My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

I think you are right. I had a short cycle last time too. I have been having the milky thick cm too, which is weird for me after o, and having some weird like pulling on my lower right side. Totally bloated and sleepy. I am only 4 dpo so I know it can't be implantation but it is just weird.

my temp went up again today to 98. sure looks like an O temp rise :( We dtd last night and i will make him do it again tonight. I hate that i just don't know. my temps have done things like that before too but i just feel so OUT now. My bbs aren't sore anymore this am and the cramping has stopped completely. still finding the creamy cm. ferning completely gone. :( oh i feel sad :(

That's awesome about the creamy cm for you too after O, and the pulling, it could be SOMETHING so fx'd for you this is it!!!!

Can I join? I'm ttc August but will be testing top of September?
Eeeeep and I can't find a September testing group! x

:wave: hi hun of course you are welcome!!! :) what cd are you on and tell us about your your journey/what cycle, which baby, etc.

Have you had any ewcm? I had a temp rise about 4 days before o. How much did it rise? You have been testing like you are supposed to so you couldn't have missed your lh surge. I would hang in there- I think your o is coming. A lot of women also get a dip about 2-3 days before o and then it rises ( not above cover) and then o and the big rise. Its still early.
I think you are right. I had a short cycle last time too. I have been having the milky thick cm too, which is weird for me after o, and having some weird like pulling on my lower right side. Totally bloated and sleepy. I am only 4 dpo so I know it can't be implantation but it is just weird.

my temp went up again today to 98. sure looks like an O temp rise :( We dtd last night and i will make him do it again tonight. I hate that i just don't know. my temps have done things like that before too but i just feel so OUT now. My bbs aren't sore anymore this am and the cramping has stopped completely. still finding the creamy cm. ferning completely gone. :( oh i feel sad :(

That's awesome about the creamy cm for you too after O, and the pulling, it could be SOMETHING so fx'd for you this is it!!!!

Can I join? I'm ttc August but will be testing top of September?
Eeeeep and I can't find a September testing group! x

:wave: hi hun of course you are welcome!!! :) what cd are you on and tell us about your your journey/what cycle, which baby, etc.

Have you had any ewcm? I had a temp rise about 4 days before o. How much did it rise? You have been testing like you are supposed to so you couldn't have missed your lh surge. I would hang in there- I think your o is coming. A lot of women also get a dip about 2-3 days before o and then it rises ( not above cover) and then o and the big rise. Its still early.

don't have a coverline yet, but it went from 96.7 (two days in a row) to 97.5 yesterday and 98.0 today! i've had no ewcm that i could find, but really the 96.7 should've been my dip. i hate feeling so down about it! really sucks!
I hate that you are feeling so down. Your chart doesn't look like you oed. Have you had any alcohol or exercised more than normal? Are you stressed (haha)?
I hate that you are feeling so down. Your chart doesn't look like you oed. Have you had any alcohol or exercised more than normal? Are you stressed (haha)?

nope to both of those :( i hope i didn't o. won't know til tomorrow, if i get another high temp it'll say i did.

i haven't had any alcohol since i had af just in case. :(
Mommy- did you test tonight?

Thought I would share a funny story: I have been obsessed with temping and took it after waking up from a nap ( yep so tired this afternoon I took a nap and was left alone for most of it). My temp ended up being like 94.1 and I freaked out until I remembered that before I took it I drank a glass of iced tea.
Mommy- did you test tonight?

Thought I would share a funny story: I have been obsessed with temping and took it after waking up from a nap ( yep so tired this afternoon I took a nap and was left alone for most of it). My temp ended up being like 94.1 and I freaked out until I remembered that before I took it I drank a glass of iced tea.

lol at least you figured it out!! i'd have done the same! How are your temps going??? hope they're staying up there!!!

i got ff that confirmed o'ing and i got partial ferning this am! so it's possible still it says that i could be fertile anywhwere from cd15 to 21. so i'm hoping i didn't miss it yet but those temps seem to suggest oterhwise.
Mommy- did you test tonight?

Thought I would share a funny story: I have been obsessed with temping and took it after waking up from a nap ( yep so tired this afternoon I took a nap and was left alone for most of it). My temp ended up being like 94.1 and I freaked out until I remembered that before I took it I drank a glass of iced tea.

lol at least you figured it out!! i'd have done the same! How are your temps going??? hope they're staying up there!!!

i got ff that confirmed o'ing and i got partial ferning this am! so it's possible still it says that i could be fertile anywhwere from cd15 to 21. so i'm hoping i didn't miss it yet but those temps seem to suggest oterhwise.

