My ~*January*~ Testing Ladies, on our way to our BFP!

Lota- I didn't get AF for almost 2 years with P and it was spotty ever since until I started clomid, so I feel your pain.

Rozzer- stay strong. God has a plan. We may not always agree with it but it is there for a reason. However it works out it will eventually be for the best.

Afm- blinky smile face today- hopefully I don't get the full smile until Monday (that's my doctor).
I feel very discouraged. After feeling quite positive about this month, I caved and tested last night with an ic. Hubby and I both thought we *might* see something. I didn't get too excited but tested this morning with fmu on a frer and :bfn:

However, that was at 4am so when I woke again at 9am I did a different ic and again think I *might* see a hint of something.

I know I'm testing early at 10dpo and implantation, if it happened, might have only been yesterday (most common day according to countdowntopregnancy) and I got a bfn with DS before getting my bfp at 13 days after conception (I know this because we were long distance so it HAD to be that day) but I feel like I'm clutching at straws, and in need of the TTC equivalent of He's just not that into you ie if he's not calling you, he's not into you...if your test gives you a bfn, then you're just not pregnant. Why do women do this to themselves?

Hubby is not helping. He thinks I'm nuts for making him look over and over at the test last night and told me he thinks we're not pregnant.

I know whether I get pregnant this cycle has NOTHING to do with when I test and I think I am just hoping so much because I really don't want to have to miss next cycle with this stupid chicken pox vaccine. 6 weeks feels like forever to someone who is TTC.

I'm trying to look at the positives: gives us time to get into a better financial position, I might get to tick off some career goals before we have our next baby, I'll have more leave, it gives me 6 weeks to get healthy and lose some of the 10kg I have put on since last year.

Some how, none of that makes me feel any better :(
Oh sweetie- it is still early, hang in there. I know what you mean by the he's just not that into you metaphor. Sometimes it feels like we are stalking someone who is just not into us. Whatever happens it will be for the best. Just keep up the hope.
Ok, weirdly I am now feeling a lot more chilled about today.

Took DS to brunch with two close friends and when I got home at 1:30pm I had two spots of red cm on my liner (sorry for the tmi). My initial thought was AF was starting early (according to ff not due until Thurs/Fri, but that's with a 14 day LP. Ovufriend and Ctp thought I had a 10/11 day LP last month, in which case AF was almost bang on time.

I have been almost religiously checking but there has been no more spots and no blood around my cervix (more tmi, sorry). And it's now 9:30pm

I also couldn't eat the bacon dh made for breakfast, or the stir fry he made for dinner because they were way too salty. And I am normally the queen of salt.

I don't know if this is good or not, but I am much more relaxed and realise there is nothing I can do now to change things so I just need to go with the flow (or rather, hopefully not lol!)

Plus either way I can't test until Wed so the need to poas has abated.

Whew! Just going to be zen and chilled and see how things go ( hope this lasts!)
Rozz - sounding positive! Only a few more days then test again xx
Lota-welcome. Hope the shot works and you get your af(probably one of the few times you want AF when ttcing).

Mommy- hooray for no more AF and for vacay. Have fun.

Nothin new here. Beg opk but not expecting o til like Tuesday anyway.

expecting o here on thurs. starting to get mild o cramps already this cycle.

Mommy - have a wonderful vacay!

Lota - welcome!

Afm - we have hit a snag here. Took DS to the dr today as he was covered in red marks and dh was convinced it was chicken pox. Luckily it wasn't but the dr said we need to get vaccinated, especially before I get pregnant (long story short - DS had a measles scare, very bad times in a premmie, hospital stay and immunoglobin transfusion...I got tested for my immunity to childhood diseases and while I am immune to measles, I'm not immune to chicken pox).

I told the dr we are trying and he said I can't get the vaccination if pregnant. We are booked in (DS and I) for jabs next Thursday, the day AF is due, so I should hopefully know either way by then but if I get the vaccination I need the second one in 6weeks so that puts me out for the next cycle.

