My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

Mommy - good luck! I hope you feel better soon xx

thanks hun. And me too with dd's bday coming up on sat. trying to clean the house while feeling like poo isn't so cool.

Thought for the day- there should be a pill we take once a month that turns our pee blue when we are fertile and pink as soon as we conceive. I bet it would sell if anyone knows a chemist.

lol that's hilarious.
BNB ladies need to invent something like that pill :winkwink:
Feeling a little down today. I hate to sound like one of those cranky annoying people, but here I go BC I need to vent to people who actually get it. Love dh and he tries, but he just doesn't get it. So, I took one of those early hpts ( I know bad idea to begin with) and it was negative. I know I am still like 5 days from AF but I was just wishing. P came up on the early one. Plus my temps aren't as high ( still above cover but dropping a little each day). Thank you all for listening.
Feeling a little down today. I hate to sound like one of those cranky annoying people, but here I go BC I need to vent to people who actually get it. Love dh and he tries, but he just doesn't get it. So, I took one of those early hpts ( I know bad idea to begin with) and it was negative. I know I am still like 5 days from AF but I was just wishing. P came up on the early one. Plus my temps aren't as high ( still above cover but dropping a little each day). Thank you all for listening.

oh hun it's ok that's what the forum is for to support each other. that's why we have this group. and guys don't get it. i've been there MANY times. completely understand. i'm sorry you're so down, try to keep telling yourself it's still early, and it could be a late implantation dip, and really, temps don't mean that much, just show that you o'd. right? right. so chin up and hang on a few more days to test properly. don't touch the hpts until you are a day before or the day of af being expected. or better yet, wait til day after. i know it's hard, but i dont' want you to get down either. thinking of you.

afm, temp went down .1 today, i was wondering if my temp yesterday was from bad sleep but couldn't be if i had almost the same today. dd seems better today again but coughing lots of junk up, which is good but sounds so bad. poor thing. i hate her being ill. my sickness is a tiny headache that comes and goes and some congestion so far, throat is slightly scratchy but nothing like it was.
Mommy- I think I O'd too, my temps are staying up there (I thought it was just a bad one yesterday) I'm just so confused, guess it was early this month.

Over- Don't apologize for venting, that is the purpose of BnB! ;) But really, DH's are so clueless I know. Just be patient with him. Some don't really get into TTC, like mine. (he thinks POASing is strange and that I should relax about this) BUT we want it SO bad that we can't stop!! Ha I know how you feel and just bite your tongue for him, it will get you more BDing in the end ;)
Overwhelmed - vent away, that's the purpose of this place. I agree with mommy, try not to test again until the day after AF is due. Bfns can be so soul destroying. Thinking of you and good luck xx

Mommy - your temps look promising? Good luck xx

I'm getting quite cross at the neighbours, who have woken me at 5am last 3 days and then I need to get up to pee so my temps aren't being taken at the right time. Grr!
Thanks girls. I know I shouldn't have tested but I was getting myself so stresses out. It is still early, so I am just going to wait before I get too upset.

Rozzer- stupid neighbors. What are they doing? Have you started your opks yet?

Mommy and morgan- I hate temps. We all use them but all hate them. And then our trackers use them to keep changing our o dates. Hopefully you oed at a good time and it catches.
Thanks girls. I know I shouldn't have tested but I was getting myself so stresses out. It is still early, so I am just going to wait before I get too upset.

Rozzer- stupid neighbors. What are they doing? Have you started your opks yet?

Mommy and morgan- I hate temps. We all use them but all hate them. And then our trackers use them to keep changing our o dates. Hopefully you oed at a good time and it catches.

Driving noisy cars, banging and crashing etc. Grr!

I have started opks. Nothing yet. Fo they get darker as o approaches or just go dark on o day. My one this morning was lightest yet.

