My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

I would wait to see what your temps do.. Make sure they're accurate and maybe don't test if they plummet and do if they stay high! Good luck sweetie wishing you lots of luck!!
ROZZER BE FOREWARNED!!! I used the FR OPK's this cycle too, and they were SUPER sensitive! Like by the time I started to test (13DPO) they were blaring positives, which is normally early for me. Then I realized they just pick up my "pre-surge" better than the other ones I've used.. But yeah they also had that WEIRD solid line to the left of the test line, is that what you mean? Mine did that once they had gone negative (but like I said I never saw the LH build, just the surge!) so I'd say you're gearing up to O! When they're pos, you'll know it!

Ummm, my line is all one line but half of it is the same colour (approx 1.5mm) and the rest is lighter. I am hoping to steal hubby computer this evening and post so you can see what I mean :)

Mommy - hang in there! I'm with overwhelmed - if your temp stays up, test and if not see how you go. You're not out until the :witch: turns up!

Mommy and overwhelmed - how long are your cycles? Mine seem to be getting longer, so if it takes us a few cycles we might get to do one together, lol!
I've finally figured out how to post the images online! Yay!

This is my weird, half line opk. What do you think?? Any opinions much appreciated!
This one too, just for the sake of completeness!

this is the one from this afternoon, other one is from last night.

Tonight's one is definitely lighter!
Sorry to be a post hog...but have checked online and it says for most opks as long as at least half the test line is as dark as control then it's positive.

Bearing that in mind...what do you think??
i'm super nervous about the test in the morning. like i had been so positive and confident. and now? i am thinking why bother, i'm just going to get a bfn.

Your numbers and all still look positive. Your temps are still high- mine dropped. Don't judge yours off of mine. Go for it and let us know. Good luck fxed.

Afm- weird that although my temps dropped they are still above cover. 97.4 today. I am starting to wonder if my o day was Aug. 1 and the first little rise was something like my thyroid finally working again. I still have my fxed for you all and am praying for us.
Rozzer- I cannot see the pictures. I'm on my phone so I will try again on my lap top tonight. My cycles are looking like 28 right now. But they were all over the place before clomid.
:bfn: ladies.

pissed because asked dh to let me know the other day, if he doesn't see me temping to tell me to temp! so he didn't, went to work, i woke at 715 temped, of course way higher at 97.8 and i tested anyway. 12dpo. Before dd i had a 13 day lp. But last month it's saying i had a 14lp. do you think there is any chance i could just be too early?

trying to have a bit of hope but at the same time it's like... wow, that was SO white, i couldn't even get a fake line eye.

Down about it.
:hugs: I'm sorry sweetie :/

One thing though- I always temp between %:45 and &:30 (which is a large range) but have never noticed a temp difference? Are you sure your temp is high from waking just a bit later? Just saying, don't lose hope over something that I think may be a real high temp!

It is stinky I know, but there's not much to do til tomorrow. I would def wait this one out.. a day or so isn't too bad. Watch your temps, they will tell the tale. Did you use a FRER? I believe that only FRER's can detect a pregnancy before 12DPO, bc when I was pregnant all of the other brands were neg at 12DPO..
Rozzer- I am a pro at those! Those are both negative :) Trust me, Answer brand tells you right when you need to know.. keep posting them I'll tell you when I think it's good!

I thought you had First Resp?

Correction*** though- That OPK DEF shows that your LH is rising.. so you can begin the BD, I just wanted you to know that is not a full positive YET!
:hugs: I'm sorry sweetie :/

One thing though- I always temp between %:45 and &:30 (which is a large range) but have never noticed a temp difference? Are you sure your temp is high from waking just a bit later? Just saying, don't lose hope over something that I think may be a real high temp!

It is stinky I know, but there's not much to do til tomorrow. I would def wait this one out.. a day or so isn't too bad. Watch your temps, they will tell the tale. Did you use a FRER? I believe that only FRER's can detect a pregnancy before 12DPO, bc when I was pregnant all of the other brands were neg at 12DPO..

lol no i didn't use a FRER I used the same test i got my positive on 12dpo with dd, my earlypregnancy ones. I tested on 12dpo because i got that last time with dd. So i was realllllly hoping. ANd yeah actually for me i test between 5-6 which is usually the same but i go all the way to 7something it's usually way higher. :(
Oh rly? Maybe I should check into this bc I've had some weirdly high ones after waking a tad bit later, too. Lol to be honest, temps are so confusing. Easy to take but so hard to interpret!!!
that pregnology site you showed me overwhelemd is saying af is due on friday, and i'm testing too early. an ovulation ticker
It just uses one day before your scheduled AF as test day, that's why!
Mommy- I wouldn't get too down. It is still early and your temps are still high. Stay upbeat and test again in a few days.

Question: anyone know why I got AF but my temps are still up at 97.4? Doesn't make sense.
Morgan - this looks better, right?

Mommy - hang in there! You definitely could have tested too early.

OW - my temp doesn't drop until 2 days in to AF
Cd5 today official end of AF.
TTC starts from today!
Temps dropped this morning- 96.4. I think I am going to do the clomid day 3-7 this month. Dr has been telling me to do 5-9, but I have read that some people have greater results with 3-7: what do you all think.

Em- I am cd3 so right behind you.

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