I don't know what to hope for as apparently if you get chicken pox in pregnancy it can cause complications and goodness knows I had enough of those last time without cp. And last time I didn't have much to do with children but this time I have a very busy and active toddler.

I know there is nothing to do but wait...and try not to worry. Sigh, could do without this!

oh no hun that sucks!!! i'm so sorry! but better to get it now i guess. i had the chicken pox twice as a child. did you have to ask for test to check for childhood disease immunity? or is that something they run standard? Just curious because i don't remember having it done or being told if they did have it done.

I feel very discouraged. After feeling quite positive about this month, I caved and tested last night with an ic. Hubby and I both thought we *might* see something. I didn't get too excited but tested this morning with fmu on a frer and :bfn:

However, that was at 4am so when I woke again at 9am I did a different ic and again think I *might* see a hint of something.

I know I'm testing early at 10dpo and implantation, if it happened, might have only been yesterday (most common day according to countdowntopregnancy) and I got a bfn with DS before getting my bfp at 13 days after conception (I know this because we were long distance so it HAD to be that day) but I feel like I'm clutching at straws, and in need of the TTC equivalent of He's just not that into you ie if he's not calling you, he's not into you...if your test gives you a bfn, then you're just not pregnant. Why do women do this to themselves?

Hubby is not helping. He thinks I'm nuts for making him look over and over at the test last night and told me he thinks we're not pregnant.

I know whether I get pregnant this cycle has NOTHING to do with when I test and I think I am just hoping so much because I really don't want to have to miss next cycle with this stupid chicken pox vaccine. 6 weeks feels like forever to someone who is TTC.

I'm trying to look at the positives: gives us time to get into a better financial position, I might get to tick off some career goals before we have our next baby, I'll have more leave, it gives me 6 weeks to get healthy and lose some of the 10kg I have put on since last year.

Some how, none of that makes me feel any better :(

i'm so sorry hun. remember, i got a neg at 10dpo with dd and a pos at 12dpo. when is af due again?

Ok, weirdly I am now feeling a lot more chilled about today.

Took DS to brunch with two close friends and when I got home at 1:30pm I had two spots of red cm on my liner (sorry for the tmi). My initial thought was AF was starting early (according to ff not due until Thurs/Fri, but that's with a 14 day LP. Ovufriend and Ctp thought I had a 10/11 day LP last month, in which case AF was almost bang on time.

I have been almost religiously checking but there has been no more spots and no blood around my cervix (more tmi, sorry). And it's now 9:30pm

I also couldn't eat the bacon dh made for breakfast, or the stir fry he made for dinner because they were way too salty. And I am normally the queen of salt.

I don't know if this is good or not, but I am much more relaxed and realise there is nothing I can do now to change things so I just need to go with the flow (or rather, hopefully not lol!)

Plus either way I can't test until Wed so the need to poas has abated.

Whew! Just going to be zen and chilled and see how things go ( hope this lasts!)

proud of you for being chill and not testing again. I"m like you though, one neg just kind of makes me really really not want to test at all again. terrible.

Hope all you ladies are well, we're home, very happy about that. dd asked to go to bed, and dh passed out on the couch. im just hanging out and catching up with bnb!

cd 11 here, O should be on cd 15 (thurs) so starting my first opk of the week tonight. back to reg. temping and ferning scope in the am. :)
Mommy- welcome back.

I am having o cramping too, but still no pos opk- I am on day 14. I have my doctor tomorrow after work. If I don't have a pos opk tomorrow morning, I am going to ask about the trigger shot and extending my LP (mine has only been like 11 days).
did my first opk today too- and neg. but the line is starting so that's good at least
oh that's great overwhelmed!!!!! I got partial ferning this morning, so hoping i'm still on track to o on cd 15 since they say it can occur 3-4 days from o, on either side. wonder if it'll be like last time? I also now caught it early enough that i can tell it's definitely PARTIAL and i will know what full looks like when i hit that. Soon i hope.

we dtd last night and will again tomorrow (as we're doing eod) and then thursday will be O day hopefully so we can hit those three nights and use our softcups.

really hoping it's our month (for all of us!!!)