I'm not due to o until Monday I think but will bd every day from now on - all this bd ing is a nice side effect ;)
Hi Ladies! I'm just joining, I hope it's ok :) my Husband and I have been actively trying to conceive only for a few months although we haven't been preventing it for three years, married now almost 15 months. I'm 28 and he's 30. He had a SA and everything is perfect, I've had all my testing and we've been determine as unexplained fertility .. Fun! This is my 2nd month I am on Clomid. I'm on CD6 so far no side effects, last month was absolutely terrible, I hope I don't have to go through that again this month. I'm not temping or using OPKs just keeping track of my periods and my days on Clomid. I am supposed to ovulate Aug 15-20th. We are going to start earlier and end later bc I really feel like we may have missed our window last month. Also buying preseed this time around, everyone is raving about it! I wish everyone the best of luck! Any other suggestions to making this cycle more successful?
Roz- bding plan sounds good. The more you do it the better your chance- plus it keeps dh happy. We are camping and right now our neighbors are blasting their music. They have until 10:15 until I go over there.

Hopeful- welcome. I am just finishing my second round of clomid too, but expected af is Tuesday. Are you having ultrasounds or blood work to confirm ovulation? You may still want to use an opk because clomid can mess with cycle lengths.

Afm- because I am obsessed now. Looked back at my temps and I think I may not have oed until the 1st. Before that my temps jumped just like .3 but then after they jumped way high and stayed that high. I thought I had oed on the 28th. Is it possible to have a positive opk on the 27th and cramping on the 28th but not actually o until the 1st? If so, I would only be 7 dpo. And if that is the case I hope we didn't miss our window. By the 29th we both needed a break from being and didn't on the 30th and 1st. So confused.
Overwhelmed - vent away, that's the purpose of this place. I agree with mommy, try not to test again until the day after AF is due. Bfns can be so soul destroying. Thinking of you and good luck xx

Mommy - your temps look promising? Good luck xx

I'm getting quite cross at the neighbours, who have woken me at 5am last 3 days and then I need to get up to pee so my temps aren't being taken at the right time. Grr!

THanks rozzer, i hope they're good. And ugh, the neighbors, that sucks. WE came from a condo, where we were connected to neighbors. the last few months we were living there we had a 14 year old living in the master bedroom under us and his grandma was living in the second bedroom. he stayed up all night on weekends, and would have his tv blaring, slamming doors, it was awful. ANY day that he didn't have school the next day, i had to sleep on the couch. (winter break was awesome. :cry:) I talked to them several times and he swore he was being quiet, and i couldn't do anything else. i was miserable and pretty much wanted to die. i developed an ulcer and everything, and was a mess. SO glad we moved to a single family home. now, i talk everyone out of buying a condo. worst decision ever.

Thanks girls. I know I shouldn't have tested but I was getting myself so stresses out. It is still early, so I am just going to wait before I get too upset.

Rozzer- stupid neighbors. What are they doing? Have you started your opks yet?

Mommy and morgan- I hate temps. We all use them but all hate them. And then our trackers use them to keep changing our o dates. Hopefully you oed at a good time and it catches.

I know i hate the temps too. they don't tell us anything but we have to i feel. at least i know SOMETHING. they say i o'.d... right?! lol

Thanks girls. I know I shouldn't have tested but I was getting myself so stresses out. It is still early, so I am just going to wait before I get too upset.

Rozzer- stupid neighbors. What are they doing? Have you started your opks yet?

Mommy and morgan- I hate temps. We all use them but all hate them. And then our trackers use them to keep changing our o dates. Hopefully you oed at a good time and it catches.

Driving noisy cars, banging and crashing etc. Grr!

I have started opks. Nothing yet. Fo they get darker as o approaches or just go dark on o day. My one this morning was lightest yet.

