My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

Tomorrow is my first day with kids, but I know 50 of the 62 already so it will be nice to see them all again.

No idea with the clomid switch when o will come. I hope it is a little earlier since I think my LP is short(11days). I oed the last two months on day 17/18 so I hope it is closer to 15/16 this time. I have to wait til two days off clomid to start opks or I can get a false positive, so I will start to test on Tuesday. When are you going to test? When are you expecting o? How many more days of AF do yoy think you have?

I am going to do the musinex thing this month too. I have been having some weird o like cramping today on and off, which is odd. Wonder if it is just BC of clomid earlier.

Well, last time i o'd on cd 15, so 10 days til that, so like thurs the 29th and af should leave wed. i hope. could have super light days the next three days but i'm expecting her to hang around til then. I also guess we'll have to change the name of the thread again, as we'll all be testing in sept right? and just checked, annnnnnd fri the 13th at 30 days, is really when af should be due, so if i don't get it then, i'll test that weekend.
Woohoo for September Ladies. We had one in August- lets go for all in September. I have expected AF Sept. 9th, which is my birthday. Hopefully I will get a bfp as my birthday present.

Done with clomid. Start taking musinex tomorrow and bding on a regular basis. Start opks tomorrow too. Doctor is next Monday and I think I will ask for a trigger shot. Had more of that weird o like pain today on and off- I read it is the follicles growing and is common on clomid.

How is everyone else doing today?
Woohoo for September Ladies. We had one in August- lets go for all in September. I have expected AF Sept. 9th, which is my birthday. Hopefully I will get a bfp as my birthday present.

Done with clomid. Start taking musinex tomorrow and bding on a regular basis. Start opks tomorrow too. Doctor is next Monday and I think I will ask for a trigger shot. Had more of that weird o like pain today on and off- I read it is the follicles growing and is common on clomid.

How is everyone else doing today?

woo hoo to starting opks! i may take photos and share with you ladies to help me not miss it this time. And, i'm still on af. poooop.

My bday is the 16th! and our anniversary is the 15th! so i'm testing the day before and hoping for an anniversary present for dh. :) I wouldn't tell him til sunday i think. IF i was pregnant.

other than that just hanging out.
That would be a lovely present mommyxofxone

Overwhelmed : I'm not sure about the supplements you are taking so can't really comment but I do hope you get a birthday BFP :)

Im having lower abdomen aches, heavy, pulling. I haven't had o pains for years since having my implant put in. Due to ov in a few days but that's only been based on one ov and two periods since July.
I have sore boobs, i'm really cranky and I feel sick!

However, not reading too much into any of the above because:
I always have sore boobs for whole 2ww based on last couple of cycles
Had a crappy day
Just ate 2 chocolate crackles with sprinkles.

I think I'm going to test on 27 or 29 August - 12 or 14dpo. Or maybe I should try to hold out for 1Sept :winkwink:
hey ladies. don't have time to catch up properly, dd wants to go go go!! will try to catch up later!!!
That would be a lovely present mommyxofxone

Overwhelmed : I'm not sure about the supplements you are taking so can't really comment but I do hope you get a birthday BFP :)

Im having lower abdomen aches, heavy, pulling. I haven't had o pains for years since having my implant put in. Due to ov in a few days but that's only been based on one ov and two periods since July.

Woooo hoooo getting ready to o huh? that's awesome!

I have sore boobs, i'm really cranky and I feel sick!

However, not reading too much into any of the above because:
I always have sore boobs for whole 2ww based on last couple of cycles
Had a crappy day
Just ate 2 chocolate crackles with sprinkles.

I think I'm going to test on 27 or 29 August - 12 or 14dpo. Or maybe I should try to hold out for 1Sept :winkwink:

And i think those test times are good. I'm going to put you down for the 1st ok?

i'm so very tired today! but i don't know why!!!
That would be a lovely present mommyxofxone

Overwhelmed : I'm not sure about the supplements you are taking so can't really comment but I do hope you get a birthday BFP :)

Im having lower abdomen aches, heavy, pulling. I haven't had o pains for years since having my implant put in. Due to ov in a few days but that's only been based on one ov and two periods since July.