@emmalou how are you feeling?

@rozzer your chart looks great!!! (from what i can see lol)
You ladies deserve your BFP with all the effort that is going into it :flower:

I'm feeling ok thanks mommyxofxone
My boobs are feeling a bit sensitive but it's only 2dpo so I doubt it's anything haha.
Tomorrow at work, and the next three days settling in DD to her new nursery so that'll take my mind off it x
no matter what i try to do i never can seem to get my mind off it!!!
Think Im going to go crazy - all I do is trawl through buggies, cots and baby clothes on the web... I nuts already
Mommy - welcome back! The only reason I got the tests for immunity to childhood diseases is my premmie son got exposed to measles during an epidemic, which was a huge mare at the time! It was done as a precaution.

Overwhelmed - yay for pos opk, good luck at dr!

Emalou - have fun at work!

Afm - had a redder tinged cm overnight and temp drop today. Although it is freezing here. I have no idea what's going on but think AF may show soon :(
Mommy- sounds good. I still don't understand the ferning thing. What is a partial?

Rozzer- could be an implantation dip?

Ema- good luck at work

Afm- doc apt went well- one follicle this time at 2.2. Doc said I should o tonight. Interestingly enough he said that temps are not all that accurate. He said sometimes it can take a couple days to go up after ovulation.
Mommy - welcome back! The only reason I got the tests for immunity to childhood diseases is my premmie son got exposed to measles during an epidemic, which was a huge mare at the time! It was done as a precaution.

Overwhelmed - yay for pos opk, good luck at dr!

Emalou - have fun at work!

Afm - had a redder tinged cm overnight and temp drop today. Although it is freezing here. I have no idea what's going on but think AF may show soon :(

oh no, fx'd that it was a fluke and not af.

Mommy- sounds good. I still don't understand the ferning thing. What is a partial?

Rozzer- could be an implantation dip?

Ema- good luck at work

Afm- doc apt went well- one follicle this time at 2.2. Doc said I should o tonight. Interestingly enough he said that temps are not all that accurate. He said sometimes it can take a couple days to go up after ovulation.

partial just means well, it's not full ferning... Full ferning is where it looks like a fern plant on your microscope, and partial means only part of it is fern like and there are blotches in other places, so not complete fern plant.. and that means O is coming but you're not fertile yet. but usually you are 3-4 days after you first see partial ferning. Sooooo soooon!!!

And wow about the temps going up a couple days, very very odd!!!! and what does the folicle mean?
Overwhelmed - yay for o tonight. Exciting!! :)

Mommy - hope for a full fern soon!

Afm - more on and off spotting during the day, very very light (and nothing like my period) and it seems to have stopped now. I have no idea what's going on!
Mum thought it might be something trying to implant which hasn't taken?

AF due on Thursday, so I guess I just wait and see and hope for no more spotting and a temp rise tomorrow!
Hi ladies..just checking in, cd 69 here. I have on and off cramps all the time which always makes me think af is about to show and then nothing happens :(

rozzer - fx'd the witch stays away and you get your BFP this month!

mommy - yay for the partial, better get to BDing

emalou - I feel the same way when I catch myself on the internet with a whole shopping cart of baby stuff!!
@rozzer oh fx'd it's implantation!!! it looks like a minor temp dip in your chart today? very hard to see on the thumbnail, but hoping you get that bfp soon. are you testing soon?

@lota cd 69?! my gosh!!! i can't believe still no sign of anything?! i really hope something happens for you soon, i'd be insane by now.

afm, this morning cp is lower, ferning is getting fuller and better so hopefully tomorrow or thursday i'll get the all clear from that I SHOULD be o'ing on thursday, so we're going to dtd wed-sun if we can, to try to make sure we catch it, and use softcups. Will be starting opks twice a day tomorrow and thursday (as i don't have a ton) and hopefully will catch the surge this time.

any sign of overwhelmed? Hey did you get to bd last evening hun?

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