfer energy into your crystal in a number of ways to empower it. You can meditate and hold the crystal in your projective (dominant) hand, visualizing energy pouring into it. You can hold the crystal and charge it with your own breath. You can also charge it in religious rites and rituals by laying it before you or upon your altar and directing energy into it with your sacred altar tools.
Thanks poppy moon!

I personally feel like I was drawn to the stones I have when I was choosing :thumbup:

X x x
Tested with IC. Bfn. Not down and out though> like I said, there's always hope until AF shows....tomorrows temp might be the deal breaker. I don't know weather it's the moonstone or the "maybe" the fact of my chart, but I just kinda have that feeling that I don't care if the tests are bfn because I want to say I *know* i'm pregnant, but I don't wnat to sound like an idiot if AF shows lol. Things making me think this...can you have symptoms but not have it show on your test?

*TMI: I usually get itchy :blush: downthere right before AF. Doc said it's normal to get a little yeast infection that goes away on its own...that hasn't happened yet this cycle.
*Metallic taste these past few days. I just noticed I had a weird taste like when I ate or sighed or something but never thought anything of it until you started asking when I was going to test. ---thought holy this for real?
*My left ovary pain went away which is weird, it never goes away until af shows...then it starts all over again when my follicles start growing.
*Starting at 8dpo I had those pains right in the center of my uterus area. It was a sharp little pain that came and went. When we went bowling it pulled a lot in that area once. I hope I didn't hurt anything..I had a little of the same pain yesterday but not near as much as the day before.
*Starting at 8dpo shooting pains in my breasts. Went away yesterday but came back a little last night. So far this morning none.
*Right ovary pain....weird. Haven't had that since ovulation. It's traveling down my right leg...that usually only happens on my left side.
*I had so much creamy CM it soaked through my underwear last night. I usually get a lot like a day before AF, but never that much.

So is this all in my head since I'm getting BFN or is it possible to get symptoms but not have it show up yet? Or could all of this be from my first round of clomid? I don't know. We shall see. Tomorrows temp i think will be the make it or break it temp...unless my LP gets lengthened again.
Yeah, Dimples81 and Betty14,
I think they're important points. It should almost feel as though you are drawn to the stones or the stones choose you. More like choosing a puppy and that emotional connection, than choosing which brand of cornflakes to buy.
To me the attraction to the stone or piece of jewellery you choose is a vital part of it all. I also think choosing to use gemstones represents a relaxed and non-invasive approach to boosting fertility. It should be positive and optimistic. When I look at a good piece of rainbow moonstone, I feel some kind of excited wonderment and even though I'm not currently TTC, I just find moonstone is important to me and can benefit me. I have dozens and dozens of different gemstones, but only 3 or 4 really grab me in that way.
I really believe in stones/gems/pyschic abilities, etc, but my husband doesn't. He is happy for me to buy these things if it will make me happy though. This month I am wearing a grey moonstone set in a ring - Pandora, which I LOVE, and a pink rose quartz bracelet which I haven't taken off since I bought it. A friend of mine sent me fertility beads to hang over our bed which I have also done too!

So now, and I know this might sound really stupid, I go to sleep with my hand with my ring on and bracelet on that wrist, touching my tummy as I hope the powers of the ring/bracelet will work their magic in that area. Lol, I am silly I know, but I have always held my tummy since we started ttc when I go to sleep and now I feel like I have more power there...just hoping it works!!! xxx
Thank you Poppy and Dimples!! Very nice info!
I highly believe in stones and things of that nature. I wear an evil eye on a daily basis and believe the most in that.
I always felt like I had to work harder at something that I wanted. It was always more of a challenge to get something that I desired compared to others. I always got it, but it was like I always had to take the detour route. Sounds stupid, but its the truth. DH even agreed, and he usually laughs at me and says the bleach from my hair dye got into my brain. lol ahhh the joys of married life ;-)

For those buying moonstone, Just thought you would want to read this...I hope mine is said genuine moonstone and has the flashes of blue and it has the milky color but black specks in it too?? Mine looks like the bottom "real" moonstone picture.
I've been following this thread for a while but never posted before now. I loved the idea of the moonstones so I went straight out and bought a gorgeous moonstone pendant that I've not taken off since. I scoured the Internet for a bracelet aswell but couldn't find any I liked so ended up going out and buying moonstone and Rose quartz beads and making my own, this way I know it's genuine moonstone aswell. I went a little moonstone crazy and now I've made bracelets to go with everything lol. This is my first cycle with the moonstones and I'm feeling really positive. Has anyone noticed being more calm and not as easily stressed since wearing moonstones? I'm definatly calmer and I've never slept as well either.

For those buying moonstone, Just thought you would want to read this...I hope mine is said genuine moonstone and has the flashes of blue and it has the milky color but black specks in it too?? Mine looks like the bottom "real" moonstone picture.[/QUOTE]

The fact that there are black flecks in your moonstone would suggest to me they are real and the black bits are naturally occuring flaws. Some of the beads I bought had black bits in them and I know they are real. Synthetic stones like opalite wouldn't have these flaws as they are manmade.

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