I see what you are saying about your chart, but I just don't understand why if that is true did you not get a pos OPK or ferning? And that would be early for you. I think it is still coming. Your temps do look much better this month through.

Have you had your thyroid checked? Your temps are like mine and are on the lower side of normal and your charts look similar to mine. Even if your levels are even slightly high, your ovulation can be completely messed up (last month my numbers were slightly high and I only had one somewhat good follicle on clomid- this month they are good and I had at least 4 with clomid), and mine didn't start messing up until after I stopped nursing. Do you get cold when others are comfortable or hot? Are you sleepy? Is it hard to loose or maintain weight? Do you have dry skin or hair?

AFM- Temps were good again this morning- 97.4 (.2 down from yesterday, but still like .7 above cover- plus Friday night P decided to sleep with us and I was too lazy to put him back in his bed). I was exhausted yesterday and have had more pulling (very slight). If this is not the cycle for my BFP, I may seriously loose my mind- I have high hopes though. Everything looks really good this cycle.
Mommy- did you test tonight?

Thought I would share a funny story: I have been obsessed with temping and took it after waking up from a nap ( yep so tired this afternoon I took a nap and was left alone for most of it). My temp ended up being like 94.1 and I freaked out until I remembered that before I took it I drank a glass of iced tea.

lol at least you figured it out!! i'd have done the same! How are your temps going??? hope they're staying up there!!!

i got ff that confirmed o'ing and i got partial ferning this am! so it's possible still it says that i could be fertile anywhwere from cd15 to 21. so i'm hoping i didn't miss it yet but those temps seem to suggest oterhwise.

I see what you are saying about your chart, but I just don't understand why if that is true did you not get a pos OPK or ferning? And that would be early for you. I think it is still coming. Your temps do look much better this month through.

Have you had your thyroid checked? Your temps are like mine and are on the lower side of normal and your charts look similar to mine. Even if your levels are even slightly high, your ovulation can be completely messed up (last month my numbers were slightly high and I only had one somewhat good follicle on clomid- this month they are good and I had at least 4 with clomid), and mine didn't start messing up until after I stopped nursing. Do you get cold when others are comfortable or hot? Are you sleepy? Is it hard to loose or maintain weight? Do you have dry skin or hair?

AFM- Temps were good again this morning- 97.4 (.2 down from yesterday, but still like .7 above cover- plus Friday night P decided to sleep with us and I was too lazy to put him back in his bed). I was exhausted yesterday and have had more pulling (very slight). If this is not the cycle for my BFP, I may seriously loose my mind- I have high hopes though. Everything looks really good this cycle.

good that you see what i see! yeah i don't know if i o'd yet or not. cramps are starting again this am too.

I had my thyroid checked in jan because of those reasons. I am cold a lot, and tired a lot. My hair however is very oily, but i do have dry skin. However, all of those things run in my family. Turned out i had a vit d deficiency. i've always wondered about my thyroid and was shocked when it came back normal! was always expecting to have issues.

awesome your temps are staying up! i know my pg cycle mine bounced up and down daily so i never really count on those temps as much, i just like them to confirm my o. So i wouldn't read too much into them. actually i had more dips with my pg cycle! so try to take it easy a bit, i know how hard that is. I have high hopes its if for you too!!! :)
good that you see what i see! yeah i don't know if i o'd yet or not. cramps are starting again this am too.

I had my thyroid checked in jan because of those reasons. I am cold a lot, and tired a lot. My hair however is very oily, but i do have dry skin. However, all of those things run in my family. Turned out i had a vit d deficiency. i've always wondered about my thyroid and was shocked when it came back normal! was always expecting to have issues.

awesome your temps are staying up! i know my pg cycle mine bounced up and down daily so i never really count on those temps as much, i just like them to confirm my o. So i wouldn't read too much into them. actually i had more dips with my pg cycle! so try to take it easy a bit, i know how hard that is. I have high hopes its if for you too!!! :)[/QUOTE]

What did they tell you was normal? A lot of doctors say normal if your TSH is off but T3 and T4 are fine (that's me and I need medicine). A lot will also say you are fine if your TSH is like 5, but it really needs to be closer to 3 or below for ovulation.

I think I have read that numbers will bounce around after O, but will stay above cover except some people have a one day drop below at implantation (but not all- some spike at implantation, some do nothing). Don't you just love how all medical information is ambiguous?
good that you see what i see! yeah i don't know if i o'd yet or not. cramps are starting again this am too.

