Huge congrats greenpear!! Brilliant news. Is it your first cycle post MC? Praying you have a sticky one! x
Thanks HoldOn2Hope - I appreciate your kind thoughts. I really hope it sticks as well - yesterday I've been having weird feeling cramps - similar to what I had with MC but very mild (and those were hell) and no spotting so I'm nervous but hoping it's just my uterus growing...did you have weird cramping too (that's not like period, but more like sharp pulling pain from bellybutton down that lasts only a second or so?)
Lot's of positive vibes for you and your baby!
Congrates greenpear! Hope its a sticky bean x
Wonder if anyone can help me?! Af is a week late for me, but don't know if it is my cycles being mucked up again, i have been getting weird stitch type pains in my tummy for about a week.. They don't happen all the time and aren't wind related (tmi) but never had them before. Any ideas?