Woooo hoooo getting ready to o huh? that's awesome!

I have sore boobs, i'm really cranky and I feel sick!

However, not reading too much into any of the above because:
I always have sore boobs for whole 2ww based on last couple of cycles
Had a crappy day
Just ate 2 chocolate crackles with sprinkles.

I think I'm going to test on 27 or 29 August - 12 or 14dpo. Or maybe I should try to hold out for 1Sept :winkwink:

And i think those test times are good. I'm going to put you down for the 1st ok?

i'm so very tired today! but i don't know why!!!

That's fine - although I'm totally likely to cave earlier!! :)
Mommy- hopefully we will both have bfps as presents.

Emma- sounds like o is right around the corner.

Rozzer- those are all good signs. Sorry to hear you had a crummy day.

Afm- neg opo today, but that was expected- only cd9. Less pain today or maybe just busy. Cm is starting to get more in supply and getting closer to the right consistency.
that would be great wouldn't it? and af is supposed to be gone tomorrow!!!!! :dance:
Hi ladies, could I join?

I am hoping to be able to test in September but I am currently waiting for AF to show up so I can start a new cycle. I've been having a heck of a time getting my cycles to regulate after being on depo and bcp for the last 2.5 years. I am currently on cd 63 and started taking vitex yesterday so hopefully that will help bring on AF and get my next cycle started (and shorter would be great!). I guess if I start AF in the next week or 2, I will aim to test around the end of September even though I will not really know when I am officially late. I started charting BBT and will be using OPKs next cycle.

Baby dust to all you deserving women!
Hi ladies, could I join?

I am hoping to be able to test in September but I am currently waiting for AF to show up so I can start a new cycle. I've been having a heck of a time getting my cycles to regulate after being on depo and bcp for the last 2.5 years. I am currently on cd 63 and started taking vitex yesterday so hopefully that will help bring on AF and get my next cycle started (and shorter would be great!). I guess if I start AF in the next week or 2, I will aim to test around the end of September even though I will not really know when I am officially late. I started charting BBT and will be using OPKs next cycle.

Baby dust to all you deserving women!

:wave: welcome hun!!!! glad to have you!

hope everyone is well today. af is officially gone. thank goodness.

going on vacay tonight, and need to get packing, but i have a migraine and moving makes my head hurt, so i've been sitting here in pain!!!
Thanks! I'm sorry you have a migraine, they are the worst...hope you feel better by tonight and have a great time on vacation !
Lota-welcome. Hope the shot works and you get your af(probably one of the few times you want AF when ttcing).

Mommy- hooray for no more AF and for vacay. Have fun.

Nothin new here. Beg opk but not expecting o til like Tuesday anyway.
I'm 7dpo today.

I feel like this is it but am trying not to get my hopes up too much and not stressing.
I am feeling impatient and want to test! Roll on next week!
Thanks overwhelmed - I feel so silly complaining to people that i have not had my period but I just want to start fresh!

Rozzer - fx'd you get your BFP soon!
Mommy - have a wonderful vacay!

Lota - welcome!

Afm - we have hit a snag here. Took DS to the dr today as he was covered in red marks and dh was convinced it was chicken pox. Luckily it wasn't but the dr said we need to get vaccinated, especially before I get pregnant (long story short - DS had a measles scare, very bad times in a premmie, hospital stay and immunoglobin transfusion...I got tested for my immunity to childhood diseases and while I am immune to measles, I'm not immune to chicken pox).

I told the dr we are trying and he said I can't get the vaccination if pregnant. We are booked in (DS and I) for jabs next Thursday, the day AF is due, so I should hopefully know either way by then but if I get the vaccination I need the second one in 6weeks so that puts me out for the next cycle.

I don't know what to hope for as apparently if you get chicken pox in pregnancy it can cause complications and goodness knows I had enough of those last time without cp. And last time I didn't have much to do with children but this time I have a very busy and active toddler.

I know there is nothing to do but wait...and try not to worry. Sigh, could do without this!

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