I had my thyroid checked in jan because of those reasons. I am cold a lot, and tired a lot. My hair however is very oily, but i do have dry skin. However, all of those things run in my family. Turned out i had a vit d deficiency. i've always wondered about my thyroid and was shocked when it came back normal! was always expecting to have issues.

awesome your temps are staying up! i know my pg cycle mine bounced up and down daily so i never really count on those temps as much, i just like them to confirm my o. So i wouldn't read too much into them. actually i had more dips with my pg cycle! so try to take it easy a bit, i know how hard that is. I have high hopes its if for you too!!! :)

What did they tell you was normal? A lot of doctors say normal if your TSH is off but T3 and T4 are fine (that's me and I need medicine). A lot will also say you are fine if your TSH is like 5, but it really needs to be closer to 3 or below for ovulation.

I think I have read that numbers will bounce around after O, but will stay above cover except some people have a one day drop below at implantation (but not all- some spike at implantation, some do nothing). Don't you just love how all medical information is ambiguous?[/QUOTE]

i have the numbers here:

T4 free T4 - 1.1 (range of .8 - 1.8)
TSH is 1.31 (.40-4.50 normal)

actually that looks like all they did.
yeah. i have no idea. think the tired and stuff is the vit d. and the cold and others, i think is family related. we're just a bunch of weirdos. :)
yeah. i have no idea. think the tired and stuff is the vit d. and the cold and others, i think is family related. we're just a bunch of weirdos. :)

Lol...i have my fxed that you get your pos opk today. I had a really good feeling in church this morning during prayer.
Thanks mommyxofxone

My names Emma
Me and OH are trying for number two.
This will be our first month of trying.
Just finishing my last cycle, so CD20 at the mo.

I have a heart condition which should mean I get extra scans this time round as I'm on medication for it which could cause a low birth weight. So that will be monitored.

We are moving in October to our new house :)

Good luck to you all testing soon :) its such an exciting time.:dust:
yeah. i have no idea. think the tired and stuff is the vit d. and the cold and others, i think is family related. we're just a bunch of weirdos. :)

Lol...i have my fxed that you get your pos opk today. I had a really good feeling in church this morning during prayer.

wasn't sure i was going to test tonight dh said not to bother. But, after you saying that, makes me want to test to see if you're right! Highly doubt it's now though. Figured we would wait til tuesday and wed to test (cd20 &21) to try to stretch out those tests.
Mommy- I think you should test. If you don't then all you will do is obsess about if you miss it. ( I took an entire 3 months off testing and that is all I did).

Em- welcome to the group. You said you are cd 20? When will you test?

Afm- lots of tightness in my abdomen, but could just be left over from having to pee for an hour before being able to stop and do so.

Rozz and morgan- how are you doing?
Mommy- I think you should test. If you don't then all you will do is obsess about if you miss it. ( I took an entire 3 months off testing and that is all I did).

Em- welcome to the group. You said you are cd 20? When will you test?

Afm- lots of tightness in my abdomen, but could just be left over from having to pee for an hour before being able to stop and do so.

Rozz and morgan- how are you doing?

tested. negative. even lighter than before. :/
Mommy- I think you should test. If you don't then all you will do is obsess about if you miss it. ( I took an entire 3 months off testing and that is all I did).

Em- welcome to the group. You said you are cd 20? When will you test?

Afm- lots of tightness in my abdomen, but could just be left over from having to pee for an hour before being able to stop and do so.

Rozz and morgan- how are you doing?

Not this cycle, (as that's my July one just finishing) my body is annoying and is overlapping months haha. So I'm TTC August, from about 11th onwards (should ov around the 20th ish) so testing around 8th september when I'm due on my period but we'll see! :thumbup:

Mommy- I think you should test. If you don't then all you will do is obsess about if you miss it. ( I took an entire 3 months off testing and that is all I did).

Em- welcome to the group. You said you are cd 20? When will you test?

Afm- lots of tightness in my abdomen, but could just be left over from having to pee for an hour before being able to stop and do so.

Rozz and morgan- how are you doing?

All good here. Tempted to use opk but think I will wait to Wednesday to start using them.

Feeling really relaxed this month, hubby and I have both been stressed at work and it's on the improve so really hoping we end up winning on all fronts ;)

Had a call from the High Risk clinic today re trip to South America but I couldn't take it so will follow up tomorrow :)

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