I'm not due to o until Monday I think but will bd every day from now on - all this bd ing is a nice side effect ;)

depends. i had light, and then nothing, then light and then nothing, and then light, and then nothing, then BAM darker than control line. that was the month i got pg and the only one i ever did it with too.

this month? i got so light i can't imagine it was actually positive. just seemed way too light.


i had left sided cramping today. fx'd it's a good sign.
Mommy- cramping is good sign. It is so strange your opk didn't pick up on the o.

Afm- temps went highest today then ever (97.8). Hope that is a good sign. Also had a little cramping yesterday again. Looking at my chart I really think I actually oed on the 1st.
Mommy- cramping is good sign. It is so strange your opk didn't pick up on the o.

Afm- temps went highest today then ever (97.8). Hope that is a good sign. Also had a little cramping yesterday again. Looking at my chart I really think I actually oed on the 1st.

i have really heavy cramping today, both sides. feels like af is going to come any minute, but i'm not due until next week at the earliest. pretty painful. my temps are more consistent than they've ever been. very strange indeed.

and our temps are the same lol! that's hilarious, and seems we have the same O day!! We are on the same track. Race you to the bfp? Of course, we'll both get it, just who's will show on a test first?! hmmmm?! I won't test til at least 12dpo because with first one i didn't get one until then, at 10 it was SO negative oh my gosh. do you think the 97.5 dip could've been implantion for me? i hope. just trying to be positive. I'm so ready to just be pregnant and on the journey.

If i'm 8 dpo though i usually have a 13 lp day, so af is due the 14th. I may test on 13 dpo. I just want to test now with these cramps. wow are they bad!!!
Cramping could be everything settling. I hope we both get our bfps together this month. I was wondering the same thing about my drop. I have been looking over charts all morning. I also read that the temp spike may take up to 3 days to really happen or it could be immediate- just depends on how sensitive your body is to the progesterone. I also found this cool website (pregnology or something like that) which walks you through each day of your cycle. According to that if I oed sometime between the 30th and the 1st, hcg wouldn't even begin to produce until like yesterday. Basically, I an feeling more hopeful and our charts look almost identical so yeah us!
I'm so excited for both of you. Yay!
So hope this is it!!
overwhelmed can you post a link to your chart? would love to see! i really hope this is it for us, i'm so tired today. nose is stuffy, i had an ache in my knee (same kind i got a week before my bfp with dd) and just feel like going to bed. SoOOOOOOOO tired.

cramping comes on and off but right now it's off. Any other symtpoms for you?

oh i've been irritable too i can feel myself snapping at dh easier than normal. but oh.... nap time....

and that website is awesome!!!!

just really don't get why my temps aren't doing more than just sitting at 97.8. so odd!!
also just looked at ff to see charts, and yeah, ours (if your's really looks like mine) look really good! there are tons with bfps at the temp we are at. And i know this was the temp i was at with dd when i got my bfp. (but also when i got af this last cycle) so it's just kind of good knowing that our temps are still good!
This should link my chart

That is really good with all your signs.

It is really hard for me to tell and make comparisons on signs because I didn't have any with P. I am also almost always sleepy because of my tyroid. I never get cramps with AF ( which is why my other cramping was odd). I also have horrible allergies so that could explain my nose. I have been on edge, but thats another thyroid thing too. The only time I knew before I tested was before the second mc- which technically wasn't a mv and may not have been an actual pregnancy (long story). I am just trying not to stress or test again until next Thursday.
This should link my chart

That is really good with all your signs.

It is really hard for me to tell and make comparisons on signs because I didn't have any with P. I am also almost always sleepy because of my tyroid. I never get cramps with AF ( which is why my other cramping was odd). I also have horrible allergies so that could explain my nose. I have been on edge, but thats another thyroid thing too. The only time I knew before I tested was before the second mc- which technically wasn't a mv and may not have been an actual pregnancy (long story). I am just trying not to stress or test again until next Thursday.

I couldn't get to your chart - said home page may not have been created?

I hope this is it for all of us too!

I'm due to o on Monday - have lined up babies to cuddle on Sunday and Monday and taking the day off